Zone1 25 simple charts to show friends and family who aren't convinced racism is still a problem in America

I'm posting this as a companion piece to this thread:
Zone1 - What Is Meant When It Is Said That a Person Has a White Supremacist Mindset (or is a Racist) - Part II With Required Sourcing & Citations

So many people, starting with just this one message board, are in denial. Not just about Black Americans and the challenges we still face as we navigate life as a part of a minority that was for several centuries legislatively relegated to 2nd class citizenship status. And yes while the laws regarding legal discrimination and segregation were eventually changed, as we can see, on a myriad of topics, just like we know that seems like half of the country is not happy with many of the major decisions that we don't get any say in, a segment of the white American majority in our country didn't then and still don't care what our law say.

They will tell you that it's their right to be racist, that racism is "not against the law" and they see nothing wrong with their beliefs, behaviors or comments. Those are not the people who are problematic with the exception of the violent fringes, because they show us, every single day, exactly who and what they are. It's the one who steadfastly insist that they are not racists while spewing a barrage of vitriol directed against Black in general, Black "culture" (whatever that is), as well as specific Black members of this message board that are the problem because they have others convinced they are not racists as well. And they are judges, and prosecutors, and attorneys, and investigators and legislators, employers and others who are in positions of authority who can enforce their biases and prejudices against others without anyone ever calling them on their racially biased viewpoints, except rarely.
  • Protests in recent years underscored the ways racism and racial inequality persist in American life.
  • Data and research show how Black Americans experience different treatment from their white counterparts.
  • These charts show the extent of racial disparities in America, in areas like employment and wealth.
Insider Today
More than two years after nationwide protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, conversations about the way Black Americans are policed — as well as the other inequities they face in modern life — have persisted in America.​
Extensive academic research and data collected by the federal government and researchers have documented numerous ways that Black Americans experience life in the United States differently from their white counterparts, whether it's underrepresentation in college attainment rates or overrepresentation in COVID-19 hospitalizations.​
It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement.​
The resulting data show that these disparities exist along nearly every facet of American life, including employment, wealth, education, home ownership, healthcare, and incarceration.​

The employment-population ratio measures the share of a demographic group that has a job, and it's been lower for Black people for years.​

The employment-population ratio for Black Americans has historically tended to fall quite a bit lower than for whites or Latinos.​
Since the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns across the country triggered a recession starting in March of 2020, employment for all racial groups fell dramatically, though they have rebounded to pre-pandemic levels in 2022.​

The unemployment rate also spiked for all racial groups in the US during the coronavirus pandemic, and remains relatively higher for Black Americans.​

Just as Black employment has historically been lower than for whites, the unemployment rate among Black Americans has been higher. This remains the case despite low unemployment rates across the board.​

Black Americans are underrepresented in high-paying jobs.​

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 58% of employed Asians worked in management, professional, and related occupations — the highest-paying major occupational category — compared with 43% of employed whites, 35% of employed Blacks, and 26% of employed Hispanics.​
This, in part, can be explained by racist hiring practices that kept Blacks out of business for decades under Jim Crow. It can also be explained by more subtle forms of prejudice today.​
One Harvard University study found that when Blacks and Asians "whitened" their resumes — for example, used "American" or "white"-sounding names — they got more callbacks for corporate interviews. 25% of Black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10% got calls when they left ethnic details on their resume.​
[continued at the link above]​
I'm posting this as a companion piece to this thread:
Zone1 - What Is Meant When It Is Said That a Person Has a White Supremacist Mindset (or is a Racist) - Part II With Required Sourcing & Citations

So many people, starting with just this one message board, are in denial. Not just about Black Americans and the challenges we still face as we navigate life as a part of a minority that was for several centuries legislatively relegated to 2nd class citizenship status. And yes while the laws regarding legal discrimination and segregation were eventually changed, as we can see, on a myriad of topics, just like we know that seems like half of the country is not happy with many of the major decisions that we don't get any say in, a segment of the white American majority in our country didn't then and still don't care what our law say.

