An Opinion Piece on the Trump Verdict. No Mercy.

Biden isn't the one who is degenerating. Trump has been committing crimes all of his adult life, and his Presidency was a 4-year grift of the American people, and a looting of the treasury, which was shocking to watch.

Now he's desperately running for President so he won't go to jail. Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about the American people. He just wants to be President so the grift can continue and he can steal all the money he wants.
How is this better in your mind.

"Honey, it wasn't rape, it was just sexual abuse!!!"

Then say sexual abuse, and stop trying to just use the buzz word you want to use.

The fact that she can't even remember what day it happened makes her story suspect, of course doing this in a civil trial with civil evidence rules and a Trump hostile jury makes it even more suspect.
Then say sexual abuse, and stop trying to just use the buzz word you want to use.

The fact that she can't even remember what day it happened makes her story suspect, of course doing this in a civil trial with civil evidence rules and a Trump hostile jury makes it even more suspect.

You guys had no such qualms about Clinton accusers, even after some of them denied it and one of them didn't even exist.
Plenty of errors in law, starting with the indictments.

Says who? Not the judge? Not any of the courts to hear appeals on the charges. State or Federal. Trump appealed and appealed and appealed.

These issues have already been adjudicated and found to be constitutional.

YOU insist there are legal errors, citing yourself. And the courts are far better suited to adjudicate the issue than some random dude on the internet who insist he knows better.
You guys had no such qualms about Clinton accusers, even after some of them denied it and one of them didn't even exist.

Wasn't that called out as harassment?

Stick to calling what they accused him of here, and then all that is a matter of debate is the veracity of the accusation and the verdict.
Says who? Not the judge? Not any of the courts to hear appeals on the charges. State or Federal. Trump appealed and appealed and appealed.

These issues have already been adjudicated and found to be constitutional.

YOU insist there are legal errors, citing yourself. And the courts are far better suited to adjudicate the issue than some random dude on the internet who insist he knows better.

None of the appeals courts have heard them yet. But you don't care because you got the headlines you wanted.

What appeals?

I can link plenty of actual law experts insisting the same thing, but it's a waste because you won't read them or care.
None of the appeals courts have heard them yet.
None of the appeals have been heard on the conviction.

But the dismissal of charges? That the charges were unsuitable, illegal, in error or unconstitutional? Oh, they've been heard. Not just by the NY Court of Appeals, but by federal appeals courts as well.

Trump has appealed and appealed and appealed. And at every stage, the court -State or Federal- has found the proceedings, the charges, the applicable law - to be constitutional and legally valid. Trump's record of failure on the perfect.

But you insist that you, some rando on the internet, know better because you have an opinion? One not based in the law, but your feelings?

Good luck with that. Your feelings vs. layers of adjudication to make sure Trump's rights were preserved.....are not equal.
Wasn't that called out as harassment?

Stick to calling what they accused him of here, and then all that is a matter of debate is the veracity of the accusation and the verdict.
Oh, no, you guys accused him of rape, even when people like Elizabeth Ward Gracen said that her relationship was consensual... There's that supposed woman from the UK that probably never existed, but she keeps getting put on the Clinton Rape list. Then you have Juanita Brodderick, who swore out two affadavitts she never had sex with Clinton, but then changed her tune when Kenny Starr threatened her with jail.
Then say sexual abuse, and stop trying to just use the buzz word you want to use.

The fact that she can't even remember what day it happened makes her story suspect, of course doing this in a civil trial with civil evidence rules and a Trump hostile jury makes it even more suspect.

It was rape! Stop trying to pretend it wasn't. Whether he used a finger or his penis, he raped her. New York is the ONLY state which defines "rape" as penetration with a penis. Every other states says defines "rape" as penetration of the vagina with ANYTHING. It's not less of a violation if the instrument used isn't a penis.

The pretzels you fools will twist yourself into to claim that Trump didn't say or do things is just remarkable - even after he confesses to having done them.

At the other end, you're prepared to convict Biden, and every other Democrat, on no evidence whatsoever.
Says you, citing you.

