The feds are handing out voter registration forms to migrants. Can the GOP stop it?

That should be up to each state. I can see the argument for legal, resident aliens to be able to vote in local elections.

The whole "no taxation without representation" thing
I disagree. Once illegal voters are on the voter rolls they would vote in all elections.
Non-citizens have no say in US elections, period.
I do know how absentee ballots work and I know how the system can be cheated by those determined to do so.

Can you explain how exactly, someone can cheat on a mail in ballot?
You can even explain how a “mule” is cheating
I disagree. Once illegal voters are on the voter rolls they would vote in all elections.
Non-citizens have no say in US elections, period.
They don’t

Why can’t Republicans actually find illegals who voted even though they claim millions do?
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Liberals "illegals aren't votikng" lmfao how would you know that?? It's not like you are making them use identification to sign up for free handouts and voter registration....
How do you know?
Go back and review who voted in the last election and then verify if they have illegal status.

Republicans can’t actually find any
That should be up to each state.

I can see the argument for legal, resident aliens to be able to vote in local elections.

The whole "no taxation without representation" thing

I support a legal non-citizen resident being able to vote in school board elections.
They pay taxes and their children attend the school
Welfare offices and other federal offices are now routinely providing everybody who comes in, including migrants, with voter registration forms. The people apparently are not asked if they are citizens and no proof of citizenship or residency is mentioned. The GOP is doing what they can to fix it.

One can go online and register but one must prove citizenship in the state one is registering in.
I support a legal non-citizen resident being able to vote in school board elections.
They pay taxes and their children attend the school
Key word legal, and as a legal non citizen they have a path to citizenship honestly I'd be fine with them having a voice in that modify there registration to only allow low level civil/local elections or create a separate registration for them.
The ballot you got without ID while signing up for hand outs funded by actual citizens.... to cast a ballot that doesn't require an ID or a proper chain of custody..... RIGHT.
You really don’t understand how our election system works.

Anyone can get a voter registration form. They have stacks of them at Post Offices, DMV and government agencies…..or even online

Once you send in your registration form it is up to the County Registrar to verify your address and citizenship. THAT is where you weed out ineligible voters.

Once you show up to vote, your signature is verified
You really don’t understand how our election system works.

Anyone can get a voter registration form. They have stacks of them at Post Offices, DMV and government agencies…..or even online

Once you send in your registration form it is up to the County Registrar to verify your address and citizenship. THAT is where you weed out ineligible voters.

Once you show up to vote, your signature is verified
Yes and you trust that "verification" of citizenship lmfao make it easy and include requirements of SSI on the registration...

Oh wait IDs actually already display non citizen on them

Their driver's licenses STATE ON THEM, that their driver's license is not an id to vote in federal elections...or something like that...which is required under federal law if The state decides to issue drivers licenses to noncitizens.

The non citizens are NOT automatically registered to vote when they get a license, it is a separate process for non citizens to obtain a driver's license than it is for citizens.

"or something like that"


So you think that, just because some non citizen gets a ballot

That means that vote would count? 😂

No poll watchers in your state?
DETROIT (Reuters) - Michigan, a battleground state that will help determine who wins the U.S. presidential election, is still counting "tens of thousands" of ballots according to a top state official and emotions were running high in Detroit, where poll watchers were barred from the counting room on Wednesday afternoon.

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