Thanks, Joe.

For preventing the orange menace from imposing 8 consecutive years of chaos, deceit, and buffoonery on us.

How about naming a few specific policy issues instead of meaningless derogatory terms?

You know, like the border, world peace, inflation....

It seems to me that Biden's greatest accomplishment ever has been to resign the monimation.
It is hilarious that you call me a dumb ass because opposition to the democrat party = MAGA rat in your partisan hack mind.

I don't even need to say anything else, your idiocy is on full display without any commentary whatsoever.

Though I cant help point out that I did not even post opposition to the democrat party in this thread, I posted opposition over the candidate they chose. You are hilariously moronic.
Oh my. You've shown me the error of my ways. I'll change all my beliefs tomorrow, first thing. Thank you.

Dems are throwing Kamala to the wolves….or in this case the Lion. They know none of them have a chance in hell of beating Trump. They’re basically conceding the election.

Let’s see if the donor money starts pouring in or not?
81+ million raised in last 24 hours.

Your supposed wolf is a adulterous sex abuser.
Unverifiable mail in ballots is how it happened.
I'm impressed that you were able to zero in on that so easily. Now all you have to do is come up with some credible proof of that happening. Like rudy said, you have plenty of theories, but no proof.
I'm impressed that you were able to zero in on that so easily. Now all you have to do is come up with some credible proof of that happening. Like rudy said, you have plenty of theories, but no proof.

No one denied it.
Once the ballot were mixed
The deal was done.
No. I want to expound upon it though so I will likely create a thread for it. I hope you join because I am interested in how the non partisans see this election. Many of my normal political actions are going to be challenged this cycle because of a few concrete facts and the level of delusion we see on display.
I look forward to the the thread.

My criteria is radically different than in the past. This time around, ideology takes a back seat. I'm looking for a consensus candidate. But I should qualify what I mean by that. Consensus, in my view and usage, doesn't me we all agree. That's never going to happen, and I'm not sure it would be good if it did. Consensus means we all find the candidate and their platform acceptable and that there are no paramount objections. We might not agree with all, or even most, of their platform, but we don't think they're "evil" and we're willing to give them a chance.

For example, I'd vote for a Democrat who pulls back from the woke bullshit and makes real proposals for getting the border under control. I'd vote for a Republican who vows not to push for a national ban on abortion and also disavows the insidious culture war. Consensus is more about what we won't do. We won't do something that leaves half the country angry and spoiling for revenge. We won't pass laws that force major changes on society with a slim, partisan majority in Congress.

The way we do elections (plurality voting and all the regs that prop up the two major parties) is killing us. It's driving pointless division and acrimony and leaves us thrashing back and forth between unproductive, partisan policies that will only be undone with the next shift of the political winds. It rewards populist fear mongers who are eager to define politics as "us vs them". It punishes politicians who seek to represent all the people, and not just partisan interests. Ranked choice voting, or other similar election reforms, is what needs to happen to fix it, but that's not going to happen until the people are ready to roundly reject the hyper-divisive partisan idiocy. That has to happen first. We have to say no to the fear mongering and demand that our candidates have something going on besides "not as bad as the other side".
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Harris is -9

This is her peak time.
We'll see. She got about 100 million in donations in the first 24 hours. About the same the next day.
Screenshot 2024-07-22 202117.png
For preventing the orange menace from imposing 8 consecutive years of chaos, deceit, and buffoonery on us. For coordinating a national, federally run distribution of the COVID vaccine after your predecessor spent the final months of his presidency golfing and plotting an insurrection. For putting the country back on track with historic legislation designed to combat climate change. For the impressive legislative record amassed during your 4 years.

For your decency and compassion towards your fellow man after four years of hateful, vitriolic spew. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

For restoring integrity to the office. For not getting in the Fed's way as it tried to combat the global, post COVID inflationary spiral we encountered. For allowing the chips to fall where they may regarding your son's prosecution.

Mistakes were made as they are during every presidency. But no one who takes a fair account of your term can question you were all in for America. Its success was always your first priority, not a distant second.
We wish you well during the next few months and in retirement. You've earned a rest.
What universe are you posting from?

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