Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

I don't see it

Very kind of you

Really? I hope so, but I doubt.

with regards to what exactly? Your slanderous misrepresentation of what I said or what I believe?

When someone speaks to me in the tone you've chosen I will certainly do that


It would be really nice (for the sake of honest discussion)for you to say what insults and accusations I have made towards you. I'm in the dark here.

Sounds good to me too

More personal conjecture in addion to your already slanderous and incorrect remarks about me, not the other way around.

Is the air clear now between us for such a discussion or are you going to continue provoking an unhealty dialogue?

We havn't reached that point yet but I would, yes.
No Sally. I'm done with you. You are clearly a waste of air, and desperate for attention.
Fresh out of attention here. Have a great night. I have to go anyway.
I have seen news reports of the same people protesting the supreme court that were at protests for pals, with swastika posters. Do you really believe they are Republicans?
Is there a reason why you think I might?
Be a better more intelligent poster
More intelligent than what I've shown so far?
or I will simply ridicule and dismiss you.
Ridicule will be too costly for you. I suggest you try the official "ignore" button.
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No Sally.
My name is GLASNOST
I'm done with you.
That's OK. "No skin off my scrotum" Did I quote you properly?
You are clearly a waste of air,
It depends upon which one of us inhales first.
and desperate for attention.
No, I don't see that.
Fresh out of attention here.
Everyone runs out of steam eventually.
Have a great night.
Thank you very much! And to you as well!
I have to go anyway.
See you tomorrow! :hhello:

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