They will tell you that it's their right to be racist, that racism is "not against the law" and they see nothing wrong with their beliefs, behaviors or comments. Those are not the people who are problematic with the exception of the violent fringes, because they show us, every single day, exactly who and what they are. It's the one who steadfastly insist that they are not racists while spewing a barrage of vitriol directed against Black in general, Black "culture" (whatever that is), as well as specific Black members of this message board that are the problem because they have others convinced they are not racists as well. And they are judges, and prosecutors, and attorneys, and investigators and legislators, employers and others who are in positions of authority who can enforce their biases and prejudices against others without anyone ever calling them on their racially biased viewpoints, except rarely.
  • Protests in recent years underscored the ways racism and racial inequality persist in American life.
  • Data and research show how Black Americans experience different treatment from their white counterparts.
  • These charts show the extent of racial disparities in America, in areas like employment and wealth.
Insider Today
More than two years after nationwide protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, conversations about the way Black Americans are policed — as well as the other inequities they face in modern life — have persisted in America.​
Extensive academic research and data collected by the federal government and researchers have documented numerous ways that Black Americans experience life in the United States differently from their white counterparts, whether it's underrepresentation in college attainment rates or overrepresentation in COVID-19 hospitalizations.​
It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement.​
The resulting data show that these disparities exist along nearly every facet of American life, including employment, wealth, education, home ownership, healthcare, and incarceration.​

The employment-population ratio measures the share of a demographic group that has a job, and it's been lower for Black people for years.​

The employment-population ratio for Black Americans has historically tended to fall quite a bit lower than for whites or Latinos.​
Since the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns across the country triggered a recession starting in March of 2020, employment for all racial groups fell dramatically, though they have rebounded to pre-pandemic levels in 2022.​

The unemployment rate also spiked for all racial groups in the US during the coronavirus pandemic, and remains relatively higher for Black Americans.​

Just as Black employment has historically been lower than for whites, the unemployment rate among Black Americans has been higher. This remains the case despite low unemployment rates across the board.​

Black Americans are underrepresented in high-paying jobs.​

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 58% of employed Asians worked in management, professional, and related occupations — the highest-paying major occupational category — compared with 43% of employed whites, 35% of employed Blacks, and 26% of employed Hispanics.​
This, in part, can be explained by racist hiring practices that kept Blacks out of business for decades under Jim Crow. It can also be explained by more subtle forms of prejudice today.​
One Harvard University study found that when Blacks and Asians "whitened" their resumes — for example, used "American" or "white"-sounding names — they got more callbacks for corporate interviews. 25% of Black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10% got calls when they left ethnic details on their resume.​
[continued at the link above]​
BTW. . .

Your link is pay-walled.

White racism will continue as long as many Negroes reinforce it with their performance and their behavior.

Because the performance and behavior of Orientals, on the average is superior to that of whites, Orientals tend to be more successful and more prosperous than whites.

Respect cannot be commanded by law. It must be earned.
I'm posting this as a companion piece to this thread:
Zone1 - What Is Meant When It Is Said That a Person Has a White Supremacist Mindset (or is a Racist) - Part II With Required Sourcing & Citations

So many people, starting with just this one message board, are in denial. Not just about Black Americans and the challenges we still face as we navigate life as a part of a minority that was for several centuries legislatively relegated to 2nd class citizenship status. And yes while the laws regarding legal discrimination and segregation were eventually changed, as we can see, on a myriad of topics, just like we know that seems like half of the country is not happy with many of the major decisions that we don't get any say in, a segment of the white American majority in our country didn't then and still don't care what our law say.

They will tell you that it's their right to be racist, that racism is "not against the law" and they see nothing wrong with their beliefs, behaviors or comments. Those are not the people who are problematic with the exception of the violent fringes, because they show us, every single day, exactly who and what they are. It's the one who steadfastly insist that they are not racists while spewing a barrage of vitriol directed against Black in general, Black "culture" (whatever that is), as well as specific Black members of this message board that are the problem because they have others convinced they are not racists as well. And they are judges, and prosecutors, and attorneys, and investigators and legislators, employers and others who are in positions of authority who can enforce their biases and prejudices against others without anyone ever calling them on their racially biased viewpoints, except rarely.
  • Protests in recent years underscored the ways racism and racial inequality persist in American life.
  • Data and research show how Black Americans experience different treatment from their white counterparts.
  • These charts show the extent of racial disparities in America, in areas like employment and wealth.
Insider Today
More than two years after nationwide protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, conversations about the way Black Americans are policed — as well as the other inequities they face in modern life — have persisted in America.​
Extensive academic research and data collected by the federal government and researchers have documented numerous ways that Black Americans experience life in the United States differently from their white counterparts, whether it's underrepresentation in college attainment rates or overrepresentation in COVID-19 hospitalizations.​
It's called "systemic" racism because it's ingrained in nearly every way people move through society in the policies and practices at institutions like banks, schools, companies, government agencies, and law enforcement.​
The resulting data show that these disparities exist along nearly every facet of American life, including employment, wealth, education, home ownership, healthcare, and incarceration.​

