The feds are handing out voter registration forms to migrants. Can the GOP stop it?

Can you explain how exactly, someone can cheat on a mail in ballot?
You can even explain how a “mule” is cheating
Mules cheat because by definition that is what they are intended to do. They deliver fraudulent ballots or harvested ballots to drop boxes.

In 2020 my husband and I received five mail in ballots at our home, one for each of us, one for the previous owner, now deceased, one each for our son and ex wife who lived with us years ago and haven't lived in the state for many years. We didn't use any of them as we voted in person, butt it would have been easy to fill out all five, smudge the signature on the three fraudulent ones a bit to make it difficult to compare it with the one on the registration and a poll worker might or might not disqualify those ballots due to lack of verification. Once that ballot is separated from the envelope there is no way on Earth to know if that ballot was cast by a legally registered voter or by a dead person or by someone not legally allowed to vote or somebody in a coma in a nursing home or whatever.
Look, I tried to explain it yesterday. It is confusing and frankly screwed up by the USSC (USSJoke). I am working here. I put out links yesterday. I tried and tried but most of you saps can't or won't read about it. Go back in the thread and read the confusion USSJ has created....but they created it when mail-in was not such a big issue perhaps? Or they trust the Deep State! Sod off wankers, you bother me.

States are prohibited from making Voters prove CITIZENSHIP to register to vote. Obviously DEMS are taking advantage of this loophole to lie cheat and steal millions of votes getting BS voter names on every state voter roll. Mail in ballots go out to every name on the voter roll requested or not with crooked Deep State operatives manning the state houses.

This was not such a bit deal when you had to show up to vote. But now? off the charts.

From the links.
In only some states, lawmakers will not allow illegals to vote in local elections, but every state will allow illegal aliens to vote in national elections, including the presidential election. This is because of provisions in the federal Voting Rights Act, which allow you to vote without proving identity.
Mules cheat because by definition that is what they are intended to do. They deliver fraudulent ballots or harvested ballots to drop boxes.

In 2020 my husband and I received five mail in ballots at our home, one for each of us, one for the previous owner, now deceased, one each for our son and ex wife who lived with us years ago and haven't lived in the state for many years. We didn't use any of them as we voted in person, butt it would have been easy to fill out all five, smudge the signature on the three fraudulent ones a bit to make it difficult to compare it with the one on the registration and a poll worker might or might not disqualify those ballots due to lack of verification. Once that ballot is separated from the envelope there is no way on Earth to know if that ballot was cast by a legally registered voter or by a dead person or by someone not legally allowed to vote or somebody in a coma in a nursing home or whatever.

How do you deposit a fraudulent ballot in a drop box?
Each ballot is directly linked to a registered voter and their authenticated signature?

Now, for those five absentee ballots you received

Are you aware that filing a fraudulent ballot results in prison time? Is it worth prison for just three votes?

So if you fill out those extra ballots and forge a signature you don’t know, it will be rejected when it is verified at receipt.
If those former tenants or children vote elsewhere, it could trigger an investigation of duplicate voting that would send investigators to your home..

Do you feel lucky?
How do you deposit a fraudulent ballot in a drop box?
Each ballot is directly linked to a registered voter and their authenticated signature?

Now, for those five absentee ballots you received

Are you aware that filing a fraudulent ballot results in prison time? Is it worth prison for just three votes?

So if you fill out those extra ballots and forge a signature you don’t know, it will be rejected when it is verified at receipt.
If those former tenants or children vote elsewhere, it could trigger an investigation of duplicate voting that would send investigators to your home..

Do you feel lucky?
Still didn't take that remedial reading comprehension course did you. Oh well. I tried.
Still didn't take that remedial reading comprehension course did you. Oh well. I tried.
Once again, you fail to answer the question when you are proven wrong…..weak deflection on your part

How are you going to drop fraudulent ballots in a drop box and have them accepted?

