Non-citizens are canceling out the votes of American citizens

Are ballots coming with no envelopes?

Is that what you are claiming?

You know bar codes are scanned and associated with the name on the envelope right?

After that the vote can be tracked by the bar code.

You should take a training class on mail in votes because you don't seem to have the slightest idea how it works.

If you want I can recommend some websites for you so you can educate yourself.

Just let me know. You're welcome.

I said once ripped open and accepted into the ballot pile, ballots are untraceable YOU DENSE TROUBLEMAKING FOOL! I know all about it since NOV 2020. I am consistent and informed. 147K mail in ballots accepted into GA (Fulton). W/o SIG review as they claime the machine was not working in Court, get off me you HOG!

Reported in GA were stacks of unfolded mail-in, yes. It happens. 10%-25% fraud in 2020.. 309K missing scans! Everyyone knows but your dumb ARSE.
I said once ripped open and accepted into the ballot pile, ballots are untraceable YOU DENSE TROUBLEMAKING FOOL! I know all about it since NOV 2020. I am consistent and informed. 147K mail in ballots accepted into GA (Fulton). W/o SIG review as they claime the machine was not working in Court, get off me you HOG!

They are traceable. I told you the bar codes are scanned and matched to the name on the envelope. You thought they were just lost in a vacuum? ROFL.

I recommend nobody get voting process advice from left-winger. Lol.

Link? Preferably with the outcome of the court case.

Reported in GA were stacks of unfolded mail-in, yes. It happens. 10%-25% fraud in 2020.. 309K missing scans! Everyyone knows but your dumb ARSE.
Link? Preferably with the outcome of the court case.
They are traceable. I told you the bar codes are scanned and matched to the name on the envelope. You thought they were just lost in a vacuum? ROFL.

I recommend nobody get voting process advice from left-winger. Lol.

Link? Preferably with the outcome of the court case.

Link? Preferably with the outcome of the court case.

Once “accepted” all Ballots are untraceable to a name in every state I know about. Probably all by Law.

In almost every state, mailed ballots can be tracked online through a unique bar code on the envelope, allowing voters to watch the movement of their ballot until it is counted.

Stupid Marxist OX.

Once “accepted” all Ballots are untraceable to a name in every state I know about. Probably all by Law.

Name one.

In almost every state, mailed ballots can be tracked online through a unique bar code on the envelope, allowing voters to watch the movement of their ballot until it is counted.

Stupid Marxist OX.
Yep. So? Why would voters need to know what happened after that?

Regardless, this isn't about what voters can track, it's about what election officials track.

Did you find links to your two claims yet?
Name one.

Yep. So? Why would voters need to know what happened after that?

Regardless, this isn't about what voters can track, it's about what election officials track.

Did you find links to your two claims yet?

Ballots are not traceable to any name. You can’t have Obiden making a target list. EVERYONE KNOWS BUT YOU? What a dope you are, EH? Big talker, all mush.
Ballots are not traceable to any name. You can’t have Obiden making a target list. EVERYONE KNOWS BUT YOU? What a dope you are, EH? Big talker, all mush.
Yes they are. They scan the barcode and match the name.

You should read more and post less.

Did you get those links yet?
Yes they are. They scan the barcode and match the name.

You should read more and post less.

Did you get those links yet?

When the Envelope comes in, Yes, Envelope is traceable, so what? Sealed. But the Ballot is not yet recorded. Ballot is taken out and put in the pile “to be counted” AFTER the envelope info is approved. in an ideal Vote scenario.

Again, the goal is voting secrecy. When yo walk in, you sign in, verify your name address. But you go behind a curtain to vote “psssst…in secret”. Get off the boards wasting upper tier poster’s bandwidth EH? I’m done here with your annoying nonsense.
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On local elections, why not? They pay taxes. The local ordinances impact them. And we count them in our census.

What's the problem with them having a voice in local elections?

They are not allowed to be here, that's why. And they should not be counted in the census. That is insane. Counting foreign invaders as citizens!!!!
California and Washington state are arming them and employing them as agents of the state to police American citizens.

I believe I've posted those reports around here previously, however nobody seemed to care.

Orange Man and Tater are more entertaining, I suppose.
When the Envelope comes in, Yes, Envelope is traceable, so what? Sealed. But the Ballot is not yet recorded. Ballot is taken out and put in the pile “to be counted” AFTER the envelope info is approved. in an ideal Vote scenario.

And when the envelope is opened, they scan the bar code to match the name on the envelope.

Again, the goal is voting secrecy. When yo walk in, you sign in, verify your name address. But you go behind a curtain to vote “psssst…in secret”. Get off the boards wasting upper tier poster’s bandwidth EH? I’m done here with your annoying nonsense.
The goal is to make voting easy and practical.

I notice you are running away from posting links regarding your earlier claims.

Upper tier. ROFL. Give me a break.
And when the envelope is opened, they scan the bar code to match the name on the envelope.

AND? What good does that do? The “name” from the voter roll matches the Envelope? Where did it come from? Haw did it get there? Who filled it out? How many came in for that name from multiple addresses? AZ had over 9K duplicate names voting at least twice.!

Does the Signature match with certainty to a legally registered voter? Did the do SIG review? Show the scans? Let some honestperson review 100K random. .

Get off the boards yo lying commee POS you bother normal people.
AND? What good does that do? The “name” from the voter roll matches the Envelope? Where did it come from? Haw did it get there? Who filled it out? How many came in for that name from multiple addresses? AZ had over 9K duplicate names voting at least twice.!
The bar code is attached to the name. It's not rocket science. I expect better understanding from a top tier poster.

What the heck? Why do you need to know all that other stuff? Is that how they do it in Russia?

Dual voting is what makes it difficult to cheat. Thanks for that.

Does the Signature match with certainty to a legally registered voter? Did the do SIG review? Show the scans? Let some honestperson review 100K random. .

Get off the boards yo lying commee POS you bother normal people.
Yeah. Works pretty good. No issues we have seen after multiple audits.
They are not allowed to be here, that's why. And they should not be counted in the census. That is insane. Counting foreign invaders as citizens!!!!

All non-citizens aren't allowed to be here?

And they should not be counted on the census....says who? The constitution definitely picks a side on this.

And 'foreign invaders'? Um, these folks come here to work. The germans didn't invade poland and then start working as landscapers and burger flippers.
rrrriiiight LMAO
how do you know that they aren't voting if they are not checking their ID?
Are you claiming that when a state gets a filled out application to register to vote, no one in the govt vets the application for citizenship, age over 18, felony status, where they live, etc?
Maybe I should mail in a ballot, do an absentee one, drop one in the nearest drop box, and then show up at the polls. I could have someone else fill out extra ones then mail and drop them off on my behalf while I go to the polls and vote in person. That should cut them off at the pass and nullify some of their other fake votes.

With laws like that, my impotent vote here in Michigan is a waste of time. It seems that such corruption in the voting process can only be corrected outside of said process.
Ignorance is bliss, eh?

You can only vote once in your name. The system prevents you from voting twice. Once ONE of your votes is counted, all other illegal attempts are cancelled out.. whether absentee or in person.
If they cannot vote, why is the government giving them voter registration forms?
Prove they are...

Since a 1993 law, driver's licence bureaus give CITIZENS applications or asks the citizen if they want to be registered to vote and does it automatically. They do not hand out voter registration or automatically enroll, non citizens to vote....nor do the other agencies.

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