The Rush To Try Trump Before The Election

It's not me Sweet Pea. The majority of Americans prefer the convicted felon over your guy.
I don't think the majoriy of Americans prefer the concicted felon. I don't think White 6 is a Biden guy. I do think White 6 can see that trump is a criminal and doesn't want to put him in the white house with absolute immunity.
Trump has done this to himself.
I still do not see him getting multiple years unless the documents case gets to trial, and certainly will not be this year. The only sentencing he is facing in on the 34 count felony business fraud trial, and it must be remembered, he has no proven criminal record before this, even in that state. It is kind of like the Hunter Biden thing, where he has no previous proven criminal record, state or Federal and will not get long either.
Their asses have been chapped since 2016 when Trump beat the anointed one, Hillary. Now there's a good chance that a convicted felon who wants to take democracy away will beat Biden. Talk about chapped asses.
You guys actually think this is great. But if Trump gets into office you will not like the end result.
Trump has done this to himself.
Progs did it to Trump. If we have endless smearing and destroying than it has to be a two-way street. And the Republican side is woefully lacking as compared to the Prog attacks. Prog agendas are smoothed with less resistance in Congress than Republican ones. Progs have endless support groups. That is how we get an AOC sold to the people. Our nation is going to pay for it someday if she accumulates power.
:oops: That is pure, unadulterated bullshit. Clearly the only "rule of law" that you understand is fascist "show me the man, I will produce the crime" type lawfare.

Your problem, cupcake, is for braggs entire case to even be brought, it requires a crime. That crime, MUST be defined according to the COTUS of the USA. Now, if you want to ignore the rule of law fell free to do so.

In some third world shithole more to your liking.
That is New York Law. You can look it up for yourself. I did, months ago. Feel free to file and amicus brief, but this will not be decided on a bulletin board, but in court, where the Jury found him guilty after listening to the prosecution and defense evidence and argument. It is kind of like Rudy, no longer a lawyer, as failing to take the law into account, thinking public opinion outside the law was the court to persuade.
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I still do not see him getting multiple years unless the documents case gets to trial, and certainly will not be this year. The only sentencing he is facing in on the 34 count felony business fraud trial, and it must be remembered, he has no proven criminal record before this, even in that state. It is kind of like the Hunter Biden thing, where he has no previous proven criminal record, state or Federal and will not get long either.
I don't see him getting any prison time, but that really doesn't matter. The fact is that trump was convicted on 34 counts. I would like one of the Trump butt sniffing cultists to tell me what company would hire a person convicted of 34 counts of fraud, a company found guilty of fraud or who settled a case out of court for fraud. I mean take away the documents case and trump has a record of fraud that is a mile long. What company woud hire such a dishonest person? I don't know of any, yet this guy is in the running for president?
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If there was any REAL CRIME....that might cause some to think more about who to vote for. But Manufactured BS outside 7 years? They had to re-write NY law to create the phony rape hoax?

There is no there there. Anyone with functioning brain knows this. Real crimes are nearly Billions dumped into the Obidens for GOVT favors. But marxist silent on that. shell companies? LOL!
That is New York Law. You can look it up for yourself. I did, months ago. Feel free to file and amicus brief, but this will not be decided on a bulletin board, but in court, where the Jury found him guilty after listening to the prosecution and defense evidence and argument. It is kind of like Rudy, no longer a lawyer, as failing to take the law into account, thinking public opinion outside the law was the court to persuade.
New York law doesn't supercede the Bill of Rights, moron.
I see

so in your opinion, we've a partisan SCOTUS, but not DOJ

The DOJ has nothinto do with anything. Trump broke the law. The ruling the SCOTUS made yesterday proves what they are.
July 11th. The day trump gets sentenced. Big day is not far away. trump and his lawyers want the case gone. The 34 felonies a jury of his peers nailed him on. So the crooked shit show guy you call dear leader is shitting his pants and it doesn't look good.
This ^^^ didn't age well. :p
The recent SC decision has all the libs blasting the Court, complaining that now Trump can't be tried before the election. This proves that it is all political in that they believe Trump MUST be tried before the election. Why? Only one reason, politics. To hell with democracy. To hell with the rule of law. To hell with due process. Trump must be found guilty in their kangaroo courts BEFORE the election. And now Biden and the Democrats, including three Supreme Court Justices, are questioning democracy by questioning courts. But, Trump is not allowed to question courts and, if he does, he gets a gag order preventing him from doing it.
The democrats will shoot him before he takes office. They will never stop the landslide that is coming by cheating again. And they will never accept Trump presidency again
Wow, suddenly the leftards are reading the Constitution.

I've read it about 50 times scruffy, how about you? (and some of the related federalist papers to try to understand it better, though I will admit, I am only a layman, and no expert)
The democrats will shoot him before he takes office. They will never stop the landslide that is coming by cheating again. And they will never accept Trump presidency again
Very possible. I have been wanting to make a post regarding this but just couldn't "pull the trigger". I did make one post where I said something like John Wilkes Booth thought that he would be a hero for killing a president who he considered a tyrant and a threat to the country. Sounds a lot like how many on the left feel about Trump.
You guys actually think this is great. But if Trump gets into office you will not like the end result.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, Trump has already been in office and I liked the result. It is since Biden took office the country has gone to pot.

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