Zone1 25 simple charts to show friends and family who aren't convinced racism is still a problem in America

It's not an answer IM2

It is indeed an answer. It's not the answer you want to hear, because all you want is for your bias to be confimed. You don't have all the stats sparky, so then your comment lacks accuracy.

For example, there weren't all that many Japanese businesses in America until they got reparations. Yet when blacks talk about reparations we get silly season from you whites on the right. And while we are denied reparations morons ike you ask dumb questions like the one you asked then try you lecturing us on how we should do as the Asians.

You racists ran your mouths about AA giving racial preferences and cheating Asians while Asians were coming over here with foreign degrees on H1B Visas and getting prefernce for STEM jobs. So cease with the dumb ass questions.
You racists ran your mouths about AA giving racial preferences and cheating Asians while Asians were coming over here with foreign degrees on H1B Visas and getting prefernce for STEM jobs. So cease with the dumb ass questions.
Is this a fact?
LOL! I find it hilarious that white racists have the nerve to call people opposing their racism the racists. Why don't YOU look in the mirror?
You call virtually all white posters racists for disagreeing with you. Whites wanting equality aren’t racists, they don’t want people getting special privileges because of their skin color. This has ZERO to do with the privileges given to some whites in the past. It’s like you want whites today to suffer because some blacks suffered in the past. Your way of thinking is backwards and racist for sure.

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