Are you really going to risk prison by sending in absentee ballots that are not yours?
Once again, you fail to answer the question when you are proven wrong…..weak deflection on your part

How are you going to drop fraudulent ballots in a drop box and have them accepted?

Are you really going to risk prison by sending in absentee ballots that are not yours?
Answered in the post you responded to. If only you could read.
How do you deposit a fraudulent ballot in a drop box?
Each ballot is directly linked to a registered voter and their authenticated signature?

Now, for those five absentee ballots you received

Are you aware that filing a fraudulent ballot results in prison time? Is it worth prison for just three votes?

So if you fill out those extra ballots and forge a signature you don’t know, it will be rejected when it is verified at receipt.
If those former tenants or children vote elsewhere, it could trigger an investigation of duplicate voting that would send investigators to your home..

Do you feel lucky?

Yeah, then you have places like Maricopa county that altered their signature verification machines to where they would authenticate any scrawl because they got too many rejects.

Yeah, then you have places like Maricopa county that altered their signature verification machines to where they would authenticate any scrawl because they got too many rejects.


You just make shit up to support your stolen election fantasies
What nonsense. Check your state's voter registration requirements. A driver's license does NOT automatically register anyone to vote in any state.
Screw all that, why give illegal invaders, who are law breakers, a drivers license in the first place/
Answered in the post you responded to. If only you could read.
Not really…just another bizarre fantasy
A smudged signature is not a legible signature
Improper signatures are the primary reason for rejecting a mail in ballot

What happens if your fake signature was accepted and it turns out that person voted twice or is deceased?
The investigation would lead to the address the mail in ballot was sent.

Do you feel lucky?
You just make shit up to support your stolen election fantasies

Asshole, it only took a 10% match to verify.

According to 2020 emails between Maricopa County officials and an employee of the county's election technology vendor, Runbeck Election Services, the election firm's Verus Pro application for signature verification ranks signature matches on a scale of 0 to 100. However, only scores "lower than 10" are "not marked as Accepted by Verus Pro," according to an email from a Maricopa County official, which the county provided to then-Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich after a public records request.

Welfare offices and other federal offices are now routinely providing everybody who comes in, including migrants, with voter registration forms. The people apparently are not asked if they are citizens and no proof of citizenship or residency is mentioned. The GOP is doing what they can to fix it.

Yet another thing the DemoKKKrats and their puppets said was a "conspiracy theory", that has now turned out to be true.
Asshole, it only took a 10% match to verify.

According to 2020 emails between Maricopa County officials and an employee of the county's election technology vendor, Runbeck Election Services, the election firm's Verus Pro application for signature verification ranks signature matches on a scale of 0 to 100. However, only scores "lower than 10" are "not marked as Accepted by Verus Pro," according to an email from a Maricopa County official, which the county provided to then-Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich after a public records request.

You need to read your link
The SW is only for initial screening

Signatures sent to Runbeck "are assigned a score," reads the contract, "based on the verification; signatures with a score of 10 or higher are routed to a high-confidence manual signature verification queue, and signatures with a lower score are routed to a low-confidence signature verification queue."
Once again, you fail to answer the question when you are proven wrong…..weak deflection on your part

How are you going to drop fraudulent ballots in a drop box and have them accepted?

Are you really going to risk prison by sending in absentee ballots that are not yours?
There are people who do. And they do not care. Inner city people do not care. They have been doing this for decades. There is a seedy side to voting. There is no way that Joe got 81 million votes. No way. Only a special needs nation would have voted him in or a banana republic electorate.
Not to mention the fact that the non immigrants allowed to vote in local's are NOT ON THE FEDERAL VOTING ROLL!

The right wing propagandists and con men count on their followers being ignorant of voting safety systems and rules set up to secure their elections and votes... spread their "stealing election lies" and illegals voting lies! Sad.
Lie to your Brain Dead side. They vote and they tell you they vote.

They all over the country. Hell riding the bus into the job everyday makes me feel like Im in Mexico.

For decades they have set up networks to get fake names and SSNs. Everyone in industry and our govt KNOW THIS.

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