The essential utility of Trump's falsehoods.

If Trump said the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, liberals would find some way to portray it as a "lie". In the meantime, I posted 20 lies from Biden during the debate - REAL lies.
So can you admit to ANY LIES Trump told?

Immigrants and especially illegal aliens have been shown to be one of the most law abiding people… because they face scrutiny like few others and face deportation at the drop of the hat

Which violent illegal alien criminals have been deported recently, at the drop of a hat,
before they could violently re-offend?

I could probably name a few rapist/murderers who weren't deported "at the drop of a hat", before they killed Americans.

What is the current US prison population of "(law-abiding) illegal aliens"?
If they committed crimes they were deported.

And they know that. Which is why they have a much lower rate of criminality than us citizens
Yeah right.


Yeah really?

I guess it's Mexico's hardware being destroyed over there in Ukraine?

Those are MY tax dollars, asshole.

Right. They're called psychopaths. There's something wrong with them.

And Biden is letting them in without so much as a background check.

EVERY corporate employee gets a background check. But not ILLEGAL aliens.

You gotta be pretty fucking stupid to see the logic in that.


They cant even FIND the fuckers.

FBI just said there's over 100 known terrorists they can't find.

Leftards have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

No. No one's listening anyway. We're stocking up on ammo just in case some dumbass fucking LEFTARD decides to do something stupid.
Hey asshole.

Inflation is at THREE percent.

Lower than the average for the last fifty years
If Trump said the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, liberals would find some way to portray it as a "lie". In the meantime, I posted 20 lies from Biden during the debate - REAL lies.
Sixteen of them in ONE sentence.
If they committed crimes they were deported.

And they know that. Which is why they have a much lower rate of criminality than us citizens

If they committed crimes they were deported.

The rapists/murderers in the news recently didn't commit any crimes while here?

What is the current US prison population of "(law-abiding) illegal aliens"?
3% inflation
NO recessions
We are NOT at war
ANY group of people will have their share of rapists and murderers. Young white males…you name it. Even rich white mem are sometimes killers.

Immigrants and especially illegal aliens have been shown to be one of the most law abiding people… because they face scrutiny like few others and face deportation at the drop of the hat

There were no thousands abandoned in Afghanistan

The police have not been defunded

Any other lies YOU feel the need to tell?
  • Try 100-200% inflation in rental housing (including mine) >one's most expensive, constantly ongoing expense. Gas is up 100%. Food prices are astronomical. Everybody knows it.
  • THREE recessions. I already schooled you on this in a previous post in 3 different threads. The Shiskin definition has been the standard for 50 years, AND STILL IS, no matter how much wackadoodle liberals wish to erase it with their own wakadoodle definition. Biden has had consecutive declining GDPs 3 times. 3 recessions (and he could have more before his reign is over)
  • so you went to Afghanistan and you counted them ? (including friendly Afghans).
  • What Cities Have Defunded Police? | American Police Officers Alliance
  • Notice how in the midst of clear cut lying, the wacked liberal accuse the conservative to telling lies. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head) :rolleyes:
  • Try 100-200% inflation in rental housing (including mine) >one's most expensive, constantly ongoing expense. Gas is up 100%. Food prices are astronomical. Everybody knows it.
  • THREE recessions. I already schooled you on this in a previous post in 3 different threads. The Shiskin definition has been the standard for 50 years, AND STILL IS, no matter how much wackadoodle liberals wish to erase it with their own wakadoodle definition. Biden has had consecutive declining GDPs 3 times. 3 recessions (and he could have more before his reign is over)
  • so you went to Afghanistan and you counted them ? (including friendly Afghans).
  • What Cities Have Defunded Police? | American Police Officers Alliance
  • Notice how in the midst of clear cut lying, the wacked liberal accuse the conservative to telling lies. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head) :rolleyes:

THREE recessions. I already schooled you on this in a previous post in 3 different threads. The Shiskin definition has been the standard for 50 years,

Does the NBER know they've been doing it all wrong?

How many recessions in the last 50 years did they miss? Can you list them all?

Where does the Shiskin definition mention positive GDP growth can still result in a recession?

Illegal aliens were HALF as likely to be arrested as legal citizens
BULLSHIT. LEGAL aliens are half as likely to be arrested (not illegal ones) thats because they are VETTED when they come in. Biden's illegals are not vetted, and some countries are dumping their worst criminals on us. We hav become the dumping ground for the world (as long as Biden is around).

Actually under Biden's CATCH & RELEASE system ALL illegals are arrested, cited & released. So therefore their arrest rate is 100%;

You dumbell, you dont even know how to read your own links. CATO didn't say > "Illegal aliens were HALF as likely to be arrested as legal citizens", YOU said that.
What CATO said was >> "the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 for native‐born Americans." Thereby being about half.
So what CATO are doing here, is trying present the picture of illegals being half as dangerous as Americans. FALSE!

The reason why illegals conviction rate is low compared to Americans, is because Americans go right to trial, but under the Catch & Release system, illegals receive a summons to appear in court 7-8 YEARS in the future. They of course, dont go to court the 7 years later, if there even still is a court hearing for them then, the whole idea being to allow them to skate around any charges,and allow their disappearance into the population to remain intact.

One of the problems with liberals is they believe every bit of propaganda bullshit put out by pro-illegal immigrationists like CATO. :rolleyes:
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“In case you forgot. Two years ago today, we were experiencing the greatest economy in the history of the world.”
View attachment 970589

I can't get over how gullible MAGAists are.
PolitifACT! Good grief. Who is lamebrain enough to use Politifact as a source ?

Trump had the greatest economy in US history in Q3 2020 >34.8% GDP. No other even comes close.
^^^ There ya go. Not a cult.

There are long, long, specific lists readily available (, Fact-checks | PolitiFact,, for example) his lies can easily be picked out pretty much every time he talks, and you would deny each and every one. Every single goddamn one. No matter how obvious, how blatant, how insulting.

I just provided over 30,000 Trump lies that you'll summarily dismiss. But no, you're right. Trump has never lied. Someone who has been sent by God to defeat Satan, America's Sincere Savior™, wouldn't lie. You're right. Sorry.

Absolutely astonishing.
Notice how with all that, the poster does not post an alleged Trump lie.
Probably never even read his 30,000 lie balderdash,
30,000 lies! Wow, these guys will believe anything.

See Post # 225. Squawk.

Instead, the poster hides behind a link that you cant read, because you have to be a subscriber. Hey Mac. How about just telling us ONE so-called "lie".. You actually have one ?
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So can you admit to ANY LIES Trump told?
I don't know of any. Do you ? If so, let's hear it.

So can you admit to ANY LIES Biden told ?

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The economy is great. The stock market is at record levels. Unemployment is below 4%. Inflation is trending down.

Yeah, we're doing pretty good considering what Biden had to work with.
The economy is still in a RECESSION. 4.9.......3.4..........1.4.
You dont know anything.


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