Democratic Socialism/Communism is the only solution to advanced automation & artificial intelligence.

Both are true and you can try all you want, but combined they are 48% of our annual spending, defense is 13%…

Economist also believed that the telephone business would create unemployment when the operators were not needed anymore.

Just admit it, you’re a communist, you’re lazy and anti social, the good thing you’re a fraction of the people who live in this fantasy world you keep trying to create
WV5903, your understanding of Social Security (SS) and Medicare as primary drivers of national debt is fundamentally flawed. Let's clarify the misconceptions with accurate economic principles and current fiscal realities.

National Debt and Social Programs

You claim that social programs like SS and Medicare are unsustainable burdens on the national budget. However, these programs are designed to be self-sustaining. Social Security, for example, is funded through payroll taxes. Workers contribute a portion of their earnings throughout their careers, which funds their retirement benefits. This is a pay-as-you-go system, ensuring that current workers support retirees. Alan Greenspan, a respected economist, highlighted that the Federal Government can always meet its Social Security obligations because it can create money. The real challenge is not solvency but ensuring that the economy produces enough real goods and services for retirees to purchase with their benefits.

Misunderstanding Budget Percentages

Focusing solely on the percentages of the budget dedicated to SS and Medicare ignores significant expenditures elsewhere, such as military spending, which consumes more than the next several countries combined. Additionally, corporate subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy exacerbate the deficit by reducing government revenue and disproportionately benefiting the rich. This creates greater inequality and misallocates resources that could be used to support social programs.

The Role of Social Programs

Social programs like Social Security and Medicare are essential investments in human capital. They ensure that individuals who have contributed to the economy can retire with dignity and have access to necessary healthcare. These programs enhance economic productivity by maintaining consumer purchasing power and supporting a healthier, more stable workforce.

The Economic Reality

The government's budget operates differently from a household budget. The government, as the issuer of the currency, cannot run out of money like a household or business can. Deficit spending by the government injects money into the economy, increasing private sector wealth. The national debt is essentially a record of money spent into the economy that hasn’t been taxed back. This money is held in the form of Treasury securities, which are safe assets that people and institutions want in their portfolios. Reducing the national debt would remove these assets from the economy, potentially destabilizing financial markets and reducing overall wealth.

Addressing You Ignorant, Infantile Personal Attacks

Regarding your personal attack, labeling communists as lazy is an outdated stereotype that ignores the contributions of workers in socialist and communist societies. Moreover, the advancement of automation and artificial intelligence is pushing us towards a high-tech communism, where production is more efficient and the need for traditional labor diminishes. This transition will render the old capitalist modes of production obsolete, as technology enables a more democratic, non-profit system of production. Communism, in this context, is not a fantasy but the logical successor to capitalism, driven by technological and economic evolution.


Your arguments for privatization and against social programs are not supported by empirical evidence or economic principles. Social programs are crucial for a functioning, equitable society. By focusing on the real resources available and the productive capacity of the economy, we can afford to provide essential services like healthcare, education, and social security without fearing national debt. This approach ensures a prosperous and fair society for all, moving beyond the limitations of capitalism towards a more just and sustainable future.

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