The feds are handing out voter registration forms to migrants. Can the GOP stop it?

A mail in ballot without a signature on the envelope is supposed to be automatically invalid. Therefore valid mail in ballots are not anonymous for whoever opens that envelope and checks that signature can clearly see how that person voted. So since the person mailing in their ballot gives up their anonymity i think the ballot itself should be signed and notarized to ensure that nobody voted with that ballot but the prson authorized to do so.

Those who do not wish to give up their anonymity will vote in person.
You seriously do not understand how absentee ballots work. I suspect you have never voted absentee in your life. Am I right?

If I am a poll worker and I verify the mail-in ballot signature matches the voter registration I then separate the ballot from the envelope and submit the ballot to be counted.

My signature has never appeared on a ballot, and I am ex-military, so I voted absentee often while on active duty in fact, in 1984, I voted absentee for Ronald Reagan because I was in Virginia for the election, lived in South Carolina and was still registered in Alabama. In 1988, I was back in Alabama for duty, and in 1992 I was registered and voted at my local precinct in Florida. I voted registered in Virgina in 1996, but changed it back to Florida and voted by election time in 1996 as I did in the infamous 2000 election and in 2004. By 2008 I was registered in Kentucky and voted there until 2022 when I moved to Tennessee, after voting in Kentucky's primary that Spring.

If you were to poll most of the ex-military types on here, you will find most vote absentee, if they vote at all, while on active duty. My hopefully Army prospective son-in-law is registered in Wisconsin, even though he is from NY originally.
But then there is no way to determine if the person authorized to cast that ballot is the one who did so. The ballots are automatially not anonymous when they are mailed in so there is no reason not to sign the ballot itself.
They are anonymous because that ballot is submitted for counting. Any ballot that was not verified will not have a serial number showing it was even issued. That prevents duplicate counting of ballots also. You need to attend poll worker training in your precinct to learn how wrong you are.
How about if they just have voter registration forms on a table where anyone can take one or have voter registration forms online that anyone can print?

It is up to the County Registrar to verify eligibility when those forms are turned in
I have to give to you! When you are right, you are right. Doesn't happen often, but in this case you are!
A mail in ballot without a signature on the envelope is supposed to be automatically invalid. Therefore valid mail in ballots are not anonymous for whoever opens that envelope and checks that signature can clearly see how that person voted. So since the person mailing in their ballot gives up their anonymity i think the ballot itself should be signed and notarized to ensure that nobody voted with that ballot but the prson authorized to do so.

Those who do not wish to give up their anonymity will vote in person.

Yeah, and your point is what? I don't think you have ever seen a mail-in ballot in the first place, because if you did you would know what you posted is not true. You cannot glance at a two-page ballot and see what is marked on either side to know who they voted for. Pardon me for saying so, but your ignorance of reality is showing.

I was recently handicapped by illness and could not vote in person. Should I lose the right to vote because I don't want to give up my anonymity? Fortunately, in 2020 and 2022 I made it to the polls, but what if I hadn't?
But then there is no way to determine if the person authorized to cast that ballot is the one who did so. The ballots are automatially not anonymous when they are mailed in so there is no reason not to sign the ballot itself.
The ballots do not identify the person. What part of that do you not understand? You must verify the signature as a registered voter before you even open the envelope. If you can't, it is discarded as an invalid vote. Procedures are important to be followed. You apparently have never learned those procedures.

I taught my students how to vote and the processes in two states. You should have taken my government class.
They are not voting.

This is just another one of those deceptive bs alarms sounded by the rightwing.

Do we know that for sure? The common argument is “there is no proof illegals are voting”, well, I’ve suggested that, if the illegal is properly registered to vote, they wouldn’t show up as an illegal vote, so you’d never catch them, because for all intents and purposes, they would appear as a legitimate nobody would be looking at their ballots as invalid.
So you think that, just because some non citizen gets a ballot

That means that vote would count? 😂

No poll watchers in your state?
How would they determine someone casting a vote is illegal? They are registered easily by automated voter systems, such as the one in the story, and then the dems are fighting tooth and nail to prevent any kind of voter ID, or any way to verify that people are legally eligible to vote. So, poll watcher isn’t going to be able to catch them.
I think they are probably machine scanned before opened? Ballots are separated and held? Pending SIG review? Then dumped in the accepted pile? Probably how it’s supposed to work. If they follow the rules. Envelopes scanned before they get ripped up.

