JD Vance is an Authoritarian Loon

Made up that Vance said he'd wouldn't have certified the election results??


"If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there," he continued. "That is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020. I think that's what we should have done."
Fairly indicting.
Too many Trumpers on this board consider what the OP posted a plus. There are plenty of Trumpers on this board who sing the praises of Augusto Pinochet not to mention Putin.
Yep. Turns out that's what they want. Oh, and with some pseudo-theocracy mixed in.

All this talk of "strength" and "freedom" and "independence", and they just wanted a strongman to take care of them.

Who knew. I sure didn't.
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The 19th Explains: What is Project 2025?​

The 19th News
https://19thnews.org › 2024/07 › project-2025-women-...

7 days ago — A 920-page policy blueprint contains the Heritage Foundation's vision for a second Trump administration — with impacts on women, ...

Trump last week tried to distance himself from this vision for his next presidency, writing on his social media site Truth Social, “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it.”

But CNN found that at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration contributed to Project 2025 in some way. And, when Trump spoke at a Heritage Foundation dinner in 2022 as work on Project 2025 was underway, he said, “This is a great group and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do, and what your movement will do, when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.” The Heritage Foundation is a Republican National Convention “partner” and will host a day-long policy conference in Milwaukee this week.

The views of Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Trump’s recently announced pick for vice president, are in line with Heritage’s priorities. Vance has earned a 93 percent lifetime score from Heritage Action for America, the advocacy arm of the Heritage Foundation, during his short tenure in elected politics. The average score for a Republican senator is 61 percent.
That's too bad, because Hillbilly Elegy is a fascinating book.

Too bad he believes in authoritarian statism.

I remember when Republicans used to believe in individual liberty and freedom. Now Republicans believe in using state power to punish their enemies and engineer society just like, well, Marxists and socialists.

In 2008, a software developer in San Francisco named Curtis Yarvin, writing under a pseudonym, proposed a horrific solution for people he deemed “not productive”: “convert them into biodiesel, which can help power the Muni buses.” ...​
Way back in 2012, in a speech on “How to Reboot the US Government,” [Yarvin] said, “If Americans want to change their government, they’re going to have to get over their dictator phobia.” He had also written favorably of slavery and white nationalists in the late 2000s ...​
Since entering politics, Vance has publicly praised—and parroted—Yarvin’s ideas. ...​
Yarvin is the chief thinker behind an obscure but increasingly influential far-right neoreaction, or NRx, movement, that some call the “Dark Enlightenment.” Among other things, it openly promotes dictatorships as superior to democracies and views nations like the United States as outdated software systems. Yarvin seeks to reengineer governments by breaking them up into smaller entities called “patchworks,” which would be controlled by tech corporations.​

You know, Big Tech. Doesn't Trump's base hate Big Tech? Not if they are punishing their enemies through state power!

Citizens would be free to move, but every other realm would also be ruled by corporate governments with chilling impunity. For example, Yarvin says the tech overlords of the San Francisco realm could arbitrarily decide to cut off its citizens’ hands with no fear of legal consequences​

Sounds like the Taliban!

In “Friscorp,” as Yarvin calls the San Francisco realm, an all-seeing Orwellian surveillance system would enforce public safety: “All residents, even temporary visitors, carry an ID card with RFID response. All are genotyped and iris-scanned. Public places and transportation systems track everyone. Security cameras are ubiquitous. Every car knows where it is, and who is sitting in it, and tells the authorities both.”​

It's funny when so-called Tea Party members and "libertarians" support authoritarianism. LOL

The D Party is exactly the same. It’s the way of the uniparty, but somehow many Americans refuse to accept this.
What a mindless thing to say. Pinochet and all like him represent the worst of humanity. Castro was an absolutist as well, and just as inhuman.
He LOVES right wing authoritarians, but really hates left wing authoritarians. Yeah I know, it makes no sense. :uhoh3: :cuckoo: :wtf:

He watches Fox News all day. So, what can be expected?

The 19th Explains: What is Project 2025?

View attachment 982296
The 19th News
https://19thnews.org › 2024/07 › project-2025-women-...
7 days ago — A 920-page policy blueprint contains the Heritage Foundation's vision for a second Trump administration — with impacts on women, ...

Trump last week tried to distance himself from this vision for his next presidency, writing on his social media site Truth Social, “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it.”

But CNN found that at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration contributed to Project 2025 in some way. And, when Trump spoke at a Heritage Foundation dinner in 2022 as work on Project 2025 was underway, he said, “This is a great group and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do, and what your movement will do, when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.” The Heritage Foundation is a Republican National Convention “partner” and will host a day-long policy conference in Milwaukee this week.

The views of Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Trump’s recently announced pick for vice president, are in line with Heritage’s priorities. Vance has earned a 93 percent lifetime score from Heritage Action for America, the advocacy arm of the Heritage Foundation, during his short tenure in elected politics. The average score for a Republican senator is 61 percent.
Smokin' dOPey relies on the wretched MSM and hasn't an original thought ever, and now a smelly sock. How PATHETIC!!! :rolleyes:

Just look at the demented LEFT, all they do is ATTACK and SMEAR their opposition without offering ANY ideas or policies that would actually help the American People.
No, they want to enslave and CONTROL the People; all they offer is deceit and LIES!!!
Smokin' dOPey relies on the wretched MSM and hasn't an original thought ever, and now a smelly sock. How PATHETIC!!! :rolleyes:
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Pathetic is NOT reporting me...............PUSSY.
Just look at the demented LEFT, all they do is ATTACK and SMEAR their opposition without offering ANY ideas or policies that would actually help the American People.
No, they want to enslave and CONTROL the People; all they offer is deceit and LIES!!!
Poor SeaSwab................DELUSIONAL, as ever.

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