Submitted- it cannot be debated that the economy under Biden is terrible and that the Democratic Party has lost his way

At the end of Trump’s reign, we had record unemployment, highest since tbe Depression I believe.

Wage growth isn’t bad….

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That was all artificial because of the dempanic covid hoax.

That was all artificial because of the dempanic covid hoax.
Trump‘s economy grew at the same rate as Obama’s, in other words, Obama left him a growing economy. It then slowed its rate of growth. Biden inherited a mess and then inflation. Fact is, the president has little effect on the economy, they just get the credit or blame.

What I do like are initiatives to bring vital industries back here.
That has been done, now use your indoor voice please.

On the economy…it is improving. But prices remain high.

Does anyone really think companies will lower them?

And all it took was public shaming.

Here's a hint. Watch what companies do with pricing.

There is a concerted effort to raise the price of premium beers. Pre-covid, a 12 pack of Lord Hobo would run 14.99 , 12.99 on promotion.

Now they are trying to sell at 16.99, but are offering $5 rebates.

I think they know that prices will be forced down from Ukraine War highs, but they are trying to acclimate customers to a higher equilibrium price level.

We have lived through a period of remarkably low inflation. Companies had little pricing it may be payback, as it is in the oil patch.
The Inflation rate, has been horrible and painful, but it is getting under control.

The economy has been doing well! Sales and profits are going up.....
Employment is really good, Manufacturing brought back to the USA is going up, infrastructure is being repaired, homes are still being sold at a good clip so far..... Wages are going up....

Most all financial indicators are showing us doing much better than a year or two ago....

Nevertheless, that visit to the Grocery Store, is a killer! :eek:
And all it took was public shaming.
Note: all it was a report. Is that really so hard for you….?

Here's a hint. Watch what companies do with pricing.

There is a concerted effort to raise the price of premium beers. Pre-covid, a 12 pack of Lord Hobo would run 14.99 , 12.99 on promotion.

Now they are trying to sell at 16.99, but are offering $5 rebates.

I think they know that prices will be forced down from Ukraine War highs, but they are trying to acclimate customers to a higher equilibrium price level.

We have lived through a period of remarkably low inflation. Companies had little pricing it may be payback, as it is in the oil patch.
THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HAS ALWAYS BEEN A FRONT FOR COMMUNISM,,,,,they only pretend to represent the working man and toss us a bone now and then to gain our support. The real gains made by working men in the work arena were made by UNIONS not the Democrat party.

Communism is a socio-economic system created by the ROBBER BARONS as a system to run their world government. Their world control agenda has been in the works since 1776 and it isnt going anywhere soon. They installed communism around the world in order to work out the problems that arose.
Sure, it can be debated. The economy is doing fine here. Manufacturing building is up. Factory employment is up. Road Construction is up Employment is up. Oil and gas production have been going up for three years, and we are the world's leading producer. The Dow is doing well. Stocks we are involved with are doing well. Home prices are at high level here, and home are not staying on the market long.

You are welcome to your opinion, but I can't see it.

You don't do the grocery shopping, do you ?

If you did, you'd know just how much prices have gone up.

Many people, who can't afford those stocks you mentioned, are struggling.

That isn't opinion BTW.
At the end of Trump’s reign, we had record unemployment, highest since tbe Depression I believe.

Wage growth isn’t bad….

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The problem with what you posted is that it doesn't take into consideration cost of living.
Wage growth of 5.3% is meaningless if your cost of living increased by 200-300%.
I am not paying double, as I get large discounts, and except for vacations, We don't drive near as much as when we worked for a living. I am not looking for a house, but glad mine has gone up in value due to rise in real estate values here. Are you a kid and haven't found the house you want to keep yet? You are talking to the wrong guy. On the gas thing, talk to the Saudis, they have curtailed their production and shipments and are keeping the price high, and I assure you the petroleum industry are reaping the profits, with far better return on investment than they ever saw with Donny.
We are doing OK. I am doing OK.

It’s not just about how you or I are doing it’s about how Americans in general are faring in this country and this economy under Joe Biden.

I’m sure even during the great depression, there were a few people who had success.

Its about how the entire country is doing.
First off imagine for a moment during the great depression hearing somebody say “hey I’m doing great. I don’t know what your problem is” Imagine one saying that with somebody living in a Hooverville shack listening to the conversation.

In addition It cannot be debated at the Democrat party has lost its way

Pretty much a Fairpoint. This is politics. Back in the 20th century the Democrats are up for labor about 35% of our job to this country in the 1960s were unionized now today that number is under 10%. Democrat priorities with BLM, ukraine, a radical lgbt agenda.

