Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

No, but I met a girl whose sister was deliberately tortured to death in the most savage way possible. These Muslim terrorists are actually worse than the Nazis - at least the Nazis tries to hide it. These savages took videos and bragged about it.
I lost a nephew on Nov 2. Nadive Beyer. He was part of a patrol that crossed the wall into Gaza on Oct 29.
You accused me of an imaginary situation. But...you are the joke. I was there, I was the patrol. You too, are an enemy.
Sorry pal we've seen how Israeli soldiers and Netanyahu treat the Palestinians. LOL you thinking you hold the moral high ground. You know what you are.
You accused me of an imaginary situation. But...you are the joke. I was there, I was the patrol. You too, are an enemy.
Now I am getting you. You are a conservative Jew who is disgusted with the Jews who continue to vote Democrat, despite that the Democrats are siding with Muslims and thereby enabling antisemitism to skyrocket. It’s so bad that the Democrat president of Harvard wasn’t even willing to condemn the calls to genocide the Jews. Absolutely disgusting.
Well granted, no pals around here, so I won't see any. But if I do I will.
There are a lot of HAMAS supporters, though.

And if O’Biden has his way, he’ll be bringing 300,000 Palestinians here. I guess they figure we need more antisemites.

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