Zionist Wikipedia editors want articles to be "...Zionist in nature."

Read World Book or Britannica. Their editing leaves much to be desired. Not as bad as the imbecile site that's this thread subject, but those two are also suspect.
Jimmy Wales is Wikipedia's founder.

Wales was in Israel — he’s been here more than 10 times, he says — to accept the Dan David Prize, an international award of $1 million given yearly at Tel Aviv University. Wales was chosen for spearheading what the prize committee called the “information revolution.”
Without looking it up I doubt 85% of the people who use the word Zion or Zionist even actually know what it means.

No one ever used that word, but soon as the whole Israel deal started up it is used constantly allover the place.

I think most just fling it around willy nilly with no clue as to what it is.
Without looking it up I doubt 85% of the people who use the word Zion or Zionist even actually know what it means.

No one ever used that word, but soon as the whole Israel deal started up it is used constantly allover the place.

I think most just fling it around willy nilly with no clue as to what it is.
Wonder how the zionists came to monopolize the word "holocaust."
This video is from awhile back, but I have to think they are still doing this. Probably more than ever.

If you don't watch the entire video (about 2 minutes), then see the first minute. The spokesman says they want to "influence" the reader, and they want articles to be "...Zionist in nature."

That is hardly the approach an encyclopedia should take. But that is why far left wikipedia deserves criticism.

Check the woman who is interviewed. She thinks the purpose of an encyclopedia is to "defend Israel." I will make a bet these people are paid. I made a thread about Israel paying shills here.

MAGA folks are nuts

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