Thanks, Joe.

Joe Biden worked long and hard for our country and deserves many thanks for all he has accomplished throughout his years of service. Unfortunately, he’s just not able to stand up to the rigors of the presidency as he was 4 years ago. We must finally admit 78 is just too old to embark on the strenuous task of being president. I was personally willing to give him another shot at the office, but it’s clear that the country has decided a younger man is called for. We need a person with the strength of character to guide our country in a way that reflects what the USA has always represented. We are a GREAT COUNTRY NOW. We have always been a GREAT COUNTRY NOW. And with the right guidance, we will always be a GREAT COUNTRY NOW.

It’s now clear that 78 was just too old for the great man to embark on the strenuous task of running our country. Even though he is still competently fulfilling the job, he no longer has the stamina our voters demand.

Unfortunately, about a third of the voting public still doesn’t recognize the toll the presidency takes on a 78-year-old man. It’s doubtful that a lesser man than Joe could survive four years of it. A petty man would cause untold damage to the country as his stamina fades, as it inevitably will do for any who begin a presidency at such an advanced age.

Joe Biden, in conjunction with the DNC has decided to make the hard choice of choosing a younger person that will weather the strain of the presidency without the frailty of age as an additional obstruction.

It’s time for the RNC to make the same decision, and not nominate another old person who won’t last four years. Trump's 78 years are just too much. There are massive amounts of reasons why Trump is unsuited for the job. His age is very close to the top of that list.

Where were you months ago?
I'll tell you where, you along with every other Dimocrat were gaslighting Americans, insisting, the cognitive decline they were seeing in Joe was either all in their heads, or videos of him appearing confused and lost, were all manufactured!
V.P. Harris is strong, independent and vibrant woman. ReNaziKlan's are scared shitless. Biden was a known enemy to them, Harris is whole different being. Women were already registering in huge numbers because the Dodd's decision.

Add to the fact that she is a Woman of Color and that will very positive on the race. All I've heard that Ms. Harris wants to do is "take away your plastic straw", like that would be a real thing. She has inherited Biden's War Chest. She is great campaigner. Let the dropping ReNaziKlan's dropping brown logs begin.
The non Trump tards are frightened of her as well because she looks like an ideal way to get Trump elected once again.

Worst candidate in history and the Dems STILL cant find a candidate that is a clear winner. A man who tried to overturn a legal election fraudulently and you STILL cannot find a candidate that is a clear winner.

Even his own wife cant stand him and you STILL... well you get it.
MAGA rat.

Show ONE post where I support Trump. ONE.

You democrat morons are just as delusional as Trumpsters, you just don't have an idiot to represent it atm.
If you post in opposition to the Democratic party, you are the opposition. That's how it works, dumb ass.
If you post in opposition to the Democratic party, you are the opposition. That's how it works, dumb ass.
It is hilarious that you call me a dumb ass because opposition to the democrat party = MAGA rat in your partisan hack mind.

I don't even need to say anything else, your idiocy is on full display without any commentary whatsoever.

Though I cant help point out that I did not even post opposition to the democrat party in this thread, I posted opposition over the candidate they chose. You are hilariously moronic.
For preventing the orange menace from imposing 8 consecutive years of chaos, deceit, and buffoonery on us. For coordinating a national, federally run distribution of the COVID vaccine after your predecessor spent the final months of his presidency golfing and plotting an insurrection. For putting the country back on track with historic legislation designed to combat climate change. For the impressive legislative record amassed during your 4 years.

For your decency and compassion towards your fellow man after four years of hateful, vitriolic spew. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

For restoring integrity to the office. For not getting in the Fed's way as it tried to combat the global, post COVID inflationary spiral we encountered. For allowing the chips to fall where they may regarding your son's prosecution.

Mistakes were made as they are during every presidency. But no one who takes a fair account of your term can question you were all in for America. Its success was always your first priority, not a distant second.
We wish you well during the next few months and in retirement. You've earned a rest.

Thnx Joe for outing the Dems and MSM on how they lied for you.....said you were sharp as a tack, but you couldn't put 2 sentences together.

Yes Joe, you have SAVED this country by unwittingly showing how your party, and the MSM is.

Your party at first threw 1/2 of America under the bus, then turned around and threw the other 1/2 of American voters under the bus because they insisted you could not win. So much for Democracy from the Demfascists.

Your party has done to you what Xi did to the 2nd in command of the Chinese, Communist, Party. He has NEVER been seen again since Xi had him escorted off the floor in front of the delegates. Is that going to happen to you Joe?

Nah, they know you are old, and will soon leave the stage no matter what, but the similarities are a chilling reminder of the party you were head of, had zero control over, and how they actually controlled YOU! You and Silly Jilly along with HUNTY should all be ashamed of yourselves. That Harpy of a wife of yours better hope she dies 1st, because if you do, history will out her while she is still alive as the HARPY she really is!
No. I want to expound upon it though so I will likely create a thread for it. I hope you join because I am interested in how the non partisans see this election. Many of my normal political actions are going to be challenged this cycle because of a few concrete facts and the level of delusion we see on display.
Joe Biden, well known for molesting his son and his daughter. That is your ONLY accomplishment, in your mind Joe. You see how screwed up both your kids turned out????????

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