Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

I just love getting good news. I wish the numbers were much higher though.
It really is only half that, at most. Half are the Muslim terrorists. Then of course you have the civilians helping the Muslim terrorists. The rest are the ones the Muslim terrorists are using as sacrificial lambs.

P.S. you ever notice how the antisemitic leftists never mention how it was the Oct 7 attack by the aubhuman terrorists who stsrted all this, and that they still won’t release the hostages?
It really is only half that, at most. Half are the Muslim terrorists. Then of course you have the civilians helping the Muslim terrorists. The rest are the ones the Muslim terrorists are using as sacrificial lambs.

P.S. you ever notice how the antisemitic leftists never mention how it was the Oct 7 attack by the aubhuman terrorists who stsrted all this, and that they still won’t release the hostages?
I know. Did you lose anyone?
The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

Her husband is a Jew. Netanyahu is evil. His own citizens wat his ass gone. So Harris is doing the rght thing.
It really is only half that, at most. Half are the Muslim terrorists. Then of course you have the civilians helping the Muslim terrorists. The rest are the ones the Muslim terrorists are using as sacrificial lambs.

P.S. you ever notice how the antisemitic leftists never mention how it was the Oct 7 attack by the aubhuman terrorists who stsrted all this, and that they still won’t release the hostages?
Have you ever noticed that the right wing Jews never mention of the consistent violence of Jews against Palestinans and their illegally expanding Jewish settements against agreed to treaties?
Her husband is a Jew. Netanyahu is evil. His own citizens wat his ass gone. So Harris is doing the rght thing.
The offer is still open George, send me your address and I'll forward it to a nice doctor in Bavaria who can install a WORKING brain in you
Have you ever noticed that the right wing Jews never mention of the consistent violence of Jews against Palestinans and their illegally expanding Jewish settements against agreed to treaties?
Did you ever notice American blacks think they are badass, but never met an IDF patrol at night?
The probem here is that I am right. So just because you're a Jewish right wing extrenist doesn'tmean we have to accept or support the right wing extremism of Netanyahu.
You know what they say about ass u me. You are doing it again.
The offer is still open George, send me your address and I'll forward it to a nice doctor in Bavaria who can install a WORKING brain in you
You might want to do that to yourself. I know how Netanyahu has violated agreements in order to expand Jewish settllements. I know how Neanyahu propped up Hamas and allowed Qatar to provide them cash in order to stop any talks of a 2 state soliution. And don't try telling me about that sorry proposal made by Israel. Netanyahu is no better than Hamas, that's why his crooked ass is facing prison.
It really is only half that, at most. Half are the Muslim terrorists. Then of course you have the civilians helping the Muslim terrorists. The rest are the ones the Muslim terrorists are using as sacrificial lambs.

P.S. you ever notice how the antisemitic leftists never mention how it was the Oct 7 attack by the aubhuman terrorists who stsrted all this, and that they still won’t release the hostages?
You have nothing to back up your first sentence. Your "at most" phrase proves that beyond a doubt. But thanks for admitting what Bibi has done is an atrocity. This didnt start on 10/7 and you know that.
You might want to do that to yourself. I know how Netanyahu has violated agreements in order to expand Jewish settllements. I know how Neanyahu propped up Hamas and allowed Qatar to provide them cash in order to stop any talks of a 2 state soliution. And don't try telling me about that sorry proposal made by Israel. Netanyahu is no better than Hamas, that's why his crooked ass is facing prison.
Have you ever seen a cafe after it was bombed, in person? I have. Fuck off and die. You speak like that, we are truly enemies.
I know. Did you lose anyone?
No, but I met a girl whose sister was deliberately tortured to death in the most savage way possible. These Muslim terrorists are actually worse than the Nazis - at least the Nazis tried to hide it. These savages took videos and bragged about it.

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