The employment-population ratio measures the share of a demographic group that has a job, and it's been lower for Black people for years.​

The employment-population ratio for Black Americans has historically tended to fall quite a bit lower than for whites or Latinos.​
Since the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns across the country triggered a recession starting in March of 2020, employment for all racial groups fell dramatically, though they have rebounded to pre-pandemic levels in 2022.​

The unemployment rate also spiked for all racial groups in the US during the coronavirus pandemic, and remains relatively higher for Black Americans.​

Just as Black employment has historically been lower than for whites, the unemployment rate among Black Americans has been higher. This remains the case despite low unemployment rates across the board.​

Black Americans are underrepresented in high-paying jobs.​

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 58% of employed Asians worked in management, professional, and related occupations — the highest-paying major occupational category — compared with 43% of employed whites, 35% of employed Blacks, and 26% of employed Hispanics.​
This, in part, can be explained by racist hiring practices that kept Blacks out of business for decades under Jim Crow. It can also be explained by more subtle forms of prejudice today.​
One Harvard University study found that when Blacks and Asians "whitened" their resumes — for example, used "American" or "white"-sounding names — they got more callbacks for corporate interviews. 25% of Black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10% got calls when they left ethnic details on their resume.​
[continued at the link above]​
Show me anywhere in the world where blacks do any better. Black failure is global.
Ok, here we go again with the accusations against the police. Let's back up and face what's actually true about policing:

Don't cherrypick and use one professor who says what you want to hear that used only one police department(Houston) as basis for his conclusion..

This is from a Department of Justice Survey.

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”
The Alarming Statistics of Police Misconduct and Brutality | Action Legal Group

And here is more evidence.

The JAMA Network Journals. (2017, April 19). Study examines emergency department visits for patients injured by law enforcement in the US. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 3, 2022 from

German Lopez, Police officers are prosecuted for murder in less than 2 percent of fatal shootings, Apr 2, 2021, Police officers are prosecuted for murder in less than 2 percent of fatal shootings

Janell Ross, How police justify shootings: The 1974 killing of an unarmed teen set a standard, Jan. 23, 2020, How police justify shootings: The 1974 killing of an unarmed teen set a standard

Matt DeLong, Dave Braunger and Brandon Stahl, Breaking down the dashcam: The Philando Castile shooting timeline, Minneapolis Start Tribune, June 21, 2017, Breaking down the dashcam video: The Philando Castile shooting timeline

Trymaine Lee, The 911 call that led to Jonathan Ferrell's death, Sept. 17, 2013, The 911 call that led to Jonathan Ferrell's death

Harvard Law Review, The Shooting of Samuel DuBose, 29 Harv. L. Rev. 1168, FEB 10, 2016, pp.1,

Kevin Grasha, and Sharon Coolidge, Video expert: Ray Tensing was not dragged,,, November 3, 2016, Video expert: Ray Tensing was not dragged

Elizabeth Chuck, 'He Can't Hear You!': Deaf Man Shot Dead by Oklahoma City Police as Neighbors Scream in Horror, Sept. 20, 2017, 1:01 PM CDT / Updated Sept. 20, 2017, 1:01 PM CDT / Source: Associated Press 'He can't hear you!': Deaf man killed by OKC police as neighbors scream

Eliott C. McLaughlin, Sara Sidner and Michael Martinez, Oklahoma City cop convicted of rape sentenced to 263 years in prison, January 22, 2016, CNN,

Abdel Jibri Omar, Timothy Loehmann biography: 13 things about Tamir Rice’s killer from Parma, Ohio, Conan Daily, December 30, 2020, Timothy Loehmann biography: 13 things about Tamir Rice’s killer from Parma, Ohio

Independence PD Timothy Loehmann Records, pp.56,

Viswa Vanapalli, Where is Timothy Loehmann Now? Where is Timothy Loehmann Now?

