Conservatives push for end of "no fault" divorce

Pre nups make sense. They should cover all divorce scenarios and be negotiated by both parties in the marriage.
Unless you are bringing substantial assets into a marriage, a prenup is not necessary.
Existing laws will cover you
The Troubling data of single parent children is undeniable, even if you try.

Far higher rates of crime, drug use, depression, suicide, etc.

It drowns out any theories you have
You are mixing single mothers with single parents after a divorce

Children in a fractured household are not better off
Two parents who can’t stand each other but stay together for the children are not helping them
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So less couples having kids isn't a bad thing.
No, although raising children is what makes adults mature the most.

Exceptions are fine, but we should generally encourage children as a positive.. not like so much of modern society does as nothing more than inconveniences that take away a person’s freedoms. I think children would be good for many of today’s young adults who are depressed, narcissistic, etc.
No, although raising children is what makes adults mature the most.

Exceptions are fine, but we should generally encourage children as a positive.. not like so much of modern society does as nothing more than inconveniences that take away a person’s freedoms. I think children would be good for many of today’s young adults who are depressed, narcissistic, etc.
I totally disagree. Many a young adult doesn't want kids. But society wrongly pressures the wash rinse repeat of get married have kids. Once they have kids they figure out this is not what they want. They never should have had the kids in the first place.
Actually, I don't have a huge problem with this. If you are going to get a divorce, especially if kids are involved, there better be a good reason.

Domestic abuse is solid grounds for divorce.

"I'm not feeling it" isn't. You should have thought of that before your parents paid thousands of dollars for a wedding.
Wow. I agree. It is too easy to get a divorce. In my long life, I find that most times it is the woman who simply want a change. Especially if children are involved.

I know a young guy, a disable vet, who had a wife and two kids. She left him to shack up with another guy. Pitiful.
I totally disagree. Many a young adult doesn't want kids. But society wrongly pressures the wash rinse repeat of get married have kids. Once they have kids they figure out this is not what they want. They never should have had the kids in the first place.
I guess if you think sacrifice isn’t a good thing, and appeal to one’s immediate desires… I could see someone thinking as you do.

Kids generally bring happiness though. You keep advocating against what brings humans happiness.. it’s odd
I don’t want to remain married to this person for the rest of my life is a good enough reason

Marriage is a contract that is voluntarily entered into. Either party should have an option to end that contract.

It is none of the States business
When 89% of first time offenders in the juvenile system come from broken homes, it damn such is.
I guess if you think sacrifice isn’t a good thing, and appeal to one’s immediate desires… I could see someone thinking as you do.

Kids generally bring happiness though. You keep advocating against what brings humans happiness.. it’s odd
No. You are wrong. People should have kids if they want them. They themselves can determine what THEY want and whatever it is that's fine. What you would encourage is every young adult get married and have kids. That's authoritarian. What if a young couple would rather not have kids? Somehow you wrongly feel that's a bad thing.
You are trolling, my friend, with your 1950s views of family unity
You’ll have to explain how evil and awful the 1950’s were.. because people were happier then. You’re just parroting a ridiculous feminist patriarchal trope… but most of the 1950’s “victims” were far happier than todays depressed, angry, radical activist feminist.
You’ll have to explain how evil and awful the 1950’s were.. because people were happier then. You’re just parroting a ridiculous feminist patriarchal trope… but most of the 1950’s “victims” were far happier than todays depressed, angry, radical activist feminist.
That is a pile of rubbish. I lived through the 50s. They stunk. People struggled. Unhappy wives stuck in the house. Never again should this nation revisit that era.
Saying “the marriage didn’t work” would mean there is a reason. Why didn’t it work? Because you realize this isn’t the person you thought they were? Should have taken more time to get to know them. Is it because you just realized you don’t want to be married anymore? Should have self evaluated more. Is it because the other person is doing something you can’t live with? That’s a fault.
I had a buddy that I fished with years ago. He told me "congratulate me, I'm getting married". I said "to who?" He said "Sunni", and I said "what, you just met her two weeks ago".
None of the states business to analyze why a marriage didn’t work.
Some people just make shitty spouses
Sometimes you just make a bad decision. Doesn’t mean you should be stuck with it for the rest of your life

Half of all marriages end in divorce. That means the rest last the rest of your life
There should be repercussions when you sign a contract. Especially when one party wants out and the other one doesn't.
Is it though? I mean, first, the mental strain on a child when their parents tell them they are splitting up…and then the child grows up without a father…or a “family unit”.

I mean, you tell me..which is worse on the child?
Child psychologists say that the NUMBER ONE thing kids talk about is how they want their family to be back together.
You’ll have to explain how evil and awful the 1950’s were.. because people were happier then. You’re just parroting a ridiculous feminist patriarchal trope… but most of the 1950’s “victims” were far happier than today’s depressed, angry, radical activist feminist.
Yup, Ozzie and Harriet and the Cleavers

Contrary to the TV view, families were far from idyllic in the 50s
Women were baby factories, wives and children were beaten and abused while society looked the other way, women were trapped in loveless marriages and stayed for the sake of appearance.
Women had no financial options other than their husbands

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