Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

Naturally, the leftists agree with Harris’ f-u to the leader of the Jewish state, which happens to be our ally. She is more concerned with winning the votes of Jew-hating Muslims.

I suspect she, like Biden, will be following the orders of the Muslims Obama and Jarrett.
I say suck eggs, Lil Lisa.
The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

Lisa, I'm sure you KNOW that her husband is Jewish and the people of the United States have no more obligations to Israel than to any other country other than not to do any harm and whatever other mandates the UN and our other policies, pacts and treatises dictate.

Have you ever considered moving to a place where you will be surrounded by only your own people if you're so bothered by the United States and our policies. Your posts are becoming more strident and unhinged and a "F-U to Jews" would include an "F-U" to her spouse as well, would it not?
And if, Gd-forbid, the Female Black DEI pick for VP becomes the DEI president, she will allow herself to continue Obama’s pro-Muslim bias, and to the detriment of the Jews.
Lisa, you were a "DEI" pick in your managerial jobs (aka "affirmative action") so what is your problem? Are you mad or resentful that she's married to a Jewish man? Why are you being so catty about another female, especially one who has achieved so much and is knocking down barriers for other people, particularly women?

What is wrong with you!
Kamala is married to a Jew.
She's a black widow
Lisa, you were a "DEI" pick in your managerial jobs (aka "affirmative action") so what is your problem? Are you mad or resentful that she's married to a Jewish man? Why are you being so catty about another female, especially one who has achieved so much and is knocking down barriers for other people, particularly women?

What is wrong with you!
You are making the identical WRONG lies that the other blacktivists is. Odd.
Weasel words. You implied Jews are white.

It's always funny when leftists play "I Didn't Say What I Said!"
Implying is not the same thing as stating but the OP is a white Jewish American. And if the majority of Jewish people are not white then what racial group are they?
Lisa, you were a "DEI" pick in your managerial jobs (aka "affirmative action") so what is your problem? Are you mad or resentful that she's married to a Jewish man? Why are you being so catty about another female, especially one who has achieved so much and is knocking down barriers for other people, particularly women?

What is wrong with you!
I know who you are.
So what? Lisa is accusing her of being anti-Jewish.
I said she picked her side: to stand with Muslims and give a F-U to Jews, which is what she is doing by boycotting the speech by the leader of the Jewish state - massacred by Muslims.
Lisa, you were a "DEI" pick in your managerial jobs (aka "affirmative action") so what is your problem? Are you mad or resentful that she's married to a Jewish man? Why are you being so catty about another female, especially one who has achieved so much and is knocking down barriers for other people, particularly women?

What is wrong with you!
Oh…..I’m being “catty” about another female because I point out that she gave the middle finger to Netanyahu, for fear of losing Muslim votes?
Please expound on that. Do you think gaza is not in Israel?

Sure, perhaps this will help explain that the last thing America needs is to take lessons from Netanyahu and Israel in regard to defending itself.

Article from 2021: Stretching along the entire boundary between Israel and the Gaza Strip, Israel's new $1.1bn iron wall and fence was hailed as the “only one of its kind in the world” as it was inaugurated on Tuesday.

March 18, 2023: After the raid on Thursday, Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanou warned that "The crime of assassinating the heroes of the resistance in Jenin will not go unanswered, and our people and its resistance are capable of striking the occupation and making it pay the price for its crimes."

Article from November 19, 2023: IDF lookouts who had warned their commanders that they were concerned about the situation along the Gaza border in the months before the October 7 attack were told to stop bothering them and even threatened with a court-martial, N12 reported on Saturday.
Smart move for Harris, Netty has done nothing to deserve her presence. She has more important things to deal with.
Rubbish. He is wiping out Hamas for which we are TRULY THANKFUL!!! Every last one of the vermin!!!

Sure, perhaps this will help explain that the last thing America needs is to take lessons from Netanyahu and Israel in regard to defending itself.

Article from 2021: Stretching along the entire boundary between Israel and the Gaza Strip, Israel's new $1.1bn iron wall and fence was hailed as the “only one of its kind in the world” as it was inaugurated on Tuesday.

March 18, 2023: After the raid on Thursday, Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanou warned that "The crime of assassinating the heroes of the resistance in Jenin will not go unanswered, and our people and its resistance are capable of striking the occupation and making it pay the price for its crimes."

Article from November 19, 2023: IDF lookouts who had warned their commanders that they were concerned about the situation along the Gaza border in the months before the October 7 attack were told to stop bothering them and even threatened with a court-martial, N12 reported on Saturday.
It doesn't change the fact that the Gaza strip is part of Israel. At least when I was there it was. The fence is supposed to keep people safe, but we see how that worked out.
You are making the identical WRONG lies that the other blacktivists is. Odd.
The only person lying and feigning ignorance in this scenario is you.

Anyone who knows how to operate the search feature on THIS site can pull up your old comments and conversations in which you claim to have worked in management ("of course") during the years that affirmative action was fully in operation. White women have benefited more than any other demographic - more than men, more than African Americans, more than Hispanic Americas, etc. This FACT is documented in multiple reports created by various government agencies as well as other organizations that have an interest in the metrics that the affirmative action program, or its new alias "DEI", have produced since its inception in 1964.

This information has been shared with you on multiple occasions, most recently, the study done by the National Organization of Women.
  1. Historical Context:
    • Affirmative Action Policies: Initially aimed at correcting racial imbalances, affirmative action policies also addressed gender disparities, significantly aiding white women.
    • Legal Precedents: Policies like Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in education, have played crucial roles.
  2. Benefits in Education and Employment:
    • Education: White women have seen increased access to higher education, benefiting from scholarship programs, admissions policies, and other affirmative action measures.
    • Employment: White women have experienced significant gains in professional and managerial positions, with affirmative action helping to break the glass ceiling in many industries.
  3. Statistical Evidence:
    • U.S. Department of Labor: Reports indicate that affirmative action has helped white women make substantial strides in employment opportunities, particularly in higher-paying and managerial roles.
    • National Organization for Women (NOW): NOW has emphasized that white women have been among the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action policies. They have highlighted how these policies have opened doors in education and the workforce that were previously closed.

Specific Citations​

  1. National Organization for Women (NOW):
    • NOW has documented the impact of affirmative action on women, including white women, and how these policies have led to increased representation in various sectors.
    • Source: NOW - Affirmative Action
  2. U.S. Department of Labor:
    • Reports from the Department of Labor show that white women have seen significant improvements in their employment status and income levels due to affirmative action.
    • Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) publications.
  3. Research Studies:
    • Numerous academic studies have analyzed the effects of affirmative action, consistently finding that white women have benefited significantly.
    • Example Study: “Affirmative Action for Women: The Experience of the United States” by Barbara F. Reskin.
These sources collectively show that white women have been major beneficiaries of affirmative action, particularly in terms of educational and employment opportunities.​

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