Least we forget, March 1933: The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany

It was populism....

The Bund actually began to have some success; leaders and lawmakers across the country worried as the ranks swelled to 25,000. Much like all fascist uprisings, strong ties to pseudo-populism made it a lot more palatable to white working class people.
what is "It"
Nope they were fascist.
In the Hudson valley and its precincts, nazi fascism and populism intersected as it does today and increasingly so thruout the country
and the world and beyond "white working class" people
That depends on if he can convince a court.

Edit: It depends on if he can convince the so-called supreme court which is wholly owned by his wealthy buddies.
and if they were owned by bidens wealthy buddies you would have no problems with it right?...
Thankfully this dark chapter in our history is soon to be over

It was populism....

The Bund actually began to have some success; leaders and lawmakers across the country worried as the ranks swelled to 25,000. Much like all fascist uprisings, strong ties to pseudo-populism made it a lot more palatable to white working class people.

Sorry, but 25,000 isn't "Swelling"

The 1920's KKK had millions of members as a comparison.
In March of 1933, the Enabling act was passed in soon to be NAZI Germany, Give the Chief Executive the power to enforce his own laws without checks and balances.

6 Months later Germany was a one party nation.

And you know what happened after that.

The so-called supreme court has just started us down the same path.

Is the world ready for the next Reich?

Wow, kinda like how you demofascists only want a demofascist one party nation.

It's gonna be another four years of this folks. There won't be peace again in my country until every last one of these kooks move to Canada

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