Zone1 It is okay for anyone to question an election

If you can't demand transparency and strict rules for a federal election when CAN you demand this? You are opening up the door to a Police State, authoritarian system in which the government is above the citizens. The exact opposite incarnation of a a Republic,.
Are you suggesting that the government and its systems are incapable of being corrupt?

Given the country in your name, it would sadly fit these days.
My OP was to both Republicans and Democrats. Reread if you need to. Your post had no substance that I can respond to. If you want chesty flaming, go to the trash forum. Stop taking up space with angry, temper tantrums.
Keep trying. I think I'm done with this debate of zero debating. What a crybaby.
No, there aren't. You're deluded. Period.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You presume I'm a Democratic because, in your stilted, idiotic view of the world, everyone who doesn't abide Trump is a Democrat.
Trump wasn't my first pick this election cycle, I personally think his greatest strength is his greatest weakness. However, it's clear that the media and social media colluded with the Democrats to suppress stories and information harmful to Joe Biden that, via exit polls, changed the election. 5-7% of Biden voters reported in exit polls that had they known about the contents of the Biden laptop, they would have not voted for Biden or voted for Trump.. and that would have easily delivered AZ, GA, and PA to Trump, among other states.

There was a gov't/media collusion that changed the outcome of the 2020 election. We know this.
Trump wasn't my first pick this election cycle, I personally think his greatest strength is his greatest weakness. However, it's clear that the media and social media colluded with the Democrats to suppress stories and information harmful to Joe Biden that, via exit polls, changed the election. 5-7% of Biden voters reported in exit polls that had they known about the contents of the Biden laptop, they would have not voted for Biden or voted for Trump.. and that would have easily delivered AZ, GA, and PA to Trump, among other states.

There was a gov't/media collusion that changed the outcome of the 2020 election. We know this.
No, you don't. You have a surmise without the evidence to carry your assertions.
You are having a hard time, bucko. Hah!

Yes I am......a hard time finding a left-winger with the backbone to back up his mouth.

Biden wins.....I leave the board for one year.

Trump leave the board for one year.

You game ?

How about it Mr. Mouth ?
None, and neither do you.
Then feel free to go back in time and trash Clinton for years and call her a dictator and against democracy

You didn’t because she’s a Democrat, and you’re a Democrat.. so you don’t mind when you guys do it, but it’s bad when Trump did it.

If your side held a standard, we could discuss the topic. But you don’t hold standards, so it’s obviously pointless
I keep hearing this authoritarian narrative from Democrats (only after they took power) that it is anti-democracy to question any US election.

nobody from any party has ever said this.

why start a whole thread just to tell a lie?
I keep hearing this authoritarian narrative from Democrats (only after they took power) that it is anti-democracy to question any US election.

Now, ignoring the fact they called Trump an illegitimate president and discredited his presidency for 3+ years calling it stolen by the Russians.... that's a very stupid thing to say.

Republicans AND Democrats should challenge elections if they are shady or fraudulent. If either side abuses their power to sway an election, they should be called out on it and held responsible. If today's Democrats had their way, there would be no such thing as any abuse of power in elections.

So, yes. Challenge elections if they are objectively sketchy... that goes for everyone.

I keep hearing this authoritarian narrative from Democrats (only after they took power) that it is anti-democracy to question any US election.

Now, ignoring the fact they called Trump an illegitimate president and discredited his presidency for 3+ years calling it stolen by the Russians.... that's a very stupid thing to say.

Republicans AND Democrats should challenge elections if they are shady or fraudulent. If either side abuses their power to sway an election, they should be called out on it and held responsible. If today's Democrats had their way, there would be no such thing as any abuse of power in elections.

So, yes. Challenge elections if they are objectively sketchy... that goes for everyone.
It is perfectly American to question any election. But when you take those questions to court, some 60+ times, and the answer is always the same, dismissed because you can offer no evidence, enough is enough.

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