Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

No, we as blacks want to know. I'm watching a black roundtable right now and they have had all kinds of tweets and emails from backs asking that question.

Once again the racist IM2 pretends to speak for ALL people of a given demographic.
No, we as blacks want to know. I'm watching a black roundtable right now and they have had all kinds of tweets and emails from backs asking that question.
What trump meant by black jobs is jobs blacks would have gotten if they were not required to compete with illegals who are willing to work for less. The same would be true if referring to white jobs. Don't despair you can learn Trumpanese it only takes an open mind at a reduced level of bigotry.
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IM2 apparently already forgot about Biden saying (while campaigning for the 2016 election) that “If you’re not sure who to vote for, you ain’t black”.

Compared to that comment from Biden, Trump’s comment last night doesn’t amount to dry shit.
What about when Biden said he didn’t want his kids going to school with blacks?
The black jobs that trump was referring to would be jobs that blacks would have gotten if they were not required to complete with illegal immigrants who are willing to work for less.

What trump meant by black jobs is jobs blacks would have gotten if they were not required to compete with illegals who are willing to work for less. The same would be true if referring to white jobs. Don't despair you can learn Trumpanese it only takes an open mind at a reduced level of bigotry.
Don't whitesplain this. We know what trump meant. Again, Biden had black unemployment at a record low. So immigrants aren't taking jobs from blacks. Trumpanese is bigotry. He didn't say immigrants were taking white jobs at no time in hs rants.
Jobs blacks and hispanics can get but the illegal migrants are given first on the cheap duh. OP clearly doesn't acknowledge what's around him, but wants it to be some race baiting.
More white attempts to explain racism. Look at the racism in his comment.
No, we as blacks want to know. I'm watching a black roundtable right now and they have had all kinds of tweets and emails from backs asking that question.

Most hispanic illegals come from a part of the world where there is no public assistence. You either work like a dog and learn how to work quickly, or you starve. The only other choice is to be a criminal to make it.

So right off the bat, when it comes to lower wage jobs.. Hispanic immigrants generally by culture can outwork whites and blacks, at least with effort and speed. It creates more competition and takes jobs away from Americans. You can take the other side of this and say, those Hispanics deserve those jobs if Americans are not as good at it or dont have the will to do them, but I dont buy it. Our politicians' jobs require them to put their own citizens first... not the citizens of other countries. Americans who dont work, can LEARN to work. But its much harder now when there are millions more immigrants who will snap up those entry level jobs.

Most of this humanitarianism comes from affluent Democrats who dont really understand how poorer Americans have to struggle. They see us all as numbers on a paper.

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