Hence the fact that the Democrat party is not what it used to be …the party once stood tall for the black and white man in this country who wanted to have a middle-class job.

I would ask the naysayers simply look at the facts on the ground. The divorce rate the child born out of wedlock rate was astronomically lower in the early to middle parts of the 20th century compared to today. The inner cities were cleaner in the past compared to today.

And if you were willing to put in the work, you could get that American dream in the past in large part thanks to work in class Democrats like Walter Reuther, the leader of the UAW, and FDR along with John F Kennedy …. Those jobs have been decimated today and we don’t see Democrats talking about anything that matters.

They keep talking about race issues, Donald Trump, LGBT things, Ukraine …. this can serve as a distraction to the astronomical price of a home, and the high prices of gas, along with inflation in general.

No, it’s OK for somebody to agree or disagree with the current direction of a Democrat party, but they cannot debate that the party is not what it used to be
Thread closed to clean the off topic posts.

Thread reopened, keep on topic going forward.
Thanks in advance
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If Americans are not feeling it, then that is a problem for the Democrats. It’s that simple. Production of oil and gas may be at record highs but if prices are averaging significantly higher than four years ago, then that is another problem for Democrats.
Don't be ridiculous. We are at 12.8+ million barrels a day. The only time that was exceeded during the entire Trump administration was Between Nov 15, 2019 and March 27, 2020. That's right. Basically 4 months of that terrific production It put a glut on the market, great for consumers, bad for industry profits. Production crashed on that day, with the Covid Pandemic giving cover to cut production all the way down to 9.7 million barrels a day in August of 2020 (election year, never to exceed 11.1 million barrels/day clean through to January 15, 2021 ending at 10.9 Million Barrels/day the week before the Biden Administration started. The first time it ever even got up to 12 during Trump's administration was halfway through February 2019. That's right. Any two years average under Biden beats any two-year average under Trump. The industry numbers don't lie. Biden rattled about killing the petroleum industry simply to get the left wing Eco vote. He didn't and probably never intended to attack the petroleum industry. The money is staggering. That industry is powerful with friends in politics. Kill it? Hell no! Good way to get assassinated.

I trust the industry number more than government. Here is the chart and the link, so you can do your own analysis.

If looking for why our oil is in such high demand, keeping prices high and oil profits higher, don't look at us. Look at the Saudis. Here is a 1 year snapshot. Notice the cut from Sept 22 at 11.21 million barrel/day down to 10 million in April of this year, cut as our production continued to increase. Heck, they just announced another 1 million barrel/day curtailment through sometime next year, so watch it drop again. Don't look for your gas prices to drop, but industry profits are and will continue to be at record highs. That ain't Biden, but it is politics on an international scale. Still think the Saudis Royal Family and the murderous prince are anybody's friend but their own?


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We are doing OK. I am doing OK.

It’s not just about how you or I are doing it’s about how Americans in general are faring in this country and this economy under Joe Biden.

I’m sure even during the great depression, there were a few people who had success.

Its about how the entire country is doing.
There is not denying the demand for workers on the expanding economy and at wages that are ahead of inflation. I am not looking at me. I am looking around the country and particularly West Tennessee. My vantage point is my vantage point. I cannot project starving masses with evidence.
There is not denying the demand for workers on the expanding economy and at wages that are ahead of inflation. I am not looking at me. I am looking around the country and particularly West Tennessee. My vantage point is my vantage point. I cannot project starving masses with evidence.
The evidence has already been posted. A video link discussing record homelessness in this country.

There’s also been evidence posted to counter the other points your listing throughout this thread.
Don't be ridiculous. We are at 12.8+ million barrels a day. The only time that was exceeded during the entire Trump administration was Between Nov 15, 2019 and March 27, 2020. That's right. Basically 4 months of that terrific production It put a glut on the market, great for consumers, bad for industry profits. Production crashed on that day, with the Covid Pandemic giving cover to cut production all the way down to 9.7 million barrels a day in August of 2020 (election year, never to exceed 11.1 million barrels/day clean through to January 15, 2021 ending at 10.9 Million Barrels/day the week before the Biden Administration started. The first time it ever even got up to 12 during Trump's administration was halfway through February 2019. That's right. Any two years average under Biden beats any two-year average under Trump. The industry numbers don't lie. Biden rattled about killing the petroleum industry simply to get the left wing Eco vote. He didn't and probably never intended to attack the petroleum industry. The money is staggering. That industry is powerful with friends in politics. Kill it? Hell no! Good way to get assassinated.

