BREAKING! Alex Soros Tweets Out Picture Of A Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald Trump!

You can't get more threatening than this. This is aimed purely at President Trump. Let's see what the Secret Service does, or FBI for that matter.


These two images were selected by The Atlantic Magazine to illustrate an article discussing how crime and inflation were down. Soros retweeted the article. You people are just really fucking stupid.

If that was a picture of $46, they'd be howling their little brains out!

They know the truth of that but think that the longer they deny it, the greater the chance we'll buy their lies.

So, an article in The Atlantic Magazine on crime and inflation posted the original picture....not Alex Soros....

Are you really saying that The Atlantic posted this picture as an assassination instigator?

No! DEMOCRATS would not have taken this as a threat to Joe Biden if it were $46 laid out.

You guys are just re-wired for conspiracy... it is your thing...

since Trump it has 10 folded.
Even dogs learn from their mistakes.


The more they try to fuck Trump, the more votes he gets because EVERYONE SEES THE FASCISM FROM THE LEFT.
Nope! Trump is who f^_ks himself, daily. His own crimes, God willing, is what will do him in.
Trump, if he wins, will have 2 non consecutive terms, that will make him the 45th and 47th president, just like Grover Cleveland was our 22nd and 24th president.

All I did was ask you what the relevance of the $47 was. Had that been a bullet hole and $46, and posted by a right winger, you don’t think you all would be making the same claim. You certainly would be.

However, you refute the association, so I simply asked you what you thought the relevance of the $47 was. You have a picture of a bullet hole and $47…posted by a very very left wing person…so what other meaning could it have? That’s all I asked.

Please provide a link to trump posting addresses if the judges and prosecutors.

Idiot, Soros didn't intentionally post those images. He linked an article to the Atlantic about a drop in crime and inflation last year.

Just like this forum does when linking that same article...

Look, I’m not going to say straight out that it WAS a threat, as we simply don’t have any context, I will say, however, that, due to lack of context, there doesn’t appear to be any other explanation, and on the surface, it does appear that he was making a threat.

I’ll be curious if the FBI will even pay him a visit.

I don't see why the FBI would pay him a visit. I don't believe they're as stupid as you.
Idiot, Soros didn't intentionally post those images. He linked an article to the Atlantic about a drop in crime and inflation last year.

Just like this forum does when linking that same article...

Your desperation damage control for Soros is futile.
These two images were selected by The Atlantic Magazine to illustrate an article discussing how crime and inflation were down. Soros retweeted the article. You people are just really fucking stupid.

They're beyond fucking stupid. In reality, that's just an image from the 1950's, the Atlantic obtained from Getty images...

Your ignorance is noted!

Well you should contact the FBI then and inform them that the son of Soros threatened Trump. What are you waiting for,

As an aside, let me just say how glad I am to see George Soros has a son to drive you lunatics, batshit crazy. Soros is old and his days numbered. It brings me joy to see he has a successor to keep you nuts dragged around by the nose for decades to come.

Even dogs learn from their mistakes.


The more they try to fuck Trump, the more votes he gets because EVERYONE SEES THE FASCISM FROM THE LEFT.

Even dogs learn from their mistakes, but evidently YOU don't.

No one is "trying to fuck Trump". Trump does it to himself, every single time. Trump is back in Court with E. Jean Carroll, because he refuses to stop lying about her, or insulting her. When the Court ordered him to stop, he could have simply stopped and the case would have ended.

When he lost the election and 67 court challenges, Trump could have admitted defeat and pack his things, and only HIS things, and gone home to Mar-a-Lago. Instead he mounted a fraudulent electors campaign, and unleashed a mob on the Capitol.

When the National Archives asked for the classified documents back, he could have returned them, instead of lying, hiding and retaining the documents in defiance of the law, a court order, and a search warrant.

And then Trump points his savage mob at the prosecutors and judges, and their staff. Last night it wasn't enough that Trump won. He had to insult Nicki Haley, and humiliate Tim Scott in his acceptance speech.

Trump shows his unfittness for office every day.

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