Zone1 25 simple charts to show friends and family who aren't convinced racism is still a problem in America

The second key maneuver, which flowed naturally from the first, was to redefine racism itself. Confronted with civil rights headlines depicting unflattering portrayals of KKK rallies and jackbooted sheriffs, white authority transformed those damning images of white supremacy into the sole definition of racism. This simple but wickedly brilliant conceptual and linguistic shift served multiple purposes. First and foremost, it was conscience soothing. The whittling down of racism to sheet-wearing goons allowed a cloud of racial innocence to cover many whites who, although 'resentful of black progress' and determined to ensure that racial inequality remained untouched, could see and project themselves as the 'kind of upstanding white citizen(s)' who were 'positively outraged at the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan". The focus on the Klan also helped to designate racism as an individual aberration rather than something systemic, institutional and pervasive.”
Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
so how come the stats show them doing so much better than blacks IM2?

Do the stats show the H1B Visas that allow Asian immigrants to get tech jobs? Do the stats show the white backlash against blacks for actually standing up to white racism instead of quietly taking it like many Asians did? The stats show a large income gap between Indians and other Asian groups. Not all Asians are doing better than blacks.
Do the stats show the H1B Visas that allow Asian immigrants to get tech jobs? Do the stats show the white backlash against blacks for actually standing up to white racism instead of quietly taking it like many Asians did? The stats show a large income gap between Indians and other Asian groups. Not all Asians are doing better than blacks.
Your white ass is doing worse than just about everyone. You have mega personal failings, but you try to make it a systemic problem. With the dumbest--yet funniest--embellishments I've ever seen.
Do the stats show the H1B Visas that allow Asian immigrants to get tech jobs? Do the stats show the white backlash against blacks for actually standing up to white racism instead of quietly taking it like many Asians did? The stats show a large income gap between Indians and other Asian groups. Not all Asians are doing better than blacks.
that does not answer what i asked IM2

Stop ignoring the overwhelming evidence that shows what the problem is. Asians get discrininated against just like blacks.

I’m Tired of Trying to Educate White People About Anti-Asian Racism​

s we continue to witness violence against Asian Americans–including, in the past month, the punching of a Bay Area father pushing his baby in a stroller; the assault on two women with a cement block in a Baltimore liquor store; and the stabbing of two women, ages 85 and 65, at a bus stop in San Francisco–my social media feeds are frequently filled with messages imploring people to recognize and challenge anti-Asian racism.

It’s clear why, as many are apparently unaware. A recent survey found that 37% of white Americans had not even heard about the spike in attacks on Asian Americans (with 42% of respondents unable to name a single prominent Asian American). Another survey revealed that Asian women were targeted in 65% of incidents in which the victim’s gender was reported, and when demographic information was available, a majority of perpetrators were reported to be white and male. The recent wave of harassment and violence is just one manifestation of a deep-rooted anti-Asian prejudice in this country, which cannot be understood solely in terms of individual incidents, or without acknowledging that it is inextricably bound up with America’s long legacy of racial oppression built on anti-Blackness. But while discrimination faced by Asian and Pacific Islander people–especially those more vulnerable because of poverty, immigration status, occupation, age, isolation or other circumstances–is far from new, sometimes it can feel as though we are begging others to see it, see us, at all.

What can I say to persuade this or that group of white people–white parents, white people with Asian relatives or friends or co-workers, white people who aren’t “comfortable” talking about race or privilege–to start having these “important conversations” if they aren’t already? Is it my responsibility to do so? Maybe, if I can, but the truth is that I am tired of being asked to think about racism from the perspective of those least impacted by it. I don’t always feel like explaining anti-Asian prejudice to people who have never considered it before. I don’t want to hear or validate confessions that someone hasn’t thought enough, done enough, said enough, worked enough, read enough, challenged enough microaggressions at work or at school. I don’t need an inbox full of emotional labor from white people just discovering the fact that Asians in America experience racism, and that I am Asian American.

Whites like you have arrogantiy ignored the racism they put on Asians then try using stats about median income to make claims. Immigrants from India are considered Asian, and without the H1B Visa, those immigrants wold not be earning the income they are. That's the fucking government giving immigrants special status that blacks don't get. So shut your mouth about somebody earrning something because whites didn't earn what they have. Furthermore our ancestors have proven our worth, while yours have benefitted from our work. So again, you don't have shit to say to somebody but: "Im sorry and I will start working to fix the problems my race created here."
Sparky, I get rather tired if uneducated whites disagreeing just because they want to. This is an article from an Asian citizen. So your disagreement is really nothing more that you saying I disagree because I'm white and I say it's not so. Not based of factor evidence, only what you would like to believe..
that does not answer what i asked IM2

It's the answer your white ass is going to get. Because not all Asians are doing better than blacks and everything I gave you is why any Asian is doing better. You racists are really a sad bunch. You post racist crap all the time, pretend it's not racist, and after you do so, you ask dumb questions as if racism isn't the problem.
Sparky, I get rather tired if uneducated whites disagreeing just because they want to. This is an article from an Asian citizen. So your disagreement is really nothing more that you saying I disagree because I'm white and I say it's not so. Not based of factor evidence, only what you would like to believe..
Your the one claiming 'overwhelming evidence' IM2

Sparky, I get rather tired if uneducated whites disagreeing just because they want to. This is an article from an Asian citizen. So your disagreement is really nothing more that you saying I disagree because I'm white and I say it's not so. Not based of factor evidence, only what you would like to believe..
Uneducated? You're a white guy with a high school diploma. Your writing reveals you're little better than those so-called crackers you criticize hourly.

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