The quaint notion of checks and balances.

Only in your twisted mind. Only a belief in Don's essential falsehoods allows you to entertain your delusion.
People were saying this that night as it happened before Trump ever said a word. Everyone saw it.
Trump tried to wipe away the votes of 81M Americans by orchestrating a multi-faceted plot to steal the election..............

1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.

2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.

3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.

4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.

5. President Trump’s legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.

6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.

7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.

.......and still only 7 Repub senators voted to convict him in the second impeachment. Most of them because they were not running for re-election so they didn't have to face the cult's wrath at the ballot box.
Nothing Trump could do will result in removal from office by impeachment so effectively there is no check on his behavior after his Court's ruling on Monday.
More angst, more hand wringing, more lies!
Yeah, they created their own fear
You're in denial about the concern thinking Americans have for democracy.

As the dust settles from Trump v. United States, those paying attention look out over the wreckage, contemplating an unbounded future President Trump, a system of checks and balances toppled, a super-executive free to commit crimes with impunity.

“Trump v. United States is one of the most, if not the most, authoritarian court opinions I have ever read in U.S. law,” Blake Emerson, professor of law and political science at UCLA, told TPM. “It has a theory that in order for presidents to be able to exercise their responsibilities, they must have absolute power within this certain sphere that can’t be held to criminal account — that’s an unprecedented conclusion.”

The landmark Supreme Court ruling granted former presidents wide swaths of criminal immunity. For “core constitutional powers” that immunity is absolute; for foggily defined other official acts, there is “presumptive” immunity — a standard the Court did not bother to define or explain how to overcome.

Two days after the decision landed, experts are still reeling at the ramifications of this novel legal structure and the nefarious uses to which the wrong President could put these powers. The magnitude of the earthquake in the structure of our government is immediately clear, even if the specific ways in which it will play out are not.

“This is one of the most important Supreme Court cases of the past 100 years,” Emerson said. “I’d put it up there with cases like Shelby County v. Holder, Plessy v. Ferguson, Dred Scott.”

People were saying this that night as it happened before Trump ever said a word. Everyone saw it.
I was referring to the entire belief system of Repubs built on a construct of lies. Lies about the election, about Trump's presidency, about Biden, about the environment, virtually everything you believe in is based on a lie.
I was referring to the entire belief system of Repubs built on a construct of lies. Lies about the election, about Trump's presidency, about Biden, about the environment, virtually everything you believe in is based on a lie.

"Women can have penises"
I was referring to the entire belief system of Repubs built on a construct of lies. Lies about the election, about Trump's presidency, about Biden, about the environment, virtually everything you believe in is based on a lie.
Cool story...

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