GOP effort to stop illegal immigrants being counted for House districts, Electoral College shot down in Senate

Immigration, as important as it certainly is, is not my singular primary issue in the upcoming election. It is just the one most likely to see me posting against an actual Biden policy, or lack of a coherent one, as the case may be.

I guess your single issue is hating Trump and anyone who votes for him.

Or is it demanding that people believe women can have penises?
You are old and mentally decript, yes, but that much? I did not think so. I stand corrected.

Fuck off, mouth breather.

It could be done with the proper will and the proper people running things.

Start small, get rid of all the criminals, then the single males, then the families with no anchor kids, then give the families with anchor kids a choice, leave their kids here with legal relatives, let them be wards of the State, or take them back with them. Those kids can come back if they want to when they are adults.
I guess your single issue is hating Trump and anyone who votes for him.

Or is it demanding that people believe women can have penises?
I don't hate trump. I simply think he is not psychologically nor ethically suitable for the job. I certainly do not hate trump voters. Some of my very best friends and relatives are trump voters, and their voting trump is not a big consideration. They are normal, unlike many on here (a political oriented message board), so naturally they do not hold it against me, I am not.

I take it, who somebody votes for is a big deal, in your personal relationships, and more important than history, shared experience and times coming to one another's aid. How weird!
The sheer volume of it...

Identifying, rounding up, having hearings on, 16 million people?

We can't deport 400,000 now. It would take 40 years, and that assumes no more come in.

Every time you guys get hysterical about an undocumented person who gets into a car accident, you whine about how they were deported six times previously.
I don't hate trump. I simply think he is not psychologically nor ethically suitable for the job. I certainly do not hate trump voters. Some of my very best friends and relatives are trump voters, and their voting trump is not a big consideration. They are normal, unlike many on here (a political oriented message board), so naturally they do not hold it against me, I am not.

I take it, who somebody votes for is a big deal, in your personal relationships, and more important than history, shared experience and times coming to one another's aid. How weird!

I vote for the person who I think will head the country in the direction I want it to go. I am not asking them to marry into my family.

I have more non Trump or even Republican friends than not, part of living in NY.
The sheer volume of it...

Identifying, rounding up, having hearings on, 16 million people?

We can't deport 400,000 now. It would take 40 years, and that assumes no more come in.

Every time you guys get hysterical about an undocumented person who gets into a car accident, you whine about how they were deported six times previously.

Not with that attitude.

Well getting rid of them is issue 1, stopping them from coming here is issue 2, or more like 1b.

It becomes 1a when we really get into deporting people.

All the restrictions we face are self inflicted, either through lack of will, or by lawyer maneuvers from the amnesty for all crowd.
We have not the means and facilities and money or the will of the people or Congress to make it happen.

The will of the people to do it is growing more and more every day.

That will create the means and facilities. And since we are already spending money on keeping them here, getting rid of them can be funded via that money chain.
I vote for the person who I think will head the country in the direction I want it to go. I am not asking them to marry into my family.

I have more non Trump or even Republican friends than not, part of living in NY.
You live in New York? Surprising.
Not with that attitude.

Well getting rid of them is issue 1, stopping them from coming here is issue 2, or more like 1b.

It becomes 1a when we really get into deporting people.

All the restrictions we face are self inflicted, either through lack of will, or by lawyer maneuvers from the amnesty for all crowd.

Yes, heaven forbid we don't act like Nazi Germany.
Yep. and I've noticed more and more people getting sick of Democrat Progressive bullshit.
I'm really not surprised. I always assume some conservative people lived there, even though it is the extremes, the nut ball, the criminals, the strange public servants(?) in that crowded city and state that make the headlines. Not sure what keeps you there or kept you there, but that is your business.
I'm really not surprised. I always assume some conservative people lived there, even though it is the extremes, the nut ball, the criminals, the strange public servants(?) in that crowded city and state that make the headlines. Not sure what keeps you there or kept you there, but that is your business.


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