Peggy Gallek, Police officer who shot Tamir Rice hired as part-time officer in southeastern Ohio, Oct 5, 2018,

Edgar Sandoval, Joel Landau and Bill Hutchinson, Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson Once A Member Of Police Force Disbanded Over Racial Tension: Report, NOV 24, 2014, Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson once a member of police force disbanded over racial tension: report

Change In Law Allows Closer Look At Complaints Against Of Daniel Pantaleo, NYPD Officer Fired For Eric Garner Chokehold Death, Change In Law Allows Closer Look At Complaints Against Of Daniel Pantaleo, NYPD Officer Fired For Eric Garner Chokehold Death

National Conference of Black Lawyers, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and the National Lawyers Guild, Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S.,

Jacob Sullum, Will the Cops Who Killed Kenneth Chamberlain After Illegally Breaking Into His Apartment Ever Be Held Accountable?, June 11,2020, Will the Cops Who Killed Kenneth Chamberlain After Illegally Breaking Into His Apartment Ever Be Held Accountable?

Meg Wagner, Kansas cop fired for Facebook threat against stranger’s 5-year-old daughter after Dallas police attack: ‘We’ll see how much her life matters soon”, New York Daily News, July 9, 2016, Kansas cop fired for Facebook threat against stranger’s 5-year-old daughter after Dallas police attack: ‘We’ll see how much her life matters soon’

Marina Trahan Martinez, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs and Dave Montgomery, Woman Was Playing Video Game With Her Nephew When Shot by Fort Worth Police, New York Times, Published Oct. 13, 2019, Updated Oct. 24, 2019, Woman Was Playing Video Game With Her Nephew When Shot by Fort Worth Police (Published 2019)

Eliott C. McLaughlin, ‘I thought it was my apartment,’ Dallas officer says 19 times in tearful 911 call after shooting Botham Jean, April 30, 2019,

Jordan B. Woods, Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops, 117 MICH. L. REV. 635 (2019)."Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops" by Jordan Blair Woods

GBD 2019 Police Violence US Subnational Collaborators, Fatal police violence by race and state in the USA, 1980–2019: a network meta-regression, The Lancet , VOLUME 398, ISSUE 10307, P1239-1255, OCTOBER 02, 2021,

Alice Speri, The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration Of Law Enforcement, The Intercept, January 31 2017,

Michael German, Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement, August 27, 2020, Brennan Center for Justice,

Federal Bureau of Investigation, “White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement,” October 17, 2006, pg.3,

Annalisa Merelli, More black people were killed by US police in 2015 than were lynched in the worst year of Jim Crow, July 7, 2016,

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (New York: Bantam Books, 1968), pg.14.
Show me anywhere in the world where blacks do any better. Black failure is global.
Global black failure is caused genetically rather than socially. It is not something whites should feel guiulty about.
Don't cherrypick and use one professor who says what you want to hear that used only one police department(Houston) as basis for his conclusion..

This is from a Department of Justice Survey.

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”
The Alarming Statistics of Police Misconduct and Brutality | Action Legal Group

And here is more evidence.

The JAMA Network Journals. (2017, April 19). Study examines emergency department visits for patients injured by law enforcement in the US. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 3, 2022 from

German Lopez, Police officers are prosecuted for murder in less than 2 percent of fatal shootings, Apr 2, 2021, Police officers are prosecuted for murder in less than 2 percent of fatal shootings

Janell Ross, How police justify shootings: The 1974 killing of an unarmed teen set a standard, Jan. 23, 2020, How police justify shootings: The 1974 killing of an unarmed teen set a standard

Matt DeLong, Dave Braunger and Brandon Stahl, Breaking down the dashcam: The Philando Castile shooting timeline, Minneapolis Start Tribune, June 21, 2017, Breaking down the dashcam video: The Philando Castile shooting timeline

Trymaine Lee, The 911 call that led to Jonathan Ferrell's death, Sept. 17, 2013, The 911 call that led to Jonathan Ferrell's death

Harvard Law Review, The Shooting of Samuel DuBose, 29 Harv. L. Rev. 1168, FEB 10, 2016, pp.1,

Kevin Grasha, and Sharon Coolidge, Video expert: Ray Tensing was not dragged,,, November 3, 2016, Video expert: Ray Tensing was not dragged

Elizabeth Chuck, 'He Can't Hear You!': Deaf Man Shot Dead by Oklahoma City Police as Neighbors Scream in Horror, Sept. 20, 2017, 1:01 PM CDT / Updated Sept. 20, 2017, 1:01 PM CDT / Source: Associated Press 'He can't hear you!': Deaf man killed by OKC police as neighbors scream

Eliott C. McLaughlin, Sara Sidner and Michael Martinez, Oklahoma City cop convicted of rape sentenced to 263 years in prison, January 22, 2016, CNN,

Abdel Jibri Omar, Timothy Loehmann biography: 13 things about Tamir Rice’s killer from Parma, Ohio, Conan Daily, December 30, 2020, Timothy Loehmann biography: 13 things about Tamir Rice’s killer from Parma, Ohio

Independence PD Timothy Loehmann Records, pp.56,

Viswa Vanapalli, Where is Timothy Loehmann Now? Where is Timothy Loehmann Now?

