The feds are handing out voter registration forms to migrants. Can the GOP stop it?

Do you even understand what the conversation is about?

There is a LEGITIMATE reason for migrants to receive voting registration forms.

Some migrant somewhere registering or voting illegally is not a reason to generally stop providing registration forms to people.
No, there isn't. If you aren't a citizen you have no business voting in our elections. No other country on Earth allows it. Because it's stupid!
The goofballs want to squeeze voting so they can reduce it to the numbers they can dominate.

There is a reason you lose some many elections, you know. You are goofballs.

I particularly like fingerprint identification because it helps to convict felons who were pretending to be a legal voter

Because as felons their fingerprint is already in the criminal records

So thats a two-fer

It invalidates an illegal vote and sends a democrat back to prison
How long will you wait for the fingerprint to be taken, read, compared, and reported as good or no good? That procedure normally takes about 3 weeks on checks done for background checks, That is just normal processing time. You going to that for every voter, the counts will be going on past Thanksgiving! We going to wait that long to count votes?
The anonymous vote is a 237-year tradition in America. Absentee ballots have always required a signature of the one casting it so have never been anonymous.

Making sure only eligible citizens register to vote, voter ID, signing in to vote and notarized signatures on mail in ballots plus bipartisan poll watchers who watch the vote and know what the final hand count is are the best we can do to ensure an honest election that most people can believe was as fair and honest as we can make it.

In a dishonest system or one that makes verification impossible, nobody can be sure only eligible voters voted and their votes were tallied in the same way they voted.

Anybody pushing policies and procedures making it easier to cheat want it to be possible to cheat. That's a fact.

The signature is not on the ballot, so what you claim is not true.
That the ballot arrives in an envelope signed by the voter removes the anonymity for that ballot. And if a recount should be necessary in a very close election, nobody should be able to slip in more or different anonymous mail in ballots with no way to know if they are valid or not. Better yet just have the voter sign their mail in ballot and have it notarized instead of signing the envelope and that way the envelopes won't matter.

If you want to cast an anonymous vote, show your voter ID to receive a ballot in person, go to a private place to mark your ballot and place it in a ballot box for counting under the supervision of bipartisan poll watchers.

Once the identity has been verified, they are separated so the ballot remains anonymous.
The ballot is in an inner envelope, just the outer envelope is signed. Thus the anonymity is in tact. You wish to take it away for no good reason at all.

People can slip in non-mailed in anonymous ballots, thus we need a named tied to every single ballot no matter how it arrives so that a person's vote can be verified.

It is the only way to be 100% sure.
The ballot has a serial number that identifies if it was sent to a voter, so you would be hard pressed to slip new ballots in if you check to see if that ballot was ever mailed.
The signature is not on the ballot, so what you claim is not true.
A mail in ballot without a signature on the envelope is supposed to be automatically invalid. Therefore valid mail in ballots are not anonymous for whoever opens that envelope and checks that signature can clearly see how that person voted. So since the person mailing in their ballot gives up their anonymity i think the ballot itself should be signed and notarized to ensure that nobody voted with that ballot but the prson authorized to do so.

Those who do not wish to give up their anonymity will vote in person.
Once the identity has been verified, they are separated so the ballot remains anonymous.
But then there is no way to determine if the person authorized to cast that ballot is the one who did so. The ballots are automatially not anonymous when they are mailed in so there is no reason not to sign the ballot itself.
A mail in ballot without a signature on the envelope is supposed to be automatically invalid. Therefore valid mail in ballots are not anonymous for whoever opens that envelope and checks that signature can clearly see how that person voted. So since the person mailing in their ballot gives up their anonymity i think the ballot itself should be signed and notarized to ensure that nobody voted with that ballot but the prson authorized to do so.

Those who do not wish to give up their anonymity will vote in person.

I think they are probably machine scanned before opened? Ballots are separated and held? Pending SIG review? Then dumped in the accepted pile? Probably how it’s supposed to work. If they follow the rules. Envelopes scanned before they get ripped up.

Again they skipped SIG review of scans in Fulton county “claimed the machine was broken”. With years of notice to get equipment ready?

They might has well skipped it in AZ as they went thru the sig check “in some fashion”..
Do you have any idea how few people have fingerprints in the system?
If a state adopts fingerprint ID the fingerprint will be collected when each person registers to vote

A thumbprint is being collected already in my state when a drivers license is issued

But voter identification will always vary by state

The key is in-person voting and positive ID combined with good old fashioned paper ballots
How long will you wait for the fingerprint to be taken, read, compared, and reported as good or no good? That procedure normally takes about 3 weeks on checks done for background checks, That is just normal processing time. You going to that for every voter, the counts will be going on past Thanksgiving! We going to wait that long to count votes?
I think it can be instantly verified now using AI

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