Doctors Revolt Against ‘Gender-Affirming’ Child Mutilation In Defense Of Basic Biology

Can we all agree that mutilating children’s sex organs either with drugs or a knife is wrong?
I would hope so. I don't know how many leftists, including those at USMB, will agree with that though. I don't know anybody on the right who doesn't agree with that.
I would hope so. I don't know how many leftists, including those at USMB, will agree with that though. I don't know anybody on the right who doesn't agree with that.
Grooming and then mutilating children is the left’s new civil rights cause

Most libs are all for it
Grooming and then mutilating children is the left’s new civil rights cause

Most libs are all for it
And it is pretty pathetic when a cause offers nothing more than defending unlimited abortion, transgendering of kids, lewd public displays by GLBTXQ+++; what pronouns a person is allowed to legally use; DEI more important than competence, ability, experience; women have no rights when it comes to sports records, opportunity, scholarships etc.; burning a rainbow flag is hate speech and burning a U.S. flag is free speech; and anybody who doesn't agree that whatever government line/accusations/propaganda is being pushed is great while anybody who opposes it in any way must be suppressed, silenced or cancelled. And all that takes precedence over any other concerns Americans might have or whatever the bad consequences of government (at any level) actions, inefficiency, policy, incompetence might be.

And I would add that only the desires and wishes of the left are important. Those on the right can be dismissed as racist, white supremacist, some other 'ist or 'ism or an 'existential threat to our democracy' or some such. Only the feelings of those on the left matter and it's fine to say anything hateful or hurtful you want to anybody on the right because there are consequences for their free speech while those on the left should be immune for theirs.

But doctors pushing back on an agenda that would force them to do surgeries or provide dangerous hormones or whatever that they consider wrong and/or evil is a good sign. Let's hope they prevail.
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And it is pretty pathetic when a cause offers nothing more than defending unlimited abortion, transgendering of kids, lewd public displays by GLBTXQ+++, what pronouns a person is allowed to legally use, DEI more important than competence, ability, experience, burning a rainbow flag is hate speech and burning a U.S. flag is free speech, and anybody who doesn't agree that whatever government line/accusations/propaganda is being pushed is great and anybody who opposes it in any way must be suppressed, silenced or cancelled. And all that takes precedence over any other concerns Americans might have or whatever the bad consequences of government (at any level) actions, inefficiency, policy, incompetence might be.
Our modern Godless lib culture has serious mental health issues
Our modern Godless lib culture has serious mental health issues
I can't say you're wrong about that. The slogan "Liberalism is a mental disorder' is looking more and more true all the time.
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Politico? It's a publication. You asked for proof and I provided some. What do you have?

There is more and of course, there are more and more states in the U.S. getting their heads on straight and stopping this butchery of children and they should do so for adults as well.

There is more and of course, there are more and more states in the U.S. getting their heads on straight and stopping this butchery of children and they should do so for adults as well.
You should actually read your links. Here's an excerpt from one of them.

Starting April 1, NHS England will not prescribe puberty blockers — drugs that suppress sex hormones during puberty — as a “routine treatment” to children and other young people seeking gender transitions. In practice, the decision also applies to Wales, which does not have any NHS gender clinics for children. Northern Ireland says it will adopt England's policy; Scotland is weighing it.

But it's not a blanket, nationwide restriction. NHS England is just one health provider in the country, albeit a major one.

Puberty blockers are available for a cost at a few private clinics. And young people already taking them through the NHS — fewer than 100 in England, according to the BBC — can continue. The drugs will also be available to participants in clinical trials.

Your own link supports everything I said you dumb Bingo. :laugh:
You should actually read your links. Here's an excerpt from one of them.

Starting April 1, NHS England will not prescribe puberty blockers — drugs that suppress sex hormones during puberty — as a “routine treatment” to children and other young people seeking gender transitions. In practice, the decision also applies to Wales, which does not have any NHS gender clinics for children. Northern Ireland says it will adopt England's policy; Scotland is weighing it.

