Cheadle in the hot seat

The Representatives on both sides have done an excellent job and asked incisive questions

Mace was a joke
Her Yes or No demands were a childish tactic
Her profane reply’s were unprofessional
I think if we overlook the profanity mace did ok

I think today was the last time Chreatle will appear as the SS director

She has to go
She has had nine days to come up with a credible response to….
Why wasn’t that roof guarded?

Instead, she comes back with
I will let you know once the report is finished
We know about reports from the corrupted. They are in the huge warehouse where the Ark of the Covenant is from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Which is an insult to the Ark.
How about "Madame director, have you visited the site in the nine days since it happened?"
Thats an excellent question

Or “or why did your patron Jill Biden get better protection at a casino indoors with 400 guests than trump got outdoors with thousands of attendees?”
Thats an excellent question

Or “or why did your patron Jill Biden get better protection at a casino indoors with 400 guests than trump got outdoors with thousands of attendees?”
I am missing why any of these questions, and other questions are "retarded".
Maybe someone doesn't want an investigation and get to the bottom of what happened.
I am missing why any of these questions, and other questions are "retarded".
Maybe someone doesn't want an investigation and get to the bottom of what happened.
All the questions are good ones

The libs here support DEI when they can get it and stonewalling when it blows up in their face

So, “did your 30% diversity goal contribute to the failure to protect trump?”
All the questions are good ones

The libs here support DEI when they can get it and stonewalling when it blows up in their face

So, “did your 30% diversity goal contribute to the failure to protect trump?”

Dems are trying to divert discussion to AR 15s
Republicans are trying to divert to DEI

It all comes down to a failure to secure the site
All she did is further the distrust in our government and the Conspiracy Theories with her lack of transparency.

How she still has a job is stunning.
The first thing that alarmed me about this entire thing (well, the second, after the attempted assassination itself) is that she blamed the lack of secret service on the roof on it being too sloped and dangerous for them. So, using your body to surround a protectee who is being shot at is NOT too dangerous, put going on a roof a five-year-old could navigate is?

Either she 1) is simply a typical government employee, promoted to a level she was incapable of because…..diversity!!…and used to getting away with failures with weak excuses and lies, or 2) she’s hiding something. Listening to her stonewalling today, it seems the latter.

We cannot afford Democrats in office when they have shown they will sink to anything to destroy their political rival. Now I’m afraid they found anything empty bobble head in Harris, who will be delighted to carry out the diversity priorities and lower the caliber of our country further….including out defense forces.

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