I trust the industry number more than government. Here is the chart and the link, so you can do your own analysis.
View attachment 826052

If looking for why our oil is in such high demand, keeping prices high and oil profits higher, don't look at us. Look at the Saudis. Here is a 1 year snapshot. Notice the cut from Sept 22 at 11.21 million barrel/day down to 10 million in April of this year, cut as our production continued to increase. Heck, they just announced another 1 million barrel/day curtailment through sometime next year, so watch it drop again. Don't look for your gas prices to drop, but industry profits are and will continue to be at record highs. That ain't Biden, but it is politics on an international scale. Still think the Saudis Royal Family and the murderous prince are anybody's friend but their own?
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The Associated Press reports that the extended cut will take 1.3 million barrels of crude oil out of the global market. The New York Times stated that together, the cuts could amount to more than one percent of global supplies, although Russia’s contribution to the reduction may be difficult to track.

The original cuts were announced in early summer, and have been extended month to month, reported the Times. The move to extend them by three months surprised some market analysts.

The cut of this crude is translating into the diesel market, according to the Journal. “Diesel is more heavily affected because of the type of crude that’s being taken out of the market,” said Alan Gelder, vice president for refining, chemicals and oil markets in Wood Mackenzie’s commodities research business. “Saudi’s oil provides a higher yield for diesel than lighter crude oils.”

While a reduction in global oil supply will continue to affect the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the United States reported plans to replenish the SPR back in July.

"I can't explain to the American people why we would willingly become more dependent on foreign oil imports, eliminate good paying American jobs and drive up the cost of our electric bills and gas prices across the country," Manchin said. "This is yet another example of this administration caving to the radical Left with no regard for clear direction from Congress or American energy security."
Don't be ridiculous. We are at 12.8+ million barrels a day. The only time that was exceeded during the entire Trump administration was Between Nov 15, 2019 and March 27, 2020. That's right. Basically 4 months of that terrific production It put a glut on the market, great for consumers, bad for industry profits. Production crashed on that day, with the Covid Pandemic giving cover to cut production all the way down to 9.7 million barrels a day in August of 2020 (election year, never to exceed 11.1 million barrels/day clean through to January 15, 2021 ending at 10.9 Million Barrels/day the week before the Biden Administration started. The first time it ever even got up to 12 during Trump's administration was halfway through February 2019. That's right. Any two years average under Biden beats any two-year average under Trump. The industry numbers don't lie. Biden rattled about killing the petroleum industry simply to get the left wing Eco vote. He didn't and probably never intended to attack the petroleum industry. The money is staggering. That industry is powerful with friends in politics. Kill it? Hell no! Good way to get assassinated.

I trust the industry number more than government. Here is the chart and the link, so you can do your own analysis.
View attachment 826052

If looking for why our oil is in such high demand, keeping prices high and oil profits higher, don't look at us. Look at the Saudis. Here is a 1 year snapshot. Notice the cut from Sept 22 at 11.21 million barrel/day down to 10 million in April of this year, cut as our production continued to increase. Heck, they just announced another 1 million barrel/day curtailment through sometime next year, so watch it drop again. Don't look for your gas prices to drop, but industry profits are and will continue to be at record highs. That ain't Biden, but it is politics on an international scale. Still think the Saudis Royal Family and the murderous prince are anybody's friend but their own?
View attachment 826051
Biden-Harris pushed restrictive oil policies from Day 1 sending a message to the global markets that US is more dependent on foreign oil…. Look at the average price under Biden vs. Trump? If the policies had stayed the same, you’d have a point. But keep touting the production records.
Biden-Harris pushed restrictive oil policies from Day 1 sending a message to the global markets that US is more dependent on foreign oil…. Look at the average price under Biden vs. Trump? If the policies had stayed the same, you’d have a point. But keep touting the production records.
No. They didn't. His policy and approval just opened the largest oil drilling project in the last 10 years in Alaska, and without going into the Arctic wildlife reserve. Apparently we can have huge new oil projects without sacrificing protected forests and protected wildlife. I think they are still celebrating the gas project in southern Alaska, also. I am sure it is fun to be pissed off at Joe, but there is entirely too much industry data out there to make it believable on the petroleum industry, not to mention legislation passed through both houses of Congress and signed by him. Some people do their own research and just don't hang out on the right wing fake news channels. You should try it. You want to bitch about Joe, call him a liar for the kill oil crapola he used to get the far left environmental vote. And oil industry record-breaking profits and return on investment profits far exceed what they were making under trump, so they are not displeased either. Go figure.

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