Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

smash and grab is now considered employment
Here are some quick facts about our audience:

• Every month, about 300,000 African American job seekers from all over the country visit our website.

Most of them are college graduates, and all of them are looking to work immediately!

• 75% of them access our website from mobile devices and tablets.

• About 45% of our job seekers are male, and 55% are female.

• Their ages vary from 22-45.

• Their areas of interest and skills include IT, engineering, web development, communications, journalism, marketing, PR, management, administration, human resources, accounting, graphic design, hospitality, customer service, nursing, and more.

So Carson is a white supremacists?

He's an enabler for sure. Carson is one of those very smart people with no common sense whatsoever. Lots of minorities will try to "go along to get along". Carson, who has benefited from welfare, social housing and "affirmative action" while growing up, now denies that these programs benfitted him at all. His success is due entirely to his own efforts.

Republicans think people succeed entirely on their own with no help from the government. That's bullshit. The USA is the most financially successful nation in the world, because their government has provided a secure stable platform upon which you can build a successful business.

The US government has the strongest property rights, and intellectual property protections in the world. That's why everyone registered their IP and patents in the USA - because of the protections your GOVERNMENT provides. You also have the least protections and benefits for the working and middle class.

You're the only first world nation with no mandated vacations, no mandated maternity leave or job protections for pregnant women, the least number of unions, and no universal health care.

Your tax codes also reward wealth over work. The richer you are, the less you pay in taxes. 80% of the wealth of the nation now flows to the top 10%, and this is not sustainable. In Denmark, and all of the other "Best Countries to Live", it's 50% or less. In Canada it's 40%.

This is why your working and middle class are dwindling and increasingly impoverished. Your tax code is out of whack and it gets worse with every tax cut. Every tax cut leads to an economic crash which further impoverishes working and middle class Americans, and enriches the wealthy.

Republicans since Reagan have done nothing but cut taxes, freeze wages, and transfer the wealth of the nation to the top 10%. The Republican economic crashes have become a "feature", not a "bug" of Republican administrations to enrich the wealthy.
No, he's an Uncle Tom. There are black Republicans who get respect in the black community, but they aren't the ones getting shoved in our faces by the Republican party because they refuse to sell out.
He got himself out of poverty and became a good man in society. You call him an uncle Tom, you are the problem to why blacks stay poor.
He's an enabler for sure. Carson is one of those very smart people with no common sense whatsoever. Lots of minorities will try to "go along to get along". Carson, who has benefited from welfare, social housing and "affirmative action" while growing up, now denies that these programs benfitted him at all. His success is due entirely to his own efforts.

Republicans think people succeed entirely on their own with no help from the government. That's bullshit. The USA is the most financially successful nation in the world, because their government has provided a secure stable platform upon which you can build a successful business.

The US government has the strongest property rights, and intellectual property protections in the world. That's why everyone registered their IP and patents in the USA - because of the protections your GOVERNMENT provides. You also have the least protections and benefits for the working and middle class.

You're the only first world nation with no mandated vacations, no mandated maternity leave or job protections for pregnant women, the least number of unions, and no universal health care.

Your tax codes also reward wealth over work. The richer you are, the less you pay in taxes. 80% of the wealth of the nation now flows to the top 10%, and this is not sustainable. In Denmark, and all of the other "Best Countries to Live", it's 50% or less. In Canada it's 40%.

This is why your working and middle class are dwindling and increasingly impoverished. Your tax code is out of whack and it gets worse with every tax cut. Every tax cut leads to an economic crash which further impoverishes working and middle class Americans, and enriches the wealthy.

Republicans since Reagan have done nothing but cut taxes, freeze wages, and transfer the wealth of the nation to the top 10%. The Republican economic crashes have become a "feature", not a "bug" of Republican administrations to enrich the wealthy.
Government is the problem, our government is way to big.
He's an enabler for sure. Carson is one of those very smart people with no common sense whatsoever. Lots of minorities will try to "go along to get along". Carson, who has benefited from welfare, social housing and "affirmative action" while growing up, now denies that these programs benfitted him at all. His success is due entirely to his own efforts.

Republicans think people succeed entirely on their own with no help from the government. That's bullshit. The USA is the most financially successful nation in the world, because their government has provided a secure stable platform upon which you can build a successful business.

The US government has the strongest property rights, and intellectual property protections in the world. That's why everyone registered their IP and patents in the USA - because of the protections your GOVERNMENT provides. You also have the least protections and benefits for the working and middle class.

You're the only first world nation with no mandated vacations, no mandated maternity leave or job protections for pregnant women, the least number of unions, and no universal health care.

Your tax codes also reward wealth over work. The richer you are, the less you pay in taxes. 80% of the wealth of the nation now flows to the top 10%, and this is not sustainable. In Denmark, and all of the other "Best Countries to Live", it's 50% or less. In Canada it's 40%.

