Democrats want Trump to be imprisoned.

Not according to the jury....the only ones whose opinions matter.
Sorry bout that,

1. The jury was stupid, and they were Democrats.
2. They can't hide who they are, and how they want to prosecute Trump.
3. Jesus was innocent too.
4. Real Americans are sick of it.

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LA Times

Letters to the Editor: Incarcerating Trump would infuriate Republicans. Do it anyway​

Republicans are up in arms that former President Trump, convicted on 34 felony counts in New York, could be sentenced to prison or jail — an unusual, but not unprecedented, punishment for a white-collar criminal that would have a profound impact on one political party's fortunes and our nation's future.

Click on the link and read the comments.
It shows how the Democrat Voters are idiots and blinded by their fanatical hate.
Intelligent Voters understand that the indictment and conviction of Trump was 100% politically motivated and intended to interfere with the election.
Trump's conviction is full of holes, and it will be overturned.
The dumb Democrat voters do not understand how dangerous that their banana republic Lawfare strategy is for the future of our republic.
Do the dumb Democrats want America to become like Venezuela?
Look you dumb commie, trump isnt going to jail. Worst case he gets house arrest for a month or two. Not stop your crying and try to enjoy your weekend as best you can under your circumstances.

LA Times

Letters to the Editor: Incarcerating Trump would infuriate Republicans. Do it anyway​

Republicans are up in arms that former President Trump, convicted on 34 felony counts in New York, could be sentenced to prison or jail — an unusual, but not unprecedented, punishment for a white-collar criminal that would have a profound impact on one political party's fortunes and our nation's future.

Click on the link and read the comments.
It shows how the Democrat Voters are idiots and blinded by their fanatical hate.
Intelligent Voters understand that the indictment and conviction of Trump was 100% politically motivated and intended to interfere with the election.
Trump's conviction is full of holes, and it will be overturned.
The dumb Democrat voters do not understand how dangerous that their banana republic Lawfare strategy is for the future of our republic.
Do the dumb Democrats want America to become like Venezuela?
Criminals belong in prison
Sorry bout that,

1. The jury was stupid, and they were Democrats.
Prove it.
Remember, the jury was selected as much by Trump's team as the prosecution's.
2. They can't hide who they are, and how they want to prosecute Trump.
They'd BETTER be able to hide who they are otherwise some sick MAGAt psychos will be terrorizing them in Trump's name!
They will never again know a day's peace.
As far as wanting to persecute Trump, no. That is just fake, snowflake whiny excusing.
They were carefully selected precisely BECAUSE they were found in the jury selection process to have no bias.
Then they heard the testimony and saw the evidence and found guilt.
That's just how it works.

3. Jesus was innocent too.
Ridiculous comparison....but par for the course for your bizarre cult.
It shows how weak and pathetic the gop is. Orange man said her lock her up and then played nice and praised she and the dems were plotting their russian propaganda and fake dossiers. Rs are all talk and no hat. I won't believe them until I see some concrete action.
They're lost souls. They worship their cult leader while he cares nothing for them.

LA Times

Letters to the Editor: Incarcerating Trump would infuriate Republicans. Do it anyway​

Republicans are up in arms that former President Trump, convicted on 34 felony counts in New York, could be sentenced to prison or jail — an unusual, but not unprecedented, punishment for a white-collar criminal that would have a profound impact on one political party's fortunes and our nation's future.

Click on the link and read the comments.
It shows how the Democrat Voters are idiots and blinded by their fanatical hate.
Intelligent Voters understand that the indictment and conviction of Trump was 100% politically motivated and intended to interfere with the election.
Trump's conviction is full of holes, and it will be overturned.
The dumb Democrat voters do not understand how dangerous that their banana republic Lawfare strategy is for the future of our republic.
Do the dumb Democrats want America to become like Venezuela?
Lock him up... Lock him up... Lock him up... :abgg2q.jpg:
The US doesn't take political prisoners. At least not since we removed tRump from office.
Sorry bout that,

1. Removing, by stealing the election.
2. Starting to be able to admit it, I'm glad you can admit it, and at least own, what you helped do.

