Who will be President Kamala Harris’ VP?

Trump has personally admitted to raping women. He considers it his right as a "star" to just grab them, and do whatever he wants.

Trump ran a campaign on depriving women of the right to control their own bodies. Overturning Roe is killing women and babies. Trump says he doesn't care what happens to the women.

Well the women don't care what happens to Donald Trump and his campaign of hate, violence and rape.

You call yourself and woman and a Christian, and yet you vote for a rapist who doesn't care what happens to YOU.
Lying like this is why some ActBlue radical thought it was ok to try and murder trump

Pathetic and sad
Lying like this is why some ActBlue radical thought it was ok to try and murder trump

Pathetic and sad

Once again you lie about the registered Republican who just tried to assassinate Donald Trump. He was just some crazy kid out to make a name for himself by shooting someone famous but you cannot admit that it's your people who are all losing their minds and shooting people.

He wanted to be an influencer, and the NRA made it easy for him to try.
Once again you lie about the registered Republican who just tried to assassinate Donald Trump. He was just some crazy kid out to make a name for himself by shooting someone famous but you cannot admit that it's your people who are all losing their minds and shooting people.

He wanted to be an influencer, and the NRA made it easy for him to try.
What did I lie about the ActBlue donor that put a bullseye on the gop nominee for the president?
Where do you get these fantasies?

That Thomas Matthew Crooks was a republican? Because he self identified as one, being a registered republican.

That he's a conservative? That would be his classmates confirming that he was definitely a conservative.

"Former classmate Max R. Smith recounted to The Inquirer a history class he took with Crooks. While most of the students in class leaned liberal, he said, Crooks stood out for his conservative viewpoints.

“He definitely was conservative,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”

They didn't mention this to you in the echo-chamber?
Thomas Matthew Crooks, the republican conservative that shot Trump's ear.

Conservative? Haha conservatives don’t donate to ActBlue and listen to Joey Xiden’s polltical hate speeches and try to murder his polltical rival

Try again.
No dear. Trump has admitted he rapes women. He objects to being held to account for it because he thinks he has the right to do what he wants to women.

You seem to agree with the rapist.
No pumpkin. You are a self-loathing democrat hack. As you’re a loathsome spammer, provide a specific reference to the admission of rape by Trump. .
Conservative? Haha conservatives don’t donate to ActBlue and listen to Joey Xiden’s polltical hate speeches and try to murder his polltical rival

Try again.

His own classmates confirm that he was conservative. And he self identified as a republican.

“He definitely was conservative,” he said. “It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”

Smith recalled a mock debate in which their history professor posed government policy questions and asked students to stand on one side of the classroom or the other to signal their support or opposition for a given proposal.

“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”

But you, some rando on the internet, knows better, huh?

Try again, rando.
Trump has personally admitted to raping women. He considers it his right as a "star" to just grab them, and do whatever he wants.

Trump ran a campaign on depriving women of the right to control their own bodies. Overturning Roe is killing women and babies. Trump says he doesn't care what happens to the women.

Well the women don't care what happens to Donald Trump and his campaign of hate, violence and rape.

You call yourself and woman and a Christian, and yet you vote for a rapist who doesn't care what happens to YOU.
More of your pointless spam.
Provide the exact citation where Trump has admitted to rape.
His own classmates confirm that he was conservative. And he self identified as a republican.

“He definitely was conservative,” he said. “It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”

Smith recalled a mock debate in which their history professor posed government policy questions and asked students to stand on one side of the classroom or the other to signal their support or opposition for a given proposal.

“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”

But you, some rando on the internet, knows better, huh?

Try again, rando.
His classmates admit they bullied him and he was a loner they didn’t know him

But since she graduated he was radicalized by his ActBlue friends and listened to xiden and tried to murder his political rival
His classmates admit they bullied him and he was a loner they didn’t know him
Actually, no. Some classmates say that he was bullied. None claim they bullied him.

And his classmates definitely indicated that Crooks was a conservative. With Crooks himself self identifying as a republican.

So your working theory is that something Biden said to democratic donors convinced a conservative republican to try and shoot Trump?

Laughing......that's the stupidest thing I've heard today. And I've heard Harris' nomination called an 'insurrection'. So that's quite an accomplishment.
But since she graduated he was radicalized by his ActBlue friends and listened to xiden and tried to murder his political rival

Says who? You're literally citing your imagination, play pretending that YOU are Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Yeah, that's not how any of this works.
Actually, no. Some classmates say that he was bullied. None claim they bullied him.

And his classmates definitely indicated that Crooks was a conservative. With Crooks himself self identifying as a republican.

So your working theory is that something Biden said to democratic donors convinced a conservative republican to try and shoot Trump?

Laughing......that's the stupidest thing I've heard today. And I've heard Harris' nomination called an 'insurrection'. So that's quite an accomplishment.

Says who? You're literally citing your imagination, play pretending that YOU are Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Yeah, that's not how any of this works.
I’m sure they didn’t admi to it…their bullying is likely why he felt the need to join the dembot cult

Says who? Attempting to murder a president is very radical. The fact you don’t think so just further highlights you are one in the same
I’m sure they didn’t admi to it…their bullying is likely why he felt the need to join the dembot cult

So when you said that his classmates said that they bullied him....what you actually meant was that you IMAGINED his classmates said they bullied him.

With you play pretending to be the classmates.

Do you notice the pattern yet? I do. I'll stick with the ACTUAL classmates on Thomas Matthew Crooks being a conservative and not some rando on the internet who insists he knows better:

“He definitely was conservative,” he said. “It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”

Smith recalled a mock debate in which their history professor posed government policy questions and asked students to stand on one side of the classroom or the other to signal their support or opposition for a given proposal.

“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”


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