Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

Trump will have no power to control local governments, just like he didn't during the year of democratic riots when he caught hell for just defending federal buildings with federal LEOs.
Black ghetto rioters are rarely registered Democrats, but too many registered Democrats sympathize with them.

By the way, I am a registered Democrat who hates criminals and wants them to suffer.
A Petri Dish view of societal rot.

Allowing the slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers and their descendents made in the Americas. We would be much better off if there were virtually no Negroes in the United States.

There are some Negroes who behave and perform as well as most whites. They are outnumbered by the Negroes who are criminals, welfare recipients, and/or academic failures.
Allowing the slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers and their descendents made in the Americas. We would be much better off if there were virtually no Negroes in the United States.

There are some Negroes who behave and perform as well as most whites. They are outnumbered by the Negroes who are criminals, welfare recipients, and/or academic failures.
The slave trade was a mistake. However, allowing the fruity leftist ideologies to flourish in their counties is the worst mistake Europeans ever made. The color of a man’s skin is negligible if he maintains the of the philosophies of the Enlightenment and the values Christianity. Without a shared identity and values, the fabric of society weakens and crumbles.

It’s like a law of nature. The more prosperous a society becomes, the more decedent and corrupt it inevitably becomes. The West is now in a grave condition of decay. The behavior in the video are the actions of people who care not about their fellow man and have no respect or fear of the law. They do not contribute to society. They are marauders, thieves, and murderers. They are the same people societies built fortifications to protect themselves from. But today it’s not just invaders we are under siege from, it’s also our own children.

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The slave trade was a mistake. However, allowing the fruity leftist ideologies to flourish in their counties is the worst mistake Europeans ever made. The color of a man’s skin is negligible if he maintains the of the philosophies of the Enlightenment and the values Christianity. Without a shared identity and values, the fabric of society weakens and crumbles.
I will have to disagree with you there. The freedom that is most important to me is intellectual freedom. Currently the ideas of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein and J. Philippe Rushton are suppressed. I am opposed to that suppression.

Beginning with the McCarthy Era it was dangerous to criticize capitalism, advocate socialism, and to say anything good about any Communist country. I think that was wrong too.

We will have to disagree on that too. I think the War in Vietnam was both immoral, and against America's national interest. I like the way John Kerry helped to found Vietnam Veterans against the War.

Jane Fonda over did things a bit by appearing to help North Vietnamese gunners shoot down American bombers. I am not angry at her for doing that, but I think it was politically dysfunctional.

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