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Dems will BURN the country to the ground to cling to power.
Trump shit green even though Dr. Phil lobbed softball questions at him all thru the interview. And he's shitting green at this very moment & sweating bullets waiting for July 11. Why? Because he knows he fucked himself again running his mouth all thru the trial just like he contnues to do.

There's an orange jumpsuit waiting for him & he knows it. Merchan has had enough of his shit.
As a first time felon, he should probably get a hefty fine and probation. This case was the least serious of all his indictments. He deserved his day in court on the other three felony indictments. Jail time is more likely after his next felony conviction, if that occurs.
Frothing Fascists salivating at the thought of locking up their political opponent while they attack Jews on the streets.

Is it Nazi Germany 1938 or Progressive America 2024?

LA Times

Letters to the Editor: Incarcerating Trump would infuriate Republicans. Do it anyway​

Republicans are up in arms that former President Trump, convicted on 34 felony counts in New York, could be sentenced to prison or jail — an unusual, but not unprecedented, punishment for a white-collar criminal that would have a profound impact on one political party's fortunes and our nation's future.

Click on the link and read the comments.
It shows how the Democrat Voters are idiots and blinded by their fanatical hate.
Intelligent Voters understand that the indictment and conviction of Trump was 100% politically motivated and intended to interfere with the election.
Trump's conviction is full of holes, and it will be overturned.
The dumb Democrat voters do not understand how dangerous that their banana republic Lawfare strategy is for the future of our republic.
Do the dumb Democrats want America to become like Venezuela?

Putting Donald Trump in jail is a necessity for your nation to uphold its tradition that "no man is above the law". What part of "Trump was in the middle of a $100 million fraud trial when YOU elected him President", do you people not understand? You elected a criminal conman who then went on a 4-year spree of "pay for play", bribery, theft from the public purse, and capped it off with an attempted insurrection.

The man tried to OVERTHROW his own government to prevent the people from voting him out of office, because he KNEW he'd be going to jail if he ever leaves office. Trump has been a criminal all of his adult life, and now he's caught.

Then he continued to flout the law, commit crimes, refuse all oversight requests, and obstruct justice. He spent his entire term trying and failing to jail Democrats, and he railed against Barr for not charging Biden in 2020.

Trump invented "lawfare" with his obstructionist Motions, Appeals, and delaying tactics. The character assassination attempt on Fani Willis was a real low point even for Trump. What a fucking sleazy trick that truly is. Meanwhile, Trump goes around saying, "Yeah, I did it. And I'm going to do it again. So what?".

He had people chanting "Bullshit" in church last week.
J6er Treniss Evans, through his legal advocacy group Condemned USA, filed a Supreme Court petition on Friday aimed squarely at halting the controversial New York case against former President Donald Trump.

Evans alleges violations of the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection and due process clauses, suggesting potential bias and selective prosecution by the New York District Attorney.

The State of New York’s attempt to prosecute Trump using federal campaign finance law is preempted by federal jurisdiction, according to Evans. He argues that since both the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to pursue the matter, it falls outside the state’s jurisdiction.

Evans claims that New York is prosecuting misdemeanor crimes beyond the statute of limitations, further alleging inconsistent application of federal campaign finance law.

****Anyone expect lazy, slow, useless, corrupted Deep Stat e US Supreme Court (joke) to do anything to stop the Commee Deep State attacks? They seem to be a member of the club. It’s them vs. US.
All this crazy stuff needs to stop.
Only healthy thing possible would be for Trump to admit he couldn't handle the loss.
Retire with grace & dignity.
As all (with grumbling) past presidents have done.
Three years later still kicking and crying, Not good for any of us.
All this crazy stuff needs to stop.
Only healthy thing possible would be for Trump to admit he couldn't handle the loss.
Retire with grace & dignity.
As all (with grumbling) past presidents have done.
Three years later still kicking and crying, Not good for any of us.

After 30 million bogus votes stole the vote of Americans? Pound sand maggot.

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