marijuana legalization

Here you bring in substance…previously and now you use personal attacks.

Many if not all of your points have been responded to by me or others .

Quote my last post and respond to those points , without the unprovoked name calling or your going on ignore.
Grow a set sissy.

"No one whose balls have been crushed can become a member of the assembly of the Lord"

ITS THE LAW! Deuteronomy 23:1

Try to face the fact that grandpa wouldn't be too happy to see you supporting a despicable and perverse conman who is openly and brazenly repeating Hitler slogans and Goebbels propaganda

As if pot smokers, LGBTQIA people, hispanics, blacks, immigrants, and those damn liberals, are a clear and present danger to democracy and decent family values Christian's like you are not. Pft

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Marijuana use has never been a jailable offense. Only to those in darkness while they get drunk on their alcohol thinking Marijuana is worse than their alcohol.
You must not live in Florida because using it was a very much jailable offense. They have lightened up on that since medical marijuana was approved.
Grow a set sissy.

"No one whose balls have been crushed can become a member of the assembly of the Lord"

ITS THE LAW! Deuteronomy 23:1

Try to face the fact that grandpa wouldn't be too happy to see you supporting a despicable and perverse conman who is openly and brazenly repeating Hitler slogans and Goebbels propaganda

As if pot smokers, LGBTQIA people, hispanics, blacks, immigrants, and those damn liberals, are a clear and present danger to democracy and decent family values Christian's like you are not. Pft

“Grandpa” was one or two generations from where we are now

The Greatest Generation spoiled the Baby Boomers rotton

Who in turn completely lost control of the next generation after them

The result is the crazy mixed up society that Grandpa would indeed not understand or approve of

I am closer to Grandpa than I am to you,

but by Grandpa’s standards that makes me only a little less crazy than you are
The Greatest Generation spoiled the Baby Boomers rotton
If that is true (which it's not) then they are to blame if you are looking to assign blame for whats going on now.


The truth is you who imagine yourself to be patriotic defenders of democracy have been beguiled by the epitome of a talking serpent into doing the exact opposite of your professed intentions. You had better hope that Jesus doesn't show up and see what you are openly doing.

He might get pissed off by you misrepresenting his name and toss you alive into the lake of fire.

And you might want to include in your speculations that not everyone is as blind gullible and confused by fox new brainwashing methods, as you obviously are, to what is actually happening.
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If that is true then they are to blame if you are looking to assign blame for whats going on now.


The truth is you who imagine yourself to be patriotic defenders of democracy have been beguiled by the epitome of a talking serpent into doing the exact opposite of your professed intentions. You had better hope that Jesus doesn't show up and see what you are openly doing.

He might get pissed off by you misrepresenting his name and toss you alive into the lake of fire.

And you might want to include in your speculations that not everyone is as blind gullible and confused by fox new brainwashing methods, as you obviously are, to what is actually happening.
I’m guessing that you dont believe in Jesus as the living Son of the living Creator, no way, no how

Yet you presume to lecture others who do believe on how to act

That sure is ballsy
I’m guessing that you dont believe in Jesus as the living Son of the living Creator, no way, no how

Yet you presume to lecture others who do believe on how to act

That sure is ballsy
He likes to pretend. It's part of his subversion.
No, what’s idiocy is criminalizing marijuana – which hurts many people in the long and short run.
They didn't understand it well enough. They knew it is a mind altering substance. They still don't understand it well enough except that in the long run it does bad things to humans like alcohol abuse and cigarette abuse does.
What kind of heartless idiots allows corporations to add all those poisons to tobacco--the kind who care more about $$$ than human beings.
You must not live in Florida because using it was a very much jailable offense. They have lightened up on that since medical marijuana was approved.
I meant no one should have gone to jail ever for smoking marijuana. They really had little understanding of it. They tried to outlaw alcohol but to many started getting murdered over it so the relegalized it and taxed it.

they say you are wrong.

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