Debate Now Honest Debate About Abortion: Rules Posted

If you’re not gay, why do you care if others are.

You didn't answer the question.

And it isn't being gay, it's the forced acceptance, the indoctrination in public schools, the drugging and mutilating of kids, and until recently the ruining of people's businesses because they didn't want to take pictures or bake a cake.
If you’re not gay, why do you care if others are.
Gay is the word selected by Democrats which is to lull us to sleep by acting as if homosexuals are merely happy people. They are gay only as a foolish term. Clinically they remain homosexuals. This means a human, man or woman, selects their own sex to engage in what they call sex. Homosexuals scientifically produce no off spring. When they have small kids with them, they adopted them. Adoption is fine but causing children to also be homosexual angers a lot of citizens.
You didn't answer the question.

And it isn't being gay, it's the forced acceptance, the indoctrination in public schools, the drugging and mutilating of kids, and until recently the ruining of people's businesses because they didn't want to take pictures or bake a cake.
Until you stop the nonsense above, no one can take you seriously.
I'm saying the systemic and widespread attempts to silence opposing viewpoints comes from the left, and there are plenty of examples out there if you are willing to look.
Post som, because we can all see the orange convict attempting to silence late night hosts like Jimmy Kimmel. Ron desantis attempting to silence Disney over gay people.

We see the maga attempt to sideline/silence subject matter expects on subjects like climate change and the affects of gun violence because the facts don’t back them.
Getting a bit offtrack here.
When society claims the acts by women where they terminate the life of their own child, at any stage of it's development is fine, that society is doomed to die. Politicians talk as if they are doctors of medicine. They are primarily lawyers I believe. Not all are lawyers, but they have an abundance of lawyers in their midst. Put more effort into saving the lives of the not born children and less into saving lives of convicted killers of humans. You will feel better at the end of the day.
The anger factor was with the unlimited abortion people, that is wearing out now that time has passed.

Just wait until another Gosnell pops up and can't be prosecuted because State like NY and CA have laws that allow abortion for any reason up until the second before birth.
But you’re not waiting for a girl/woman to bleed out in a hospital parking lot because she hasn’t suffered enough for the forced birth state.
When society claims the acts by women where they terminate the life of their own child, at any stage of its development is fine, that society is doomed to die. Politicians talk as if they are doctors of medicine. They are primarily lawyers I believe. Not all are lawyers, but they have an abundance of lawyers in their midst. Put more effort into saving the lives of the not born children and less into saving lives of convicted killers of humans. You will feel better at the end of the day.
Come on bob, why the bullshit post again.
We see the maga attempt to sideline/silence subject matter expects on subjects like climate change and the affects of gun violence because the facts don’t back them.
Since you went to climate, we have several climate issues threads operating. What is gun violence? Do guns have intelligence? Guns for citizens happens to be a right realized by the founders which is in the constitution. Can you show us any violent guns?
But you’re not waiting for a girl/woman to bleed out in a hospital parking lot because she hasn’t suffered enough for the forced birth state.
I have lost two children terminated by two women to abortion. Have you lost children to abortion?

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