This is why your working and middle class are dwindling and increasingly impoverished. Your tax code is out of whack and it gets worse with every tax cut. Every tax cut leads to an economic crash which further impoverishes working and middle class Americans, and enriches the wealthy.

Republicans since Reagan have done nothing but cut taxes, freeze wages, and transfer the wealth of the nation to the top 10%. The Republican economic crashes have become a "feature", not a "bug" of Republican administrations to enrich the wealthy.
All these liberal talking points, and not one link….You're full of shit. All you do is repeat talking points from the left. Many of which are devoid of factual back up.
Here are some quick facts about our audience:

• Every month, about 300,000 African American job seekers from all over the country visit our website.

Most of them are college graduates, and all of them are looking to work immediately!

• 75% of them access our website from mobile devices and tablets.

• About 45% of our job seekers are male, and 55% are female.

• Their ages vary from 22-45.

• Their areas of interest and skills include IT, engineering, web development, communications, journalism, marketing, PR, management, administration, human resources, accounting, graphic design, hospitality, customer service, nursing, and more.

who are you? Paul Begala ?
Once again Donald Trump showed hs racism during this debate. Trump clanmed that immigrants wwre taking black jobs. What are black jobs?

Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment​

Black Americans are demanding to know what “Black jobs” are after former President Trump used the phrase in Thursday’s debate with President Biden in Atlanta.

In response to the first 2024 general election debate’s only question on Black voters, Trump took a shot at Biden’s immigration stance.

“The fact is that his big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border,” Trump said. “They’re taking Black jobs now and it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking Black jobs, and they’re taking Hispanic jobs, and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re gonna see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.”

Black social media users immediately demanded an explanation of what constitutes a “Black job.”

“What exactly are Black and Hispanic Jobs!?!” the NAACP posted to X.

A job where you don't have to do an honest day's work.

(Credit to Colin Jost and Michael Che for that joke)
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Plus, they are also direct competition for the low-end rents in those areas, as well.

There is an area about five miles from me with scores of modest garden apartments, and which used to be almost exclusively black and Hispanic, with lawns that were kept and curbs free of trash. Now, it is exclusively Hispanic, full of illegals, with no English speakers (try going into the McDonalds there and ordering in English), and the place is strewn with trash, babies sitting in the dirty curbs with diapers, and the lawns full of junk.

And what does it cost to live in such a utopia? I just checked one of the buildings, and the rent STARTS at $2300 a month for a 1-bedroom on the bottom floor.

And don’t even start on how the rating of the public school has crashed. Where the area USED TO BE an area working class blacks could afford, and send their kids to an OKish school, now it is rated a 2.

And yet, people like IM2 will, for some inexplicable reason, argue to allow more illegals in. Mystifying.

Lisa, who complains about how Jews are treated and talked about in the USA, proceeds to utterly disparage and trash minority communities. You have clearly learned nothing from the disrespect and abuse being heaped upon your people call it "unfair" (which it is), and yet you're no different from the people who call Jews vile name.

You assume these communities are "inferior", not that they're being deprived of basic services or investments. You assumptions are both false, and disgusting. They come to the country with nothing, are given almost nothing, and are live in dire poverty with no resources.

I have no sympathy for the abuse YOU are currently suffering just for being Jewish, simply because, for YOU, it's KARMA writ large. You have no problem blaming and demonizing these people, who are being kept in poverty and discriminated against, but it's simply not fair when people do the very same thing to YOU.
Lisa, who complains about how Jews are treated and talked about in the USA, proceeds to utterly disparage and trash minority communities. You have clearly learned nothing from the disrespect and abuse being heaped upon your people call it "unfair" (which it is), and yet you're no different from the people who call Jews vile name.

You assume these communities are "inferior", not that they're being deprived of basic services or investments. You assumptions are both false, and disgusting. They come to the country with nothing, are given almost nothing, and are live in dire poverty with no resources.

I have no sympathy for the abuse YOU are currently suffering just for being Jewish, simply because, for YOU, it's KARMA writ large. You have no problem blaming and demonizing these people, who are being kept in poverty and discriminated against, but it's simply not fair when people do the very same thing to YOU.
Is this you saying that you are a HAMAS supporter?
(1). Republicans (like Trump) don't believe in "Black Jobs." They believe in a strong economy that benefits everyone, including the descendants of American enslaved people. Trump had NO PROGRAMS that targeted Blacks for relief, only tax and other policies that promoted general prosperity, and that's why Black unemployment dropped measurably under Trump. Those Blacks who are looking for free stuff from Republicans will be disappointed. As they should be.

(2). The key to success in this country is entrepreneurship, and secondarily HIGHER education (which does not include a degree from a mediocre college, or any nonsense degree - Ethnic Studies and similar). For one reason or another - mainly a lack of "generational" wealth - Blacks have not embraced entrepreneurship, which greatly diminishes their prospects as a demographic group.

