Elon says 2024 my be last election decided by American citizens

In a state supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020, after a 3:26 A.M., November 4th, absentee ballot dump of 170,000 votes from a missing flash drive, with all precincts reporting and with President Trump comfortably ahead, absentee ballots being sent to an address other than that of the voter is a very serious matter (WISC)
The House of Representatives passed a measure that would require the nation's decennial census count to include a component for respondents to indicate whether they and those in their household are U.S. citizens. The measure would require the exclusion of noncitizens from the figures used in determining each state's number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. The number of House seats in a state also impacts how much influence that state will have on the outcome of presidential elections.

Musk was worried that without passing the House bill to exclude noncitizens from the figures used in determining the number of House seats in a state, populous Democratic states such as New York and California will gain more House seats in the near future, which also affects the outcome of presidential elections. Understandably, all Democrats opposed the measure.

In a state supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020, after a 3:26 A.M., November 4th, absentee ballot dump of 170,000 votes from a missing flash drive, with all precincts reporting and with President Trump comfortably ahead, absentee ballots being sent to an address other than that of the voter is a very serious matter (WISC)

Another day, another delusion, huh?

Business magnate Elon Musk has suggested that because the U.S. is being inundated by illegal aliens, the 2024 election will likley be the last in which the results are determined by American citizens.

"Given the massive influx of illegals from every country on Earth, 2024 will probably be the last election actually decided by US citizens," Musk tweeted.

The House of Representatives passed a measure that would require the nation's decennial census count to include a component for respondents to indicate whether they and those in their household are U.S. citizens. The measure would require the exclusion of noncitizens from the figures used in determining each state's number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. The number of House seats in a state also impacts how much influence that state will have on the outcome of presidential elections.

The vote was 206-202, strictly along party lines, with Republicans supporting passage and Democrats voting against the measure.

"Unanimous Democrat opposition to requiring citizenship for apportionment of House seats and Presidential electoral college votes says it all," Musk tweeted. "The Democratic Party goal is to disenfranchise US citizens by importing as many illegal immigrants as possible," he added.

It's not rocket science

The interesting question will be, will the DNC form a slave block of voters with Hispanics like they did with Blacks? The assumption is they will. it would be hilarious if the opposite happened, however.

What's the evidence that massive numbers of illegals are voting? When asked on the topic, Mike Johnson said that 'we intuitively know' that illegals are voting.

'intuitively know' is called your imagination. And of course, Elon has jackshit. Just his imagination.

Show us the evidence that illegals are voting in a number that would change the outcome of say, the presidential election.

I don't care what you feel, snowflake. I can what you can prove. Show me.

Business magnate Elon Musk has suggested that because the U.S. is being inundated by illegal aliens, the 2024 election will likley be the last in which the results are determined by American citizens.

"Given the massive influx of illegals from every country on Earth, 2024 will probably be the last election actually decided by US citizens," Musk tweeted.

The House of Representatives passed a measure that would require the nation's decennial census count to include a component for respondents to indicate whether they and those in their household are U.S. citizens. The measure would require the exclusion of noncitizens from the figures used in determining each state's number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. The number of House seats in a state also impacts how much influence that state will have on the outcome of presidential elections.

The vote was 206-202, strictly along party lines, with Republicans supporting passage and Democrats voting against the measure.

"Unanimous Democrat opposition to requiring citizenship for apportionment of House seats and Presidential electoral college votes says it all," Musk tweeted. "The Democratic Party goal is to disenfranchise US citizens by importing as many illegal immigrants as possible," he added.

It's not rocket science

The interesting question will be, will the DNC form a slave block of voters with Hispanics like they did with Blacks? The assumption is they will. it would be hilarious if the opposite happened, however.
Nobody with a brain gives a shit what Musk has to say.
Democracy has come to mean vote democrat.

Only a one-party rule now represents democracy.
/----/ democRATs want mob rule.
Correct, and yet you retards keep falling for it over and over. Illegals cannot vote nor will they be legally doing so. It's unconstitutional and there is no evidence whatsoever that they have been doing this in numbers with any significance to sway an election.
Biden said the Hispanics will be the majority by 2040. Your tax dollars will make sure they will vote democrat. Your country´s future is in question.
Feel free to provide it at anytime, cultist
Have you seen GA.? Nothing but evidence of an election that should have never been certified. Certifying it was the fraud. Over 300,000 ballot images missing, no signature verification and chain of custody issues. All proven.
Biden said the Hispanics will be the majority by 2040. Your tax dollars will make sure they will vote democrat. Your country´s future is in question.

Which has nothing to do with anything I said.

And if you're concerned about Hispanics voting Democratic, maybe your party should do a better job appealing to them.
Which has nothing to do with anything I said.

And if you're concerned about Hispanics voting Democratic, maybe your party should do a better job appealing to them.
What about GA.? There is no way and there was no way to declare a winner. It has been proven the SOS knew about the complete shit the election was and certified it anyway. Biden DID NOT win that state legally. Period.
Which has nothing to do with anything I said.

And if you're concerned about Hispanics voting Democratic, maybe your party should do a better job appealing to them.
Trump has already done that. Do you live in reality? Does not seem like it. Don't forget about GA.
I would add, a press that is biased to vote only one way for whatever reasons.
Well in the first place that isn’t true. The reason most members of the press vote for democrats and moderates is because you guys suck.

"Intelligent People have dominated the media and academia for a very long time now."
Intelligent enough to be thoroughly dishonest, unfair, malicious, destructive I suppose.

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