Every court, Federal or State, to review the process so far contradicts you. Meaning that you simply don't know what you're talking about and are offering your personal opinion as a legal standard (as you do)....

.....or your fantastically elaborate conspiracy about the trial just keeps getting bigger, more ludicrously complex, and even more starkly void of evidence to support it.

Again, you laughing at due process and constitutional processes doesn't make them corrupt. It just demonstrates your disdain for both.
You will be a hoot when the hack NY judge is bitchslapped by a real court.
You will be a hoot when the hack NY judge is bitchslapped by a real court.

Again, both State and Federal courts have reviewed the charges on appeal. Every court to hear Trump's objections to the charges, their applicability, they're constitutionality......has contradicted him. On the charges, on the constitutionality, on the gag order. Trump's record of failure is perfect.

You'll need something new, some error that occurred during the trial itself. And y'all don't have it.
Here is the stark and harsh reality. These cases aren't going to be overturned on Appeal. Appeals Courts don't overturn jury verdicts unless the there are serious errors in law, and that hasn't happened here.

The biggest problem Trump faces is that he refuses to listen to his lawyers or let them conduct his cases, and he will not shut up. He keeps going on national television, giving interviews and holding rallies where he tells everyone that he's guilty, and then makes some excuse like "When the President does it, it isn't illegal", which didn't work for Nixon either.

And saying "I did not have sex with that woman" in regards to Stormy Daniels, well did you believe Bill Clinton when he said the same thing? I sure didn't. Trump isn't a lawyer and he should stop telling his experienced lawyer how to conduct these cases, because he's 0 - 4 so far.

If there were no women with stories to tell, why did Trump make a deal with Pecker to "catch and kill" the stories, and why did Donald Trump's DOJ arrest Michael Cohen and send him to prison for his part in these crimes?
Bullshit. The hack Merchan will get bitchslapped on appeal.

You are clueless.
Again, both State and Federal courts have reviewed the charges on appeal. Every court to hear Trump's objections to the charges, their applicability, they're constitutionality......has contradicted him. On the charges, on the constitutionality, on the gag order. Trump's record of failure is perfect.

You'll need something new, some error that occurred during the trial itself. And y'all don't have it.
The verdict has not been heard in appeal. You are a lying sack.
The verdict has not been heard in appeal. You are a lying sack.

The verdict has not yet been appealed. But every issue up to the verdict has. And Trump's record of failure is perfect. He has always lost.

Which means you're going to need an error in the trial itself. Which you don't have.
It was rape! Stop trying to pretend it wasn't. Whether he used a finger or his penis, he raped her. New York is the ONLY state which defines "rape" as penetration with a penis. Every other states says defines "rape" as penetration of the vagina with ANYTHING. It's not less of a violation if the instrument used isn't a penis.

The pretzels you fools will twist yourself into to claim that Trump didn't say or do things is just remarkable - even after he confesses to having done them.

At the other end, you're prepared to convict Biden, and every other Democrat, on no evidence whatsoever.
You destroyed your own claim of rape, Moron. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The verdict has not yet been appealed. But every issue up to the verdict has. And Trump's record of failure is perfect. He has always lost.

Which means you're going to need an error in the trial itself. Which you don't have.
Legal experts have listed a ton of reasons to appeal, Simp.

But you don’t do reality cuz you are just a useless troll.
None of the appeals have been heard on the conviction.

But the dismissal of charges? That the charges were unsuitable, illegal, in error or unconstitutional? Oh, they've been heard. Not just by the NY Court of Appeals, but by federal appeals courts as well.

Trump has appealed and appealed and appealed. And at every stage, the court -State or Federal- has found the proceedings, the charges, the applicable law - to be constitutional and legally valid. Trump's record of failure on the perfect.

But you insist that you, some rando on the internet, know better because you have an opinion? One not based in the law, but your feelings?

Good luck with that. Your feelings vs. layers of adjudication to make sure Trump's rights were preserved.....are not equal.

Those aren't appeals of the case, those are about gag orders and other motions.

Keep appealing to authority, especially when the authorities are corrupt.
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