Banana republics don't look like this.

We are not full blown banana republic yet, but we are probably halfway there.
The beginnings of our banana republic go way back. These things don’t just happen overnight:


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Are you stupid, or just a lying sack of shit? Or both?

There is no evidence that documents related to the Whitewater scandal involving former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, were destroyed by the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, according to historians of the period and the archive where such documents are held today.
Posts suggesting that Hillary Clinton would have been indicted if not for the bombing circulated on social media platform X, opens new tab and Facebook, opens new tab, sharing an image of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building severely damaged after the April 1995 blast alongside the text: “Reminder: This building in Oklahoma City was blown up and destroyed just 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal. All documents lost!”

However, a journalist who wrote a book about investigations of the Whitewater scandal told Reuters that prosecutors who decided not to indict Hillary Clinton gave many reasons, none of which included a loss of key documents in the Oklahoma City bombing. There is also no evidence that any documents relevant to the many state- and federal-level investigations around an Arkansas real estate deal and associated bank loans went missing at the time of the Oklahoma bombing.
I agree. 4473 should be replaced by a background investigation performed by ATF agents.

When I applied for my current job, I underwent a thorough background check, a drug test, and interviews with co-workers.

When I applied for my mortgage, they investigated every aspect of my financial life for the last 20 years. Forget the fact that I had an 830 Credit Score and no credit card debt and was expecting a payout for my previous home. They still took 30 days to background check me, and the loan officer complimented me on how quickly it went compared to others she's done.

I am currently in the process of getting an immigration sponsorship for the lovely Mrs. B131. Forget the fact that she's already legally resided in the US for seven years. They insisted I provide 200 pages of documentation proving this wasn't a "Green Card" wedding.

Oh, when I applied for an IL FOID card, despite your whining about "Strict" IL gun laws, it consisted of paying them $11.00 and answering questions promising I wasn't a bad person. I can't imagine they did a very thorough background check for $11.00.

Right. Got it. I am the manager of a Fortune 500 with 1,843 employees at my site and over 33,000 world-wide. But I write resumes for strangers from my APT also.
But that's kind of my point.

Whenever you have a mass shooting, we find out two things about the shooter.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) He still had absolutely no problem getting a gun.

Trannies off the rails.......they grant guns willy-nilly to the mentally ill.
Right. Got it. I am the manager of a Fortune 500 with 1,843 employees at my site and over 33,000 world-wide. But I write resumes for strangers from my APT also.
You have the arrogance of a manager but not the intellect

Peter Principle I suppose
OK dem slave.
baby needs his binky?


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