BREAKING! Alex Soros Tweets Out Picture Of A Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald Trump!

Idiot, Soros didn't intentionally post those images. He linked an article to the Atlantic about a drop in crime and inflation last year.

Just like this forum does when linking that same article...

I believe you.
Your desperation damage control for Soros is futile.

The argument is credible, I’ll admit that, perhaps this is just a really odd coincidence, or, a very cleverly designed threat by the Atlantic..we will never know. I still maintain if that image had $46 and were posted by Fox News, the left would be screaming bloody hell over it.
Trump may have other health problems instead of worrying about bullet holes

Hey Donald , did you know you had blood stains on your hands. No I didn't


"Hey Donald, did you know that some stupid USMB poster has photo editing software?"

"Hell yes, as it was ever thus".

Donald Trump Finally Speaks Out About Those Red Splotches On His Hand​


On Wednesday, Fox News’ Mark Meredith asked Trump: “How’s your hand? It looks like it’s better now.”

“My hand?” Trump replied.

“Yeah, what happened the other day?” Meredith asked. “You didn’t see the photos? Coming out of Trump Tower?”

See even FOX reported it and you know if they did it must be true. They would never lie?
You can't get more threatening than this. This is aimed purely at President Trump. Let's see what the Secret Service does, or FBI for that matter.


that long ago. heh? That indicates they've been planning this for quite some time. This was a gov't facilitated assassination attempt on a former president of the US and a current candidate for the presidency, strong opposition candidate in competition with the current president. This is like predictive programming...and i can see soros doing this..... because the soros family have the devil in them. This particular act in posting that threat as if it is a meme and many would consider it calle Karma Clearing. It is necessary, the karma clearing, it must be done. They must tell you what they are doing. It seems to be a law of the universe. I don't think they're these next months and even into a seconed trump presidency, their gorge will rise and they will be more determined than ever to solve their problem. If Trump wins, hold onto your butts..because the left will make this planet Hell on Earth. That is what satan wants...hell on earth with no chance of redemption for anyone.

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