The feds are handing out voter registration forms to migrants. Can the GOP stop it?

I'm against things like when they give illegals a drivers license they are automatically registered to vote.

Or using Federal programs to register them like Biden is doing.
They are not "automatically registered to vote". It is a separate process combined for convenience. When I transferred my DL to Tennessee, I got the new Real ID license and registered to vote at the same time. They checked my birth certificate for the Real ID for citizenship and then registered me to vote based on that evidence by a completely separate process. My driver's license and voter registration card came via separate correspondence. There is no "automatically".
Mules cheat because by definition that is what they are intended to do. They deliver fraudulent ballots or harvested ballots to drop boxes.

In 2020 my husband and I received five mail in ballots at our home, one for each of us, one for the previous owner, now deceased, one each for our son and ex wife who lived with us years ago and haven't lived in the state for many years. We didn't use any of them as we voted in person, butt it would have been easy to fill out all five, smudge the signature on the three fraudulent ones a bit to make it difficult to compare it with the one on the registration and a poll worker might or might not disqualify those ballots due to lack of verification. Once that ballot is separated from the envelope there is no way on Earth to know if that ballot was cast by a legally registered voter or by a dead person or by someone not legally allowed to vote or somebody in a coma in a nursing home or whatever.
Smudging the signature should make that ballot invalid, and it should be discarded and not counted. The absentee ballot should not be counted because you voted in person. The conflict should set off a red flag and one of the votes deleted.
Only through fraud are they registered because illegals have their driver's license IDs marked not to be used for citizenship,

In General Admiral, I am always in agreement with 99.99% of your stuff.

State is different than FEDERAL ELECTIONS. I suppose that is how cities in Orange county declare they allow Illegals to vote and work in GOVT also?

USSC has ruled for FEDERAL elections STATES CANNOT make anyone prove Citizenship. I know as crazy as that sounds.
Therefore any DL would mean nothing in FEDERAL. All they have to do is say HOMELESS, No ID...check all the boxes and move on. No one can find all of them and check them out.

AZ used to require proof AND USSC ruled no one can make them prove citizenship.
Links and excerpts were posted all over yesterday. I did not think you are one to just jump in and spout BS. So I defer...I got no time for this.
They are not "automatically registered to vote". It is a separate process combined for convenience. When I transferred my DL to Tennessee, I got the new Real ID license and registered to vote at the same time. They checked my birth certificate for the Real ID for citizenship and then registered me to vote based on that evidence by a completely separate process. My driver's license and voter registration card came via separate correspondence. There is no "automatically".
I have ZERO trust with democrats regarding voting.
If there is a way to let illegals vote, I'm sure they will find it.
I know for a fact that some of the PA DMV people push to register democrats.
I have ZERO trust with democrats regarding voting.
If there is a way to let illegals vote, I'm sure they will find it.
I know for a fact that some of the PA DMV people push to register democrats.
How do we know Republicans will not try to substitute Fake Electors this year like they did last time?

You know how they cheat
Of course they can fudge a few ballots, but nothing like the ballot box stuffing that occurred in 2020. That won't happen this time because everyone is the wiser now and laws have been changed.
I hope you're right. The Democrats keep insisting that this and that is done to verify the legal ballots, but they have absolutely no clue whether the people doing the 'verification' are deep state operatives or honorable people. If Republicans were in charge, they wouldn't be anywhere near as confident there there was no hanky panky though. But I honestly think the huge majority of Republicans want honest elections win or lose. And I think Democrats don't care how dishonestly it is done so long as they win. Otherwise they wouldn't work so hard to discredit suggestions or initiatives to restore confidence in the system.
Smudging the signature should make that ballot invalid, and it should be discarded and not counted. The absentee ballot should not be counted because you voted in person. The conflict should set off a red flag and one of the votes deleted.
But a dishonest poll worker, hired and assigned to that position by a dishonest election official, would not discredit the ballot if it was filled out for the right person. He/she might definitely disallow the ballot if it was marked for the 'wrong' person. What the Democrats won't acknowledge is that corruption in elections isn't just at one level but is at all levels. And once the ballot is separated from its envelope, there is no way to know whether it was filled out by the person lawfully entitled to vote or not.

Given the rampant ballot harvesting in the 2020 election, I am sure there were a lot of dead people and nursing home patients and others who voted who have absolutely no idea that they did so.