(3). The Democrats offer Blacks "free stuff" and government jobs, and compelling large employers to hire them. Good luck with that. Large employers are slowly dropping DEI and analogous programs.
Lisa, who complains about how Jews are treated and talked about in the USA, proceeds to utterly disparage and trash minority communities. You have clearly learned nothing from the disrespect and abuse being heaped upon your people call it "unfair" (which it is), and yet you're no different from the people who call Jews vile name.

You assume these communities are "inferior", not that they're being deprived of basic services or investments. You assumptions are both false, and disgusting. They come to the country with nothing, are given almost nothing, and are live in dire poverty with no resources.

I have no sympathy for the abuse YOU are currently suffering just for being Jewish, simply because, for YOU, it's KARMA writ large. You have no problem blaming and demonizing these people, who are being kept in poverty and discriminated against, but it's simply not fair when people do the very same thing to YOU.
^^^ This is what we are up against with liberals: they claim that any talk of how illegal immigration is harmful to American citizens, especially lower-income Americans, is “disparaging minorities.”

You are what is disgusting, and Americans are waking up to it. Thank Gd that you don’t have a vote.

P.S. You’ve said disgusting things about Jews previously. So, like your typical hypocritical liberal, you can disparage minorities - as long as they’re Joooooos.
Here are some quick facts about our audience:

• Every month, about 300,000 African American job seekers from all over the country visit our website.

Most of them are college graduates, and all of them are looking to work immediately!

• 75% of them access our website from mobile devices and tablets.

• About 45% of our job seekers are male, and 55% are female.

• Their ages vary from 22-45.

• Their areas of interest and skills include IT, engineering, web development, communications, journalism, marketing, PR, management, administration, human resources, accounting, graphic design, hospitality, customer service, nursing, and more.

Why in the world isn’t this site racist?! Advertising “black jobs”? What if whites put up a site advertising for jobs for whites?
Who said I was white? We’ve been down this road before. Does you assuming I’m white make it easier to make and argument?

You have no idea what my skin color is, I’ve never stated in any way what that might be. The fact that you assume I’m white based on my disagreeing with you is prejudice…

And no, just because you want to believe everything is about racism doesn’t make it so. There IS context there, you just choose to be blind to it. The fact that he even HAD to say “black jobs” (which are just normal every person jobs), is the fault of all democrats, THEY turned every thing into race and identity politics.

Trump wasn’t insinuating that somehow there are certain jobs for black people and certain jobs for white people, you are just looking for an excuse to be mad, so you conjured that up in your head.

If you are an author, then you know what context is, so you’re smart enough to know when it’s there. If you really believe Trump was talking about different classes of jobs, then you are being willfully blind.
A more politically savvy person would have said “low income” jobs. Trump has never been politically correct.
Lisa, who complains about how Jews are treated and talked about in the USA, proceeds to utterly disparage and trash minority communities. You have clearly learned nothing from the disrespect and abuse being heaped upon your people call it "unfair" (which it is), and yet you're no different from the people who call Jews vile name.

You assume these communities are "inferior", not that they're being deprived of basic services or investments. You assumptions are both false, and disgusting. They come to the country with nothing, are given almost nothing, and are live in dire poverty with no resources.

I have no sympathy for the abuse YOU are currently suffering just for being Jewish, simply because, for YOU, it's KARMA writ large. You have no problem blaming and demonizing these people, who are being kept in poverty and discriminated against, but it's simply not fair when people do the very same thing to YOU.
Describing actual conditions isn’t disparaging.
He's an enabler for sure. Carson is one of those very smart people with no common sense whatsoever. Lots of minorities will try to "go along to get along". Carson, who has benefited from welfare, social housing and "affirmative action" while growing up, now denies that these programs benfitted him at all. His success is due entirely to his own efforts.

Republicans think people succeed entirely on their own with no help from the government. That's bullshit. The USA is the most financially successful nation in the world, because their government has provided a secure stable platform upon which you can build a successful business.

The US government has the strongest property rights, and intellectual property protections in the world. That's why everyone registered their IP and patents in the USA - because of the protections your GOVERNMENT provides. You also have the least protections and benefits for the working and middle class.

You're the only first world nation with no mandated vacations, no mandated maternity leave or job protections for pregnant women, the least number of unions, and no universal health care.

Your tax codes also reward wealth over work. The richer you are, the less you pay in taxes. 80% of the wealth of the nation now flows to the top 10%, and this is not sustainable. In Denmark, and all of the other "Best Countries to Live", it's 50% or less. In Canada it's 40%.

This is why your working and middle class are dwindling and increasingly impoverished. Your tax code is out of whack and it gets worse with every tax cut. Every tax cut leads to an economic crash which further impoverishes working and middle class Americans, and enriches the wealthy.

Republicans since Reagan have done nothing but cut taxes, freeze wages, and transfer the wealth of the nation to the top 10%. The Republican economic crashes have become a "feature", not a "bug" of Republican administrations to enrich the wealthy.

what do those other countries give up to have all of those benefits? What are their taxes like ?

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