The mountain of evidence gets a little higher.

Poor FruitLoops, she exemplified just how worthless those affidavits were. I recall another fraud who signed one. A postal worker who ultimately rescinded his claim.
He was intimidated into rescinding his claim. And why are citizens words worthless? You hateful troll.
Its been 4 years with zero serious evidence of anything except tons of lies by Trump lawyers.

You are one fucking nuts if you are still hanging on to their bullshit.
You are stupid enough to believe Biden got more votes than the great half black hope!
Its been 4 years with zero serious evidence of anything except tons of lies by Trump lawyers.
I wish I could make members of The Following write that on a chalkboard 100 times. But they don't need evidence cuz they have belief. Trumpery being a quasi-religious cult.
I wish I could make members of The Following write that on a chalkboard 100 times. But they don't need evidence cuz they have belief. Trumpery being a quasi-religious cult.
And you are a post-truth butthole. You have been lied to so many times and you still listen. Why? What are you scared of?
The people who they kicked out were unauthorized pole watchers ... they were just people who tried to force their way in ...they had no business being there ...the actual pole watchers were there the whole time ... so you are so very wrong about pole watchers being forced out ... every voting site are has a required number of democrats and republicans on-site... they are authorized to be there ... they had people who claim to be pole watchers who are standing behind a huge window watching the ballots going through their stages to be counted ...the peoplee who you call poll watchers tried to force their selves into the area where they are counted and that is against the voting rules can stand by the window but you can't come in... they were removed from the area by force... they forced themselves in where they didn't belong ... you are wrong ...why you called thsee people pole watchers is beyond me ... just because they say they are pole watchers doesn't make them authorized pole watchers ... they weren't official pole watchers get it... they were joe blow republican who lived down the road where ever forcing their way in ...

in my previous post which you didn't read ... here's what it said why they make you turn off your phone is because you causing havoc see you can make a copy of your ballot and send it through many times ... here's the flaw in your thinking ...there are two safeguards for this

1) every ballot is numbered ... the reason they do this is they know how many ballots are sent out ... each county sends out 500,000 ballots at the end of the day they can't have anymore the 500,000 ballot they can have less but not more ...not everybody sends in their ballot...

2) every ballot that is sent out has an SKU number on it ... only ballots with a SKU number can be counted ... once that SKU number gets through the counter that ballot can't be counted again ... that stops anybody from running a ballot through ten times to get one ballot counted 10 times can't happen... the machine that counts them kicks that ballot out were it can't be counted again... if you buy a picture of a ballot to send in more ballots you are wasting your money ... it won't go through ...

Um, in Georgia it's on video where they told poll watchers, counters and the press to leave and then 5 people started the counting up again.

How can I use my phone to make a copy of a ballot and send it through many times when you're saying each ballot has a SKU #?

And double counting happened in Georgia and was acknowledged to have happened.
^^Another happy delusional customer at fantasy island^^ Are all of you corn pop supporters infected now?
Look for yourself Harris and is up on trump on the poles if she runs … Hillary if all people is up 7 points in the poles if she runs… look it up for yourself snowflake …if anyone is delusional here that would be your delusional ass snowflake
What they did find was mass mail-in ballots could not be audited because many districts destroyed the envelopes with the signatures.

They were supposed to scan them and keep the scans. They did neither in Fulton county as they said the "machine was not working". 147,000 mail-in ballots w/o signature review.

In AZ they just pretended to do SIG review. In MI it appears they used the presumption of valid BS laid down by that Benson lady who won a white house medal for her election "work".
It goes on and on and on.
What they did find was mass mail-in ballots could not be audited because many districts destroyed the envelopes with the signatures.
All the anecdotal instances you can find regarding the treatment of ballots do not amount to a hill of beans when it comes to refuting Biden won the election. Believing otherwise makes you come across as being delusional.
Um, in Georgia it's on video where they told poll watchers, counters and the press to leave and then 5 people started the counting up again.

How can I use my phone to make a copy of a ballot and send it through many times when you're saying each ballot has a SKU #?

And double counting happened in Georgia and was acknowledged to have happened.
I don’t know what right wing nut job site you get your informacion
What they did find was mass mail-in ballots could not be audited because many districts destroyed the envelopes with the signatures.
thats what they are supposed to do the envelope distort it …

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