Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

This act says more about how Democrats view the Jewish American voting block than anything else. They know that it is as solidly reliable under ANY circumstances, as the black vote. The real question should be, why?

I'm not Jewish but I AM a dedicated Zionist and I think that any US Jew who votes Democrat this year should forever be excluded from making Aliyah, even when the inevitable bloody pogroms come to America. If they will support the weakening of Israel from the safety of the US, imagine what they'd do from within Israel.
Smart move for Harris
Yes, it is. She is exposing her Jew hatred for the 80% of Americans who still support the Jewish state. As for her being married to a Jew, big whoop. He probably hates Israel as much as the 2/3 of American Jewry that vote Democrat. NO ALIYAH for any who still support Democrats...
This act says more about how Democrats view the Jewish American voting block than anything else. They know that it is as solidly reliable under ANY circumstances, as the black vote. The real question should be, why?

I'm not Jewish but I AM a dedicated Zionist and I think that any US Jew who votes Democrat this year should forever be excluded from making Aliyah, even when the inevitable bloody pogroms come to America. If they will support the weakening of Israel from the safety of the US, imagine what they'd do from within Israel.
I agree, although I can’t see a Jewish Democrat choosing to make Aliyah. They have become anti-Israel.

But I understand your point. They are choosing to vote for anti-Israel candidates, but will be among the first in line to seek refuge in Israel when the people they elected to office have allowed antisemitism to become untenable in this country.
Yes, it is. She is exposing her Jew hatred for the 80% of Americans who still support the Jewish state. As for her being married to a Jew, big whoop. He probably hates Israel as much as the 2/3 of American Jewry that vote Democrat. NO ALIYAH for any who still support Democrats...
Yes, and that was my point. She Is happily showing her contempt for Jews by giving a big F-U to the leader of the Jewish state - after Muslim terrorists committed the most barbaric, savage attack against Jews since the Holocaust - because she wants to win over the antisemitic Muslims and is confident that she will have the support of secular Jews regardless.

I will be very interested as to how many Jews will abandon the Democrat.
Oh…..I’m being “catty” about another female because I point out that she gave the middle finger to Netanyahu, for fear of losing Muslim votes?
Lisa everything is not black & white, or more to the point "Pro Jewish people" or "Anti Jewish people".

It would behoove you to understand and accept that there are a lot of people who simply don't care about you and your cause, nor the cause of the Jewish people in America or Israel. There are also people, if not the same people, who simply don't care about the plight of anyone outside of their own group, not because they are bad people, it's just that whatever is going on, just don't impact them or their lives - whether it's people starving in African nations, UN alleged peace keepers, sexually assaulting the people they're supposed to be protecting, or if it's any one of the countries warring against one another in the middle east. THEY JUST DON'T CARE and probably for a good reason - they don't have enough time for everything going on in their own lives to spend time getting involved in other people's messes, irrespective as to whether the victims caused the problems they're suffering or not (I'm specifically referring to the innocent in this instance).

People are not antisemites just because they don't care as much as you do about Israel, the Jewish people outside of America and/or the Jewish people here in America. Or don't care at all, yet every single thing that befalls the Jewish people, big or small, intentional or unintentional, you attribute to antisemitism and not only is that incorrect, but it's wrong for you to do so.

I realize that you're free to proceed you care to, but you could be a force for good instead of what you're currently doing, if you would quit discounting the things that you're told simply because you believe that you and your knowledge is superior to anything anyone who is Black or not Jewish could impart.
I don't think it's just Mohammedists who's vote she is courting. Plenty of the Democrats are anti Jews, not anti Semite, anti Jew. It is sad, but there are. They vote, unless they among the arrested and convicted of a felony in the recent protests and lost their right to vote that is.
The only person lying and feigning ignorance in this scenario is you.

Anyone who knows how to operate the search feature on THIS site can pull up your old comments and conversations in which you claim to have worked in management ("of course") during the years that affirmative action was fully in operation. White women have benefited more than any other demographic - more than men, more than African Americans, more than Hispanic Americas, etc. This FACT is documented in multiple reports created by various government agencies as well as other organizations that have an interest in the metrics that the affirmative action program, or its new alias "DEI", have produced since its inception in 1964.

This information has been shared with you on multiple occasions, most recently, the study done by the National Organization of Women.
Your claim that I got into my managerial position due to DEI is sexist and racist, as if no white woman would attain success on her own. If anyone said that ALL blacks in professional jobs got to where they were due to AA, you’d be screaming racist.

You libs are very good at doing what you accuse your enemies of.
doing. And you are saying the exact thing the poster-who-should not be named has said, almost word for word.

Also, this thread is not about affirmative action. It is about the major snow of disrespect that Harris have shown the Jewish leader of our ally when she is running for president. She is showing us that she will diss Bibi, just like Obama did.
Yeah but what you call antisemitism is oftentimes not actually antisemitism, it's indifference.
Indifference would be someone who never mentions Israel. Those lying about genocide and Zionist Regime are antisemitic, as revealed by their choice of those words.

I would like to be able to go out in public with my Jewish star again. The Dems have enabled the worst Jew-hate since 1939 Germany.
If Trump gets elected, he'll be groveling at the feet of Bibi in order to appease all the whackjobs in his party who he faithfully panders to, just like Ronnie Raygun before him.
No, he’ll be supporting a Bibi and Israel, because he’s knows what’s right.

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