I am so scared right now!

You Republicans had a litany of better candidates and you still brought out that fat bastard Trump.

Moreover, you idiots are still spewing the lie, and believe, that Biden "stole" the election.

Reality is the last thing you people live in.

That said, Democrats tend to need to fall in love w/their candidate while Republicans tend to fall in line w/theirs.

Democrats, and I believe the majority of the American voters, are ready to fall in line w/a Kamala over Trump.

Like you said, good luck!
TDS warning.......
You should educate yourself on this. It goes beyond that. Every week there are new recalls on food items. If you look to the root cause it's a sanitation issue at processing plants. Who is working in these plants? Who is working the farms? It isn't rocket science. If it was as simple as you make it out it would be a matter of tracking and mapping migratory patterns, that's not how this plays out.

it is said that sarcasm is lost on the dense, and then you prove it to be true.

But you do have one thing correct, it is illegal working these places, which is why neither party has ever done anything real to stop the flow. It is why neither party has ever made a real penalty for these companies.
There is a big, angry man banging on the front door, demanding to be let in or he is going to break in!

Not really. It’s WORSE than that. Kamala Harris is likely to be the Democrat nominee, and 45% of voters in swing states support this airhead for the presidency (as opposed to 47% for Trump) - the ultimate AA pick who never would have been VP if not for her female blackness.

Lord help us.

Don’t be afraid, she fully supports the genocide in Gaza.
Biden's just an old man. That's all.

I understand that your rabid partisan hatred has addled your brain into believing something else, but that's your problem, not mine.
/-----/ Apparently, you didn't watch the debate. "Just an old man" doesn't describe Biden's mental and physical state.
1. "Sleepy Joe" is now "senile Joe", or "unelectable Joe"

2. So if Joe drops out, it has to be Kamala to keep their campaign cash. But is Kamala electable?

3. Can Kamala do a real press conference and impress voters? I doubt it.

Sure she can. "Generic Democrat" gets 45% of the vote no matter what. Trump only gets 46% of the vote, and the 9% in between is up for grabs.

Oh, yeah, and the relationship between Epstein and Trump is starting to come out with the document dump DeSatan did.

4. We Republicans live in reality. You democrats pushed Biden even though he is totally incompetent. That debate was REALITY.

Biden and his team has done a fine job. 4% unemployment, record high stock market, inflation under control.

5. True. many Americans don't want Trump. However, there are many of us who do, including UAW workers who don't want EVs eliminating their jobs. Or city dwellers where illegals are ruining their cities. Or families who lost $1,000 a month in buying power due to Biden's inflation. I'd believe the polls, especially the "most accurate" IBD when it comes out.

Electric cars are the future, guy. Either the UAW gets with the program or they get left behind. Either the Big four makes them, or Tesla and the Germans and Japanese and Chinese do.

6. The polls say Kamala is now your best candidate. Good luck.
Running against a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, and a guy who has claimed that the Presidency makes him totally immune to the law.

I'll take those odds.
I agree that there needs to be another debate with the democrat nominee, whoever it is.

The polls say Kamala closes the gap with Trump. Looks like the dems only need Joe to drop out, and he probably won't.
They can remove him via the 25th in the fall, and put Kamala in before she has time in office to show - even more than she already has - that she’s an airhead who climbed the ranks due to Affirmative Action favoritism and, well, you know….the other thing.
Didn’t you see his daily press conferences? The teams he pulled together? Exploring therapeutics? Another for the equipment needed? A third for vaccines? How he got the car manufacturers to stop production and build ventilators instead?

You think Biden would have been able to do any of that?

Oh, easily, because he wouldn't have called Covid a hoax
told people to inject bleach
Disbanded the NSA Pandemic Reponse team
Threw out the Pandemic response plan
Failed to restock Pandemic supplies.

Trump did not have a good Covid policy, which is why the US had the highest death rate in the world
Oh, easily, because he wouldn't have called Covid a hoax
told people to inject bleach
Disbanded the NSA Pandemic Reponse team
Threw out the Pandemic response plan
Failed to restock Pandemic supplies.

Trump did not have a good Covid policy, which is why the US had the highest death rate in the world
Your post is 99% bullshit.

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