But it's not a blanket, nationwide restriction. NHS England is just one health provider in the country, albeit a major one.

Puberty blockers are available for a cost at a few private clinics. And young people already taking them through the NHS — fewer than 100 in England, according to the BBC — can continue. The drugs will also be available to participants in clinical trials.

Your own link supports everything I said you dumb Bingo. :laugh:
The fact is, many countries that were allowing the crimes against nature, humanity and God, are now finding that "gender affirming care" is not care at all and are gradually shutting down the practice. Hopefully the practice of evil pedophiles will be shut down completely. You should learn to comprehend what you read more carefully. :5_1_12024:
The fact is, many countries that were allowing the crimes against nature, humanity and God, are now finding that "gender affirming care" is not care at all and are gradually shutting down the practice. Hopefully the practice of evil pedophiles will be shut down completely. You should learn to comprehend what you read more carefully. :5_1_12024:

It's not many countries it's four countries and as my and now your links state, they aren't banning gender affirming care so much as restricting access to private and clinical settings. Not the vocal condemnation of evil that you stupid Bingos always thirst for. :laugh: You're never going to find that from any respected organization you sad little bitches. :funnyface:

It's not many countries it's four countries and as my and now your links state, they aren't banning gender affirming care so much as restricting access to private and clinical settings. Not the vocal condemnation of evil that you stupid Bingos always thirst for. :laugh: You're never going to find that from any respected organization you sad little bitches. :funnyface:
Oh, there are more now. And, the list will grow. As sane people take back the world, more and more abominations from this destructive practice will be eliminated. There is nothing good that comes of mutilation of the body.
Oh, there are more now. And, the list will grow. As sane people take back the world, more and more abominations from this destructive practice will be eliminated. There is nothing good that comes of mutilation of the body.

Who? The organization from the OP is considered an anti lgtbq hate group by the mainstream. The NHS isn't switching to conversion therapy, they're just restricting access in a political response to an increase in young people identifying as trans. The victory you bigots wave around is four countries saying they only want to provide this medicine in a private or clinical setting. Big victory for the believers in evil with that one! :lmao:

Who? The organization from the OP is considered an anti lgtbq hate group by the mainstream. The NHS isn't switching to conversion therapy, they're just restricting access in a political response to an increase in young people identifying as trans. The victory you bigots wave around is four countries saying they only want to provide this medicine in a private or clinical setting. Big victory for the believers in evil with that one! :lmao:
How you frame your attacks on conservatives and religious people is classic. Making anyone who disagrees with the lifestyle and demented programs of mentally unstable people as haters is classic leftist nonsense. There's a difference with rejecting "groups" and "organizations" who promote bad behaviors for society and how people treat individuals as individuals in work, school and so on. I reject the entire Democrat Party's Platform. But, I don't hate individuals that are members of the Democrat Party. You, on the other hand, hate anyone who doesn't fall in line with the Democrat Party Marxist Platform
How you frame your attacks on conservatives and religious people is classic. Making anyone who disagrees with the lifestyle and demented programs of mentally unstable people as haters is classic leftist nonsense. There's a difference with rejecting "groups" and "organizations" who promote bad behaviors for society and how people treat individuals as individuals in work, school and so on. I reject the entire Democrat Party's Platform. But, I don't hate individuals that are members of the Democrat Party. You, on the other hand, hate anyone who doesn't fall in line with the Democrat Party Marxist Platform
You mean my platform. Other democrats who don't agree with me I intend to make bend their knee as well. That's what primaries are for. :lmao:
Should be mandatory reading for everybody who is promoting the abomination and evil policy of so-called 'gender affirming care' meaning dangerous hormones and irreversible surgery for minors in the name of poliical correctness and DEI.
The same posters that support the genital mutilation of children support grooming children to prepare them for sex with adults.
The same posters that support the genital mutilation of children support grooming children to prepare them for sex with adults.
In all honesty I can't say they support it. They just condemn, accuse, malign anybody who brings that topic up for discussion.
Can we all agree that mutilating children’s sex organs either with drugs or a knife is wrong?

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