Peggy Gallek, Police officer who shot Tamir Rice hired as part-time officer in southeastern Ohio, Oct 5, 2018,

Edgar Sandoval, Joel Landau and Bill Hutchinson, Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson Once A Member Of Police Force Disbanded Over Racial Tension: Report, NOV 24, 2014, Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson once a member of police force disbanded over racial tension: report

Change In Law Allows Closer Look At Complaints Against Of Daniel Pantaleo, NYPD Officer Fired For Eric Garner Chokehold Death, Change In Law Allows Closer Look At Complaints Against Of Daniel Pantaleo, NYPD Officer Fired For Eric Garner Chokehold Death

National Conference of Black Lawyers, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and the National Lawyers Guild, Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S.,

Jacob Sullum, Will the Cops Who Killed Kenneth Chamberlain After Illegally Breaking Into His Apartment Ever Be Held Accountable?, June 11,2020, Will the Cops Who Killed Kenneth Chamberlain After Illegally Breaking Into His Apartment Ever Be Held Accountable?

Meg Wagner, Kansas cop fired for Facebook threat against stranger’s 5-year-old daughter after Dallas police attack: ‘We’ll see how much her life matters soon”, New York Daily News, July 9, 2016, Kansas cop fired for Facebook threat against stranger’s 5-year-old daughter after Dallas police attack: ‘We’ll see how much her life matters soon’

Marina Trahan Martinez, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs and Dave Montgomery, Woman Was Playing Video Game With Her Nephew When Shot by Fort Worth Police, New York Times, Published Oct. 13, 2019, Updated Oct. 24, 2019, Woman Was Playing Video Game With Her Nephew When Shot by Fort Worth Police (Published 2019)

Eliott C. McLaughlin, ‘I thought it was my apartment,’ Dallas officer says 19 times in tearful 911 call after shooting Botham Jean, April 30, 2019,

Jordan B. Woods, Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops, 117 MICH. L. REV. 635 (2019)."Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops" by Jordan Blair Woods

GBD 2019 Police Violence US Subnational Collaborators, Fatal police violence by race and state in the USA, 1980–2019: a network meta-regression, The Lancet , VOLUME 398, ISSUE 10307, P1239-1255, OCTOBER 02, 2021,

Alice Speri, The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration Of Law Enforcement, The Intercept, January 31 2017, The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Michael German, Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement, August 27, 2020, Brennan Center for Justice, Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement

Federal Bureau of Investigation, “White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement,” October 17, 2006, pg.3,

Annalisa Merelli, More black people were killed by US police in 2015 than were lynched in the worst year of Jim Crow, July 7, 2016, More black people were killed by US police in 2015 than were lynched in the worst year of Jim Crow

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (New York: Bantam Books, 1968), pg.14.

The Police are in a brutal profession. Their occasional brutality against criminals, especially black criminals, should be forgiven.
What TF do these videos have to do with anything?
I saw the link from this thread;

  1. Institutional Racism:
    • Institutional Racism refers to "the policies and practices within and across institutions that, intentionally or not, produce outcomes that chronically favor, or put a racial group at a disadvantage" (Aspen Institute) .
  2. Systemic Racism:
    • Systemic Racism is a form of racism that is "embedded in the laws and regulations of a society or an organization" (Encyclopedia Britannica) . It manifests in the disparities in wealth, income, criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other factors.

What is clear. . . is the parents and socialist democratic and communist leaning black leaders in largely black communities, are mostly responsible for perpetuating institutional racism and systemic racism, mostly because they do not like the tenets of European based enlightenment values, natural law, etc. on which the global capitalist system is based on.

Thus, it is much easier to just not compete and train the children in their communities, and subsequently demand the whole U.S. system revert to gay/race based communism.

. . . and as we continue to see with the introduction of critical race theory? Nothing much has changed.

