Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

Everybody is all, "Israel is our ally!!" but they can't articulate in exactly what ways she benefits the US. She just takes aid money from US and won't let the congress see how she uses that money.

Y'all getting played.
My nephew Nadiv Beyer died on Nov 2 , was part of a patrol that went into Gaza.
In 1981, we lost his parents who were killed by a grenade tossed onto a tennis court in haifa.
Oh my. I am SO sorry.

We will defeat the enemy.
My nephew Nadiv Beyer died on Nov 2 , was part of a patrol that went into Gaza.
In 1981, we lost his parents who were killed by a grenade tossed onto a tennis court in haifa.
Wait a sec….I’m thinking….if his parents were killed 40 years ago, then your nephew must have lost them when he was a child. SOOOO sad.

We are not dealing with normal human beings, although the Dems like to make them out as such innocent victims.
Wait a sec….I’m thinking….if his parents were killed 40 years ago, then your nephew must have lost them when he was a child. SOOOO sad.

We are not dealing with normal human beings, although the Dems like to make them out as such innocent victims.
Yeah killing women and children is just so brave. You're disgusting.
Lisa everything is not black & white, or more to the point "Pro Jewish people" or "Anti Jewish people".

It would behoove you to understand and accept that there are a lot of people who simply don't care about you and your cause, nor the cause of the Jewish people in America or Israel. There are also people, if not the same people, who simply don't care about the plight of anyone outside of their own group, not because they are bad people, it's just that whatever is going on, just don't impact them or their lives - whether it's people starving in African nations, UN alleged peace keepers, sexually assaulting the people they're supposed to be protecting, or if it's any one of the countries warring against one another in the middle east. THEY JUST DON'T CARE and probably for a good reason - they don't have enough time for everything going on in their own lives to spend time getting involved in other people's messes, irrespective as to whether the victims caused the problems they're suffering or not (I'm specifically referring to the innocent in this instance).

People are not antisemites just because they don't care as much as you do about Israel, the Jewish people outside of America and/or the Jewish people here in America. Or don't care at all, yet every single thing that befalls the Jewish people, big or small, intentional or unintentional, you attribute to antisemitism and not only is that incorrect, but it's wrong for you to do so.

I realize that you're free to proceed you care to, but you could be a force for good instead of what you're currently doing, if you would quit discounting the things that you're told simply because you believe that you and your knowledge is superior to anything anyone who is Black or not Jewish could impart.
Israel isn't purposefully targeting civilians like the terrorist org Hamas did on oct 7th .. civilians are being killed because the cowardly terrorists are hiding behind them and using them as human shields .. with the vile gov of Iran on the brink of obtaining nukes Israel has no choice but to eradicate Hamas .
Israel isn't purposefully targeting civilians like the terrorist org Hamas did on oct 7th .. civilians are being killed because the cowardly terrorists are hiding behind them and using them as human shields .. with the vile gov of Iran on the brink of obtaining nukes Israel has no choice but to eradicate Hamas .
You're delusional if you think that is the case.
Did I ask you what you thought, or indicated that I care what you think in any way?

You might want to do that to yourself. I know how Netanyahu has violated agreements in order to expand Jewish settllements. I know how Neanyahu propped up Hamas and allowed Qatar to provide them cash in order to stop any talks of a 2 state soliution. And don't try telling me about that sorry proposal made by Israel. Netanyahu is no better than Hamas, that's why his crooked ass is facing prison.
is that what they say at your weekly Black Panther meetings ?

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