Again they skipped SIG review of scans in Fulton county “claimed the machine was broken”. With years of notice to get equipment ready?

They might has well skipped it in AZ as they went thru the sig check “in some fashion”..
There are just too many ways to cheat the system with mail in ballots and I think we saw a lot of that in 2020. Whatever system is used there must be a verifiable chain of custody and as foolproof process as possible to ensure that every ballot cast is an authentic legal ballot. It must be made much more difficult to tamper with or destroy evidence in advance of an audit/recount when that is necessary.
You seriously do not understand how absentee ballots work. I suspect you have never voted absentee in your life. Am I right?

If I am a poll worker and I verify the mail-in ballot signature matches the voter registration I then separate the ballot from the envelope and submit the ballot to be counted.

My signature has never appeared on a ballot, and I am ex-military, so I voted absentee often while on active duty in fact, in 1984, I voted absentee for Ronald Reagan because I was in Virginia for the election, lived in South Carolina and was still registered in Alabama. In 1988, I was back in Alabama for duty, and in 1992 I was registered and voted at my local precinct in Florida. I voted registered in Virgina in 1996, but changed it back to Florida and voted by election time in 1996 as I did in the infamous 2000 election and in 2004. By 2008 I was registered in Kentucky and voted there until 2022 when I moved to Tennessee, after voting in Kentucky's primary that Spring.

If you were to poll most of the ex-military types on here, you will find most vote absentee, if they vote at all, while on active duty. My hopefully Army prospective son-in-law is registered in Wisconsin, even though he is from NY originally.
I do know how absentee ballots work and I know how the system can be cheated by those determined to do so.
Welfare offices and other federal offices are now routinely providing everybody who comes in, including migrants, with voter registration forms. The people apparently are not asked if they are citizens and no proof of citizenship or residency is mentioned. The GOP is doing what they can to fix it.

They can't, commie judges won't allow States to stop it. Example:

They can't, commie judges won't allow States to stop it. Example:

They can't ban non citizens from distributing or collecting voter registration applications, or helping campaigns.

They can and do ban registration applications of non citizens, and those under 18, and felons and ex felons.

From your link:

Chief U.S. District Judge Mark E. Walker determined Friday that a provision in Florida's SB 7050 assessing a $50,000 fine for each noncitizen found to be "collecting or handling voter registration applications" violates constitutional equal protection rights. The ban covered people with legal permanent residency or green cards.

An estimated 1.3 million lawful permanent residents live in Florida, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Many of them often engage in civic activities such as help with voter registration or supporting campaigns as part of their journeys to become U.S. citizens or to learn about U.S. government.

An emergency injunction issued last year had blocked Florida from enforcing the state law, allowing organizations to retain field staff members who were noncitizens.
A red state like Florida allows one illegal to vote, you would disallow all their electoral votes? How would that work if half the states had this problem?
I'm against things like when they give illegals a drivers license they are automatically registered to vote.

Or using Federal programs to register them like Biden is doing.
I'm against things like when they give illegals a drivers license they are automatically registered to vote.

Or using Federal programs to register them like Biden is doing.


Their driver's licenses STATE ON THEM, that their driver's license is not an id to vote in federal elections...or something like that...which is required under federal law if The state decides to issue drivers licenses to noncitizens.

The non citizens are NOT automatically registered to vote when they get a license, it is a separate process for non citizens to obtain a driver's license than it is for citizens.
FYI Their driver's licenses STATE ON THEM, that their driver's license is not an id to vote in federal elections...or something like that...which is required under federal law if The state decides to issue drivers licenses to noncitizens.

The non citizens are NOT automatically registered to vote when they get a license, it is a separate process for non citizens to obtain a driver's license than it is for citizens.
You know that the Biden admin and the DNC are desperate to get illegals to vote before November.

Point being that if/when cheating is discovered we need a serious "cure" such as disqualifying that state's EC votes.
You seriously do not understand how absentee ballots work. I suspect you have never voted absentee in your life. Am I right?

If I am a poll worker and I verify the mail-in ballot signature matches the voter registration I then separate the ballot from the envelope and submit the ballot to be counted.
so how did 9 dead folks vote in my small town Admiral ?


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