This is what those vids have to do with this.
Global black failure is caused genetically rather than socially. It is not something whites should feel guiulty about.

The Police are in a brutal profession. Their occasional brutality against criminals, especially black criminals, should be forgiven.

I saw the link from this thread;

What is clear. . . is the parents and socialist democratic and communist leaning black leaders in largely black communities, are mostly responsible for perpetuating institutional racism and systemic racism, mostly because they do not like the tenets of European based enlightenment values, natural law, etc. on which the global capitalist system is based on.

Thus, it is much easier to just not compete and train the children in their communities, and subsequently demand the whole U.S. system revert to gay/race based communism.

. . . and as we continue to see with the introduction of critical race theory? Nothing much has changed.

This is what those vids have to do with this.
Incorrect. Critical Race Theory was introduced in the 1970's. Your psychosis allows you to fail to understand our ability to see policy and procedures initiated by whites and the continung white resistance to equal opportunity. It's not about not competing or not training. I know, because I helped train and equip young blacks to get out of gangs , go to college or start businesses. Your racism has you way off in describing the real problem-continuing white racism. You really sound stupid Beale and I wish you wouLd just shut the fuck up and learn that you don't know and that you damn sure shoud not be trying to whitesplain the problem to someoone black. You want us to remain under the thumb of white facism while calling a demand for true equality communism.

The white European based things you talk about have been based on the economic exploitation of non whites in order for European capitalism to work. Sane humans should reject such exploitation.
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Your psychosis allows you to fail to understand our ability to see policy and procedures initiated by whites and the continung white resistance to equal opportunity.

Your racism has you way off in describing the real problem-continuing white racism.

You keep on claiming this type of stuff. . but you never specifically state what it is that I am stating that is "racist."

You never state, specifically what policies and procedures, THAT ARE CURRENT TODAY, that continue bias.

SO? Get lost with yoar lies.
You keep on claiming this type of stuff. . but you never specifically state what it is that I am stating that is "racist."

You never state, specifically what policies and procedures, THAT ARE CURRENT TODAY, that continue bias.

SO? Get lost with yoar lies.
Read your mother fucking repoonses. Every word is racist.
Read your mother fucking repoonses. Every word is racist.
Yeah yeah yeah.

And everything you post are the ravings of a homicidal terrorist.


(If you want to focus on real racists, folks like Hector, Meathead, and horselightning will oblige you. Don't look for it here pal. Yoar commie victim whining doesn't fly with me. You can't sub political disagreement and call it "racism," here.)
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The only Racism left in America are individuals who are Racists. They have ZERO POWER over you that you do not give to them. Were you not the beneficiary of many privileges growing up Black in America? Scholarship to Emory Riddle perhaps? Quickly promoted during your career perhaps? I certainly saw many deserving (and some non-deserving) Blacks move up the corporate ladder ahead of White and Asian peers. I say good for them and good for you. It would have been terrible to be Black in 1960. It looks pretty good to me to Black in America in 2024. What am I missing?

Problem is some of these racists are in positions of power.

Some of them are educating you people.

I work with a dude from Mississippi, he's not stupid, but he's full of stupid ideas and he'll try and justify them. We sometimes talk about politics, less now that he's had a son and hates his wife and he bitches about her all the time, but he has the sort of typical ideas from around where he lives and you can build up your argument, this is this, that is that, he'll agree and then it all falls apart once he's realized he's wrong. he just refused to accept things.
Here us another gem from white all his life MarathonMike,

The only Racism left in America are individuals who are Racists. They have ZERO POWER over you that you do not give to them. Were you not the beneficiary of many privileges growing up Black in America? Scholarship to Emory Riddle perhaps? Quickly promoted during your career perhaps? I certainly saw many deserving (and some non-deserving) Blacks move up the corporate ladder ahead of White and Asian peers. I say good for them and good for you. It would have been terrible to be Black in 1960. It looks pretty good to me to Black in America in 2024. What am I missing?

Mike your racism and ignorance has you refusng to see that many whites are in positions of power they were and are not deserving of. Asians have benefitted from AA just like every other none white group, so just stop telling the lie that Asians are getting passed ovver for blacks. You are not black. You weren't black in 1960 and you aren't today. So shut the hell up.

John Lewis and Colin Powell died not long ago. Both men lived during Jim Crow. Both men said tha tin the 21st century white racism stiill exists and it's systemic. So you can't tell me ----.

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