The feds are handing out voter registration forms to migrants. Can the GOP stop it?

Lie to your Brain Dead side. They vote and they tell you they vote.

They all over the country. Hell riding the bus into the job everyday makes me feel like Im in Mexico.

For decades they have set up networks to get fake names and SSNs. Everyone in industry and our govt KNOW THIS.
I can get one too.
Show id or dont vote. We hold as honest elections. Nothing is fool proof, but your states allow basically no verification. You fight against having voter rolls fixed.

We know why you do it and so do you.
The entire solution is keeping voter rolls as clean as possible, a citizen, living at the address listed, no one under 18, no one that's a felon or ex felon, no one that has died.

Us having ID really doesn't matter, if the State, did it's required job of vetting the applicants, and keeping the voter rolls clean, thereafter.
The entire solution is keeping voter rolls as clean as possible, a citizen, living at the address listed, no one under 18, no one that's a felon or ex felon, no one that has died.

Us having ID really doesn't matter, if the State, did it's required job of vetting the applicants, and keeping the voter rolls clean, thereafter.

Various local, state and Federal agencies need to share information

When someone dies, Social Security is notified. They need to share information with election officials

When someone moves they notify DMV or register to vote. Officials at their former address need to be notified.
Various local, state and Federal agencies need to share information

When someone dies, Social Security is notified. They need to share information with election officials

When someone moves they notify DMV or register to vote. Officials at their former address need to be notified.

Some States use the social security death index to remove those who died off their voter rolls. Others when the state issues a death certificate is also another way to keep the dead off.

Imagine you’re an undocumented person living in the United States. You’ve come to this country seeking a better life for you and your family. Or maybe your parents brought you here seeking the same when you were a child. You spend your life living in very real fear that you might be noticed by the government and be deported — perhaps to a country you’ve never known. There’s an election coming up, the outcome of which will surely impact your life. But you know you can’t vote because you’re not a citizen. Would you risk everything — your freedom, your life in the United States, your ability to be near your family — just to cast a single ballot?

Of course you wouldn’t. It’s a federal crime for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. It’s also a crime under every state’s laws. In fact, under federal law, you could face up to five years in prison simply for registering to vote. It’s also a deportable offense for noncitizens to register or vote. And sure, people make bad decisions and commit crimes all the time. But this one is different: by committing the crime, you create a government record of your having committed it. In fact, it’s the creation of the government record — the registration form or the ballot cast — that is the crime. So, you’ve not only exposed yourself to prison time and deportation, you’ve put yourself on the government’s radar, and you’ve handed the government the evidence it needs to put you in prison or deport you. All so you could cast one vote. Who would do such a thing?

The answer is: just about no one. Every legitimate study ever done on the question shows that voting by noncitizens in state and federal elections is vanishingly rare. That includes the Brennan Center’s own study of 42 jurisdictions in the 2016 general election. We found that election officials in those places, who oversaw the tabulation of 23.5 million votes, referred only an estimated 30 incidents of suspected noncitizen voting for further investigation or prosecution. In other words, even suspected — not proven — noncitizen votes accounted for just 0.0001 percent of the votes cast. But you don’t have to take our word for it: the Cato Institute will also tell you,
Voter Rolls clean.

The entire solution is keeping voter rolls as clean as possible, a citizen, living at the address listed, no one under 18, no one that's a felon or ex felon, no one that has died.

Us having ID really doesn't matter, if the State, did it's required job of vetting the applicants, and keeping the voter rolls clean, thereafter.

Voter Rolls clean.

The entire solution is keeping voter rolls as clean as possible, a citizen, living at the address listed, no one under 18, no one that's a felon or ex felon, no one that has died.

Us having ID really doesn't matter, if the State, did it's required job of vetting the applicants, and keeping the voter rolls clean, thereafter.

100s' of names registered to a 3BR home or an APT, a boarded up empty building address, vacant lots, WalMarts, shell stations, RV parks, millions of Non-citizens signed up (they may not even know). Pound sand STAIN, this is what is on your corrupt voter rolls. This is who Ballots flooded out in 2020. This is what groups have to work so hard to stop! and it is a moving target with 15 million new illegal names available. Many registered under a few names to get an EBT card.

Removing Dead people are the least of the problem perhaps? At least they may have been legit at one time?

The damage is done now. You all need chained and dragged for your support of it. #neverforget.
And who do you think they're giving those forms to, ever heard of Cloward and Piven? Their intent is to overwhelm registrars offices with bogus crap and a percentage will slip through and will receive registrations. It's obvious why you commies hate free and fair elections.

Whose intent?
Your fantasies get more and more bizarre as you try to defend your wild theories
It's the GQP, the party of Qanon and flat earth. They exist on conspiracy theories, and those things just feed on themselves.


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