You've heard the old joke that my granddaddy (or whomever) voted Republican to the day he died. Ever since though he has voted Democrat.
But a dishonest poll worker, hired and assigned to that position by a dishonest election official, would not discredit the ballot if it was filled out for the right person. He/she might definitely disallow the ballot if it was marked for the 'wrong' person. What the Democrats won't acknowledge is that corruption in elections isn't just at one level but is at all levels. And once the ballot is separated from its envelope, there is no way to know whether it was filled out by the person lawfully entitled to vote or not.

Given the rampant ballot harvesting in the 2020 election, I am sure there were a lot of dead people and nursing home patients and others who voted who have absolutely no idea that they did so.

You've heard the old joke that my granddaddy (or whomever) voted Republican to the day he died. Ever since though he has voted Democrat.
Your fantasies get more and more bizarre as you try to defend your wild theories
That poll worker sees a sealed envelope when he approves the signature…..he does not know who you voted for
There are strict procedures for handling ballots and counting votes.
Each party is allowed observers of the entire process and can and do file objections if they are not followed

Even though they help make and enforce the rules, Republicans still claim they were cheated…..Just because they lost

Crybaby Losers
Your fantasies get more and more bizarre as you try to defend your wild theories
That poll worker sees a sealed envelope when he approves the signature…..he does not know who you voted for
There are strict procedures for handling ballots and counting votes.
Each party is allowed observers of the entire process and can and do file objections if they are not followed

Even though they help make and enforce the rules, Republicans still claim they were cheated…..Just because they lost

Crybaby Losers
Count you as one who does not care about election integrity or whether there is voter confidence in the election process. Cheaters are going to cheat if they have means to do so. For every unethical poll worker arrested, you can be certain there are hundreds of others who didn't get caught. Just a few examples:

Count you as one who does not care about election integrity or whether there is voter confidence in the election process. Cheaters are going to cheat if they have means to do so. For every unethical poll worker arrested, you can be certain there are hundreds of others who didn't get caught. Just a few examples:

You do realize that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss received hundreds of millions in damages for the claims you posted?
Their lives were threatened for your false claims

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LIAR. Soon 36 states will have Automatic Voter Registration.

At least 36 states—Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia—plus the District of Columbia, currently or will soon have fully or substantially electronic voter registration at DMVs.

Democrats cheat. Always have, always will.
Yes, they do silly, FOR CITIZENS.... they DO NOT for non citizens getting driver's licences.
But a dishonest poll worker, hired and assigned to that position by a dishonest election official, would not discredit the ballot if it was filled out for the right person. He/she might definitely disallow the ballot if it was marked for the 'wrong' person. What the Democrats won't acknowledge is that corruption in elections isn't just at one level but is at all levels. And once the ballot is separated from its envelope, there is no way to know whether it was filled out by the person lawfully entitled to vote or not.

Given the rampant ballot harvesting in the 2020 election, I am sure there were a lot of dead people and nursing home patients and others who voted who have absolutely no idea that they did so.

You've heard the old joke that my granddaddy (or whomever) voted Republican to the day he died. Ever since though he has voted Democrat.

You are starting from the assumption that the officials are crooked. If so, there is not a damn thing you can do about it except electing non-crooked election officials in your local community.

I have to ask how you think an election official is going to know to throw out a ballot because of who they voted for? It simply doesn't work that way with paper ballots. That is why they are used more now than before.
If the voter roll is Bad........the only thing you can do is send out a request to be filled in (signed) and returned....Yes I am legit....Yes I want a mail in ballot.

Here comes a herd of LW hacks to jump in and state "that is how it is". BS in advance. Not everywhere. And "signed" (by whom?) verified upon return? BS. They don't have time or rescources for that sort of work. That requires machine and more SIG review.

Bottom line: Mail-in ballots allowed 2020 Election fraud in the tens of millions. It was less bad when everyone had to show up and sign in to vote in person, in a booth.
You are starting from the assumption that the officials are crooked. If so, there is not a damn thing you can do about it except electing non-crooked election officials in your local community.

I have to ask how you think an election official is going to know to throw out a ballot because of who they voted for? It simply doesn't work that way with paper ballots. That is why they are used more now than before.
The discussion was focused on mail in ballots, not in person ballots. If a person is verified a citizen of legal age when he/she registers and provides positive certified ID that not only verifies identity but residency when he/she votes, and there are bipartisan poll watchers watching the process and counting of in person votes, it is much more difficult to cheat at least in large numbers.

Unless controls are tightened on voter registrations and mail in ballots, the opportunity to cheat the system with mail in ballots is huge most especially when a corrupt election official skews the process to make cheating easier.

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