Non-citizens are canceling out the votes of American citizens

So when the name is verified against the voter rolls and it isn't there, what happens?

Moronic much? There is no name on any ballot. All are untraceable to any name. Get off the boards you ignorant black-backed pimpled-puss dripping street vermin.
Heres another dreamer, just recently.


The New York City Police Department is offering a $10,000 reward for information about the “animal” who raped a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight at a park in Queens on Thursday.​

The victim was with a 13-year-old male friend when they were reportedly approached with a “machete-style” knife and forced into a wooded area by the perpetrator.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said the perpetrator tied both of the victim’s hands with shoelaces before raping the young girl, according to a report from the New York Post.

When he was finished, the man stole the kids’ phones and told them to wait 20 minutes before leaving the area.

The kids waited and ran to their school to report the incident.
NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said during a press conference on Friday, “As a father, [a] member of this department for many years, this incident is a parent’s worst nightmare.”

According to the Post report, “The suspect is a light-skinned man in his 20s with a heavy Hispanic accent, has braces on his teeth and a tattoo of a bull or a similar animal with red eyes and red horns on the left side of his chest, cops said.” The report added that he was wearing a black T-shirt, black sweatpants, red sneakers and carrying a green backpack.

Could be one of your kids you stupid OXYEN.
Moronic much? There is no name on any ballot. All are untraceable to any name. Get off the boards you ignorant black-backed pimpled-puss dripping street vermin.
Their are no name on the ballots or outer envelope? Lol.

That's hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:

You're just fucking with me right?

In the event you truly are this ignorant, how do you explain this?

The most common method to verify that absentee/mail ballots come from the intended voter is to conduct signature verification. When voters return an absentee/mail ballot, they must sign an affidavit on the ballot envelope. When the ballot is returned to the election office, election officials have a process for examining each and every signature and comparing it to other documents in their files that contain the voter signature—usually the voter registration record.

If a ballot is missing a signature or the signature does not match the one on file, some states offer voters the opportunity to “cure” their ballots. The election official will contact the voter explaining the problem and asking them to verify their information and that that they did in fact cast the ballot. See Table 15: States with Signature Cure Processes for more details.

Some states have other methods for verifying absentee/mail ballots, such as requiring voters to provide a copy of an identification document or to have the absentee/mail ballot witnessed or notarized.
Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts.

Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.

There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one is a citizen or for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election.

But millions of migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee or asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the offices where voter registration takes place

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 ordered states to register voters at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and agencies where Americans apply for public benefits — and those offices are required by federal law to hand over the registration forms along with the application papers.

The votes of American Citizen are being canceled out by the Democrat Party's Border Invaders.
The Dirty Democrat Party's open border policy is designed to take away the voting power of American citizens.
This should be a Voting Rights violation.
People should be suing the government for their Right to Vote.
This is nothing but conjecture regarding the impact of these forms?
Their are no name on the ballots or outer envelope? Lol.

That's hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:

You're just fucking with me right?

In the event you truly are this ignorant, how do you explain this?

The most common method to verify that absentee/mail ballots come from the intended voter is to conduct signature verification. When voters return an absentee/mail ballot, they must sign an affidavit on the ballot envelope. When the ballot is returned to the election office, election officials have a process for examining each and every signature and comparing it to other documents in their files that contain the voter signature—usually the voter registration record.

If a ballot is missing a signature or the signature does not match the one on file, some states offer voters the opportunity to “cure” their ballots. The election official will contact the voter explaining the problem and asking them to verify their information and that that they did in fact cast the ballot. See Table 15: States with Signature Cure Processes for more details.

Some states have other methods for verifying absentee/mail ballots, such as requiring voters to provide a copy of an identification document or to have the absentee/mail ballot witnessed or notarized.

Spinning douchebag’. You never said envelope you lying maggot. There is a SIGNATURE on outside of envelope and a bar code containing info, once ripped open and ballot accepted, that ballot made it into the count. If they ignore the SIG verify, all names on voter roll can be voted. Even if they are no longer anywhere near the state.
Spinning douchebag’. You never said envelope you dumb maggot. There is a SIGNATURE on outside of envelope and a bar code containing info, once ripped open and ballot accepted, that ballot made it into the count. If they ignore the SIG verify, all names on voter roll can be voted. Even if they are no longer anywhere near the state.
You said their was no way to identify.

Like they just send in a blank ballot with a check for D or R. ROFL. I thought you were kidding but I guess not. Unreal. :auiqs.jpg:

How do the people who send in fake ballots know the names of the people in their area that didn't vote?

This should be good.
“R” knew all of this in 2020 but allowed it to go on. Courts allowed the mass mail-out-in flood (with Sig verification). But then when SIG review was ignored….the Courts said “oh? Thats too bad<snickering>”.

It’s still going on. In AZ they only work 6 months. They will end soon and go to Cancuun on Tax dollars.
You said their was no way to identify.

Like they just send in a blank ballot with a check for D or R. ROFL. I thought you were kidding but I guess not. Unreal. :auiqs.jpg:

How do the people who send in fake ballots know the names of the people in their area that didn't vote?

This should be good.

I didn’t say shheeat you weaseling arsejack. You did. Fork off filthy scum.
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So you have no real names of people caught voting illegally?

You just thought you would make up some names to avoid the question.
can you prove those are fake names?

some had the last name of Sanchez and Ortega and Smith

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