Comey warns about Trump

James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump's conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: "I've never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don't admit you're guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

He added that Trump was "taking a flamethrower to the system" and it was "almost like he's begging to be put into a jail cell."

Intelligent people understand that Trump's indictment and conviction were 100% political motivated and an act of election interference.
Maybe we should indict and convict Comey for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes and see how he likes it.
Slither back under your rock Comey.
Real crooks sure have lots of advice for behavior in trials....

James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump's conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: "I've never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don't admit you're guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

He added that Trump was "taking a flamethrower to the system" and it was "almost like he's begging to be put into a jail cell."

Intelligent people understand that Trump's indictment and conviction were 100% political motivated and an act of election interference.
Maybe we should indict and convict Comey for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes and see how he likes it.
Slither back under your rock Comey.


AMEN to this

You took the words out of my mouth

What a hypocrite, that Comey.. He needs to shut the hell up. I guess it never occurred to the one- time "top cop" that that is how people act (Trump, that is) when they are NOT guilty?!

Comey acts like one of those people who just wants to be with the 'in crowd'... I guess he was once a R.. Now he just wants to get a spot on cnn or msnbc
I think he recognizes our countries qualities and promises. I think he can spot a slacker or a phony from his management experience. I think he has the balls to get rid of bad apples. And most of all, I think he loves and respects our country as it was constructed and buys into our exceptionalism. I think he would be a great President one day. MAGA

Understand perfectly and agree in general terms .
But I am just giving raised eyebrows as a possible " red flags" signal .

Remember Elon Musk as another example.
Fooled everybody to begin with including myself . But now we can see that he is 100% Control Opposition . Yet Miles Mathis outed him in full detail in a paper--- in 2015 from memory .
And if Miles has ever got anything wrong in his papers , I am not aware of it .
He is loathed by CIA and Deep State.
Comey is just warning the RNC that they won't be able to to screw over Trump like they did in his 1st term, when he unfortunately trusted them to have his back. He knows better now.

James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump's conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: "I've never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don't admit you're guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

He added that Trump was "taking a flamethrower to the system" and it was "almost like he's begging to be put into a jail cell."

Intelligent people understand that Trump's indictment and conviction were 100% political motivated and an act of election interference.
Maybe we should indict and convict Comey for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes and see how he likes it.
Slither back under your rock Comey.
Comey Comedy

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