Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

Ya think?


I own being "anti Israel" and I am extremely proud to say that I am, but are you accusing me of being "a Democrat"? Are you accusing me of being "anti Jew"?
I seem to remember you from a few months ago and I have no inclination of your party affiliations. I do remember you being anti Jew as well as anti Israel. It's ok. You just owned it. But many Dems are anti Jew. You can own that too if you wish, but in the post you quoted I was not speaking of you in particular. I was answering your post and pointing out why Harris is skipping the netanyahu speech.
If you took it to mean you, well, sucks to be you.
The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

What if she chooses Jewish Shapiro as her VP? Would that make you feel better?
Have you ever seen a cafe after it was bombed, in person? I have. Fuck off and die. You speak like that, we are truly enemies.
I don't care what you've seen. The fact is that your government is part of the problen.
Funny how you claim that most dems are anti Jew, when Jews are 75 percent Democrat and the Republican Party is the home of serious anti semitic groups.
My friend, it hasn't been Republican protesters out there with swastika posters and flags.
I seem to remember you from a few months ago
I am flattered.
and I have no inclination of your party affiliations.
Then it might not be such a good idea to call me a Democrat out of hand.
I do remember you being anti Jew
Not even possible

as well as anti Israel.
Most definitely
But many Dems are anti Jew.
Many dogs have 4 legs but so do cats
in the post you quoted I was not speaking of you in particular. I was answering your post and pointing out why Harris is skipping the netanyahu speech.
Sounds good so far
If you took it to mean you, well, sucks to be you.
that's an inappropriate and unnecessary personal slander. Is that what's called "projecting" or just an over zealous "taking what I said to mean ....." something else?
The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

I'm starting to wonder how our union hangs together at this point
I am flattered.

Then it might not be such a good idea to call me a Democrat out of hand.

Not even possible

Most definitely

Many dogs have 4 legs but so do cats

Sounds good so far

that's an inappropriate and unnecessary personal slander. Is that what's called "projecting" or just an over zealous "taking what I said to mean ....." something else?
You make your reply difficult to read, but because I'm such a benevolent individual, I will indulge your writing style.
I believe I understand exactly what you mean. If you don't like what I have to say, then go talk to another poster. I am off here soon anyway.
You are welcome to include your own insults, accusations and whining if you wish, no skin off my scrotum. However, I would prefer to talk about why Harris would skip a speech by the leader of one of the allies of the usa, and not your nit-pick critique of how you have taken every sentence personally.
Any idea why she might do that?
Do you agree it is about chasing votes?
My friend, it hasn't been Republican protesters out there with swastika posters and flags.
Are those Democrats pretending to be Nazis or Republicans? It is said that the Botson Tea Party raid was pepetrated by American Indians. They wore Indian clothes. They are also saying that the quickly SHOT TO DEATH would-be murderer of Donald Trump is (was?) a registered Republican. And then, Yizhak Rabin was murdered by ..... wait for it ..... a Jew. My oh my! Truth is so difficult to find!
Are those Democrats pretending to be Nazis or Republicans? It is said that the Botson Tea Party raid was pepetrated by American Indians. They wore Indian clothes. They are also saying that the quickly SHOT TO DEATH would-be murderer of Donald Trump is (was?) a registered Republican. And then, Yizhak Rabin was murdered by ..... wait for it ..... a Jew. My oh my! Truth is so difficult to find!
I have seen news reports of the same people protesting the supreme court that were at protests for pals, with swastika posters. Do you really believe they are Republicans?
Be a better more intelligent poster or I will simply ridicule and dismiss you.
The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

Everyone in the world should give a big FUCK YOU to Netanyahu.

Another asshole who the Israeli's have been trying get out of office for years.

You really stand behind the lowest of the low, Lisa.
You make your reply difficult to read,
I don't see it
but because I'm such a benevolent individual, I will indulge your writing style.
Very kind of you
I believe I understand exactly what you mean
Really? I hope so, but I doubt.
If you don't like what I have to say,
with regards to what exactly? Your slanderous misrepresentation of what I said or what I believe?
then go talk to another poster.
When someone speaks to me in the tone you've chosen I will certainly do that
I am off here soon anyway.
You are welcome to include your own insults, accusations and whining if you wish, no skin off my scrotum.
It would be really nice (for the sake of honest discussion)for you to say what insults and accusations I have made towards you. I'm in the dark here.
However, I would prefer to talk about why Harris would skip a speech by the leader of one of the allies of the usa,
Sounds good to me too
and not your nit-pick critique of how you have taken every sentence personally.
More personal conjecture in addion to your already slanderous and incorrect remarks about me, not the other way around.
Any idea why she might do that?
Is the air clear now between us for such a discussion or are you going to continue provoking an unhealty dialogue?
Do you agree it is about chasing votes?
We havn't reached that point yet but I would, yes.
Everyone in the world should give a big FUCK YOU to Netanyahu.

Another asshole who the Israeli's have been trying get out of office for years.

You really stand behind the lowest of the low, Lisa.
Is that a requirement, that "everyone" do something, anything.
That is definate fascist trait.. but unlike you, I believe you are free to give netanyahu the biggest fuck you you can, while I can salute him if I choose.

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