BREAKING: Trump's July 11th sentencing likely to be delayed indefinitely

They have to delay. If you sentence him, that starts the appeal process. It would be overturned by the Supreme Court prior to the election. Taking away the felon ploy.
There is no basis for the SC to over turn this STATE ruling but after what they just did

Who the fuck knows
There is no basis for the SC to over turn this STATE ruling but after what they just did

Who the fuck knows
Sure there is, lack of due process on the choose your own adventure mystery crime. Allowing a jury to mix and match without unanimous agreement as to the alleged mystery crime. In case you missed it, the Court put juries back in the spotlight this term. Abusing that for political persecution isn't likely to sit well with the Robert's Court.
It was unlikely left out of the constitution, as The President was not supposed to be above the law. This is a new ruling from the Supremes with no basis in The Constitution, created whole cloth. The Supremes going completely of the reservation, creating law from the bench.
The president was always intended to be answerable to the law. All you had to do was have the House impeach him and the Senate convict him of one of a very short series of crimes laid out in the Constitution. Then he would be stripped of his protection and civil law enforcement could charge him. Of course, until Trump, no ex-president was ever charged with a crime despite many being corrupt, or at least complicent in corruption like U.S. Grant was among others.
Keep the faith!
Nothing is set in stone anymore now that the Scotus has rightfully restored the absolute power of a president.

How could this have been left unattended to for over 350 years?
All SCOTUS did was to reaffirm that the president has the same transactional immunity that Representatives, Senators and judges have.
Since when is paying "hush money to a porn star" in any way an official act. Added to which, it was done BEFORE the election.
It’s also perfectly legal. Congress has a special fund to pay hush money to aides and interns subjected to sexual harassment by its members.
I think after this past week and today, it may be necessary to collect belts and shoelaces from the lefties.


New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his prosecution team have agreed to delay scheduled sentencing for former President Donald Trump on July 11 after the Supreme Court ruled Monday U.S. presidents have immunity for "official acts.” On Monday night Trump’s legal team filed a letter with Judge Juan Merchan to have 34 convictions in the case tossed out, citing the Supreme Court’s opinion.

"Although the Manhattan case does not center on Mr. Trump’s presidency or official acts — but rather personal activity during his campaign — his lawyers argued on Monday that prosecutors had built their case partly on evidence from his time in the White House,” the New York Times reports. “And under the Supreme Court’s new ruling, prosecutors not only cannot charge a president for any official acts, but also cannot cite evidence involving official acts to bolster other accusations."

don't you believe it. The dems are just regrouping before a counter attack
I never thought any of Trump's trials had anything to do with justice. The longer litigation lasts the more these things hang over Trump's head and more of his donor's political donations are syphoned off to his lawyers. And most importantly for the Democrats, as long as things aren't settled it keeps the focus on that litigation and off real issues facing the country.

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