Banana republics don't look like this.

I know of no instances when the leader of a banana republic would allow his son to be prosecuted for a crime very rarely resulting in charges being brought. This, after an investigation was conducted by a Special Counsel from the opposing party who was held over from the prior admin. to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

I know of no instances when the leader of a banana republic would allow himself to be investigated at all, let alone by a Special Counsel from the opposing party, who wrote a highly politicized report of his findings.

I know of no instances when the Attorney General of a banana republic had to be cajoled in to naming a Special Counsel, after months of delay, to investigate crimes committed by the leader of the prior admin. This, after not having been pressured to do so by the President.

Leaders of banana republics don't permit the opposition leader to have every opportunity to defend himself. They suggest the opposition leader be locked up.

OTOH, I can imagine these things happening in a banana republic.

The G.O.P. Push for Post-Verdict Payback: ‘Fight Fire With Fire’

Republican allies of Donald J. Trump are calling for revenge prosecutions and other retaliatory measures against Democrats in response to his felony conviction in New York.

Within hours of a jury finding Mr. Trump guilty last week, the anger congealed into demands for action. Since then, prominent G.O.P. leaders in and out of government have demanded that elected Republicans use every available instrument of power against Democrats, including targeted investigations and prosecutions.

The G.O.P. Push for Post-Verdict Payback: ‘Fight Fire With Fire’

Comprehensive Timeline on False Electors Scheme in 2020 Presidential Election
Comprehensive Timeline on False Electors Scheme in 2020 Presidential Election

Giuliani: Trump fired Comey because former FBI director wouldn’t say he wasn’t a target in investigation

Jared Kushner firm received $2 billion Saudi investment after White House exit: Report

Justice Department pressured former US attorney to bring cases against Trump enemies, Geoffrey Berman says

Those are examples befitting the label banana republic. Those and many more. Like the prez firing Inspectors General for investigating his admin. Nepotism. Violating protocols for awarding security clearances given to family members. Soliciting the DoJ's help in stealing an election.

Perhaps the reason we hear so much from Repubs about a banana republic is to deflect attention away from the fact they want to re-elect a man who very badly desires to create one again.

I stopped after the first paragraph, none of that is factual.
Why do you think he fired Jeff Sessions? Then had his AG lie to the public about what Mueller's report said.

That of course didn't happen.

If you read some actual true information once in a while, maybe you would be less manic,
Mr. Bannon was convicted in a federal prosecution for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena in the Jan. 6 investigation, and faces trial in September in a New York state court — before the same judge who oversaw Mr. Trump’s trial — in a charity fraud case.

“There are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to ‘seize the day’ and own this moment in history,” Mr. Bannon wrote.

Consider for a moment if Joe Biden's former chief of staff said something like that. It's just one of a million things Trump gets a pass for because there are a million things that would end the candidacy of any other politician.

He is not just any other politician,
He is a previous President that had a spectacular Presidency even with neanderthals such as yourself fighting him and lying about him at every turn.
He is not just any other politician,
He is a previous President that had a spectacular Presidency even with neanderthals such as yourself fighting him and lying about him at every turn.
That was satire right?
I think we are much more a Petroleum Republic.

Banana is one of the world's most important crops grown by small- and large-scale producers alike, with production occurring in more than 130 countries. The economic importance of the banana industry encompasses (1) the generation of export earnings and (2) the employment of hundreds of thousands of people in Latin America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and West Africa. In addition, the industry employs thousands of people in distribution networks and supermarkets worldwide.

Currently, few bananas are produced in the United States. Banana production in Florida is estimated at about 500 acres, valued at approximately $2 million. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in expanding US banana production to satisfy various niche markets,

The beginnings of our banana republic go way back. These things don’t just happen overnight:


Can't say but was that the case he would not have allowed an special council to investigate him for russian collusion.
Trump's kids were also investigated in the russian collusion investigation.
He is not just any other politician,
He is a previous President that had a spectacular Presidency even with neanderthals such as yourself fighting him and lying about him at every turn.
"President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn't get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."
Moscow Mitch Feb. 2021
Perhaps the reason we hear so much from Repubs about a banana republic is to deflect attention away from the fact they want to re-elect a man who very badly desires to create one again.

Sounds like it's time to change your diaper again.

Hope you feel better afterwards.
Well, not with the half-ass case Weiss is putting on, no.

And then you have the jury.

Juror 1​

  • Has a sister who is a recovering drug addict and who served time in Delaware state prison for drug offenses and credit card fraud

Juror 4​

  • Believes people who smoke marijuana should be allowed to own firearms
  • Father and brother own guns
  • Views “weed” as less harmful than drugs like heroin

Juror 5​

  • Believes the civil rights movement showed failures by US law enforcement in treating African Americans fairly under the law
  • Got a DUI two years ago and attended Alcoholics Anonymous

Juror 6​

  • Has a license to carry a concealed firearm
  • Owns three pistols
  • Supporter of the Second Amendment and believes every law-abiding citizen should have the right to own firearms

Juror 8​

  • Brother was previously arrested on possession of drug charges

Juror 10​

  • Another brother and father (both deceased) struggled with alcohol addiction
  • Acknowledges their addiction as a disease

Juror 11​

  • Best friend from childhood died from a heroin overdose
  • Family hunts and owns hunting rifles, but she does not personally own a gun

Juror 12​

  • Has an older brother addicted to PCP and heroin, who was "admitted to rehab many times"

Justice determined by the drug addiction of others.

That sounds just perfect for the Biden world.

And Jill says this election is about character..... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
If this were a banana republic Trump would have been jailed years ago and Biden’s son would not be in court

It’s that simple
If this were a banana republic Trump would have been jailed years ago and Biden’s son would not be in court

It’s that simple

Well, whoever explained it to you had to keep in simple.

Most Banana Republics have to have an appearance of stability....but you wouldn't understand.
So why should I have to jump through hoops because the mental health system failed? "Everyone" should have turned the perp in.
Turned him in to whom?

They closed down the mental hospital 50 years ago.

Yes, you should have to jump through hoops.

I had to jump through hoops to get a job because other people lied on their resumes.
I had to jump through hoops because in the past, banks loaned to people who weren't credit worthy.
I had to jump through hoops because some assholed lied about being married to get green cards.

None of these things had the potential to kill people like guns do.
Turned him in to whom?

They closed down the mental hospital 50 years ago.

Yes, you should have to jump through hoops.

I had to jump through hoops to get a job because other people lied on their resumes.
I had to jump through hoops because in the past, banks loaned to people who weren't credit worthy.
I had to jump through hoops because some assholed lied about being married to get green cards.

None of these things had the potential to kill people like guns do.
